Tag Archives: elephant in the room


‘Taking the Elephant out of the Room’

Mental illness remains the ‘elephant in the room’, whether at home, work or school. It’s an issue that we are aware of but choose to avoid talking about. Here at Action Mental Health we want to take the elephant out the room, encouraging people to discuss their mental health, this Christmas.

Today is #GivingTuesday – a global campaign to encourage giving on the second Tuesday in December. But you don’t have to give money, you could give your time, your goodwill, or you could give us a tweet…

Today we launch our anti-stigma campaign with our very own AMH elephant touring iconic places in Belfast to raise awareness and get people talking.


When you share our elephant using the hashtag #ElephantInTheRoom you will show you care about the wellness of others and demonstrate that you are a safe place to talk about mental illness without fear of being judged.

Our elephant also needs a name! Tweet us your suggestions to @amhNI and we will pick a winner.

If you would like to donate your money as well as your time this #GivingTuesday you can do so securely online at www.justgiving.com/actionmentalhealth

Or Text: MIND17 and the amount to 70070 i.e. MIND17 £1 to 70070