Action Mental Health on the 10th of September join the annual World Suicide Prevention Day campaign.
This year focuses on the message of ‘Creating Hope Through Action’.
In Northern Ireland, too many lives are lost to suicide each year.
The aim of World Suicide Prevention Day is to raise awareness that suicide is preventable, improve education and spread information about suicide awareness.
Action Mental Health plays an active role in helping to deliver the Protect Life 2 strategy for reducing suicides and the incidence of self-harm.
Our AMH MensSana team, alongside our partners at PIPS Newry & Mourne, deliver the Your Protect Life Resource Service in the Southern Area and are here to help you regarding suicide and self-harm prevention and mental health promotion.
We provide an outreach community development service with a particular focus on promoting positive mental health and the prevention of suicide and self-harm through community development approaches.
AMH also facilitate a range of training programmes to increase knowledge and skills in relation to mental health promotion and the prevention of suicide and self-harm.
Some of the programs delivered include ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), Mental Health First Aid Training and safeTALK (suicide alertness for everyone).
AMH New Life Counselling offers counselling services in our North, West and East Belfast premises as well as through outreach locations in other parts of Northern Ireland.
The team also helps to deliver key parts of the Protect Life 2 strategy and offers support to families and communities (including sporting, youth, and community clubs) affected by suicide in the South Eastern and Belfast Trust areas. We recognise that the grief process is both collective and individual, therefore the support we offer varies in response to individual needs and is tailor made to suit every pin need of support.
There is hope and support available.
If you or someone you know is in crisis or distress – please reach out for help.
You can call Lifeline: 0808 808 8000 24/7. You can also find details on a range of support organisations on