Tag Archives: Action Mental Health

Book week

Celebrating the power of reading with Book Week NI 2024

Adam Smyth, Director at BBC NI.

This week marks the ninth year of Book Week NI – a joint initiative between Libraries NI (a charity partner for Action Mental Health throughout 2024-2027) and BBC Northern Ireland.

Running from October 21-27, Book Week NI is all about encouraging people to enjoy a good book and to highlight the importance of reading. Action Mental Health was delighted to attend the official launch of Book Week NI 2024 at BBC Blackstaff House in Belfast recently.

Speaking at the launch, Adam Smyth, Director at BBC NI, said: “Book Week is a celebration of books, reading and the role that libraries play in community life. It’s something everybody can be involved in.”

He added that it gave people a “reason to reconnect with libraries” and highlighted the huge benefit to society that reading brings – something which “was needed more than ever.”

Chairperson of Libraries NI, Bonnie Anley, said that Book Week was a great opportunity to encourage people to get reading and to enjoy all the benefits and fun which came with that.

Book Week 2024 runs from October 21-27, with various events taking place, including ‘Love Your Library Day’ on October 23. We’ll also be posting a blog on our website with some of our own book recommendations this week, along with an interview with a local clinical psychologist who has just published his first book, so keep an eye out for those!

To find out more about the mental health benefits of reading, check out our blog here: https://www.amh.org.uk/how-reading-and-writing-can-improve-wellbeing/

Find out more about Book Week at: bbc.co.uk/bookweekni

Jonny Smyth from Action Mental Health with author and creative writing tutor, Anthony Quinn.
Claire Savage from Action Mental Health with Sian Cairns (centre), Senior Services Manager at Libraries NI and Eileen McVerry, Heritage Senior Services Manager at Libraries NI.

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Conference highlights mental health issues in animal welfare sector

Working collaboratively across sectors is the key to creating safer, more compassionate communities for everyone, with benefits including improved mental and physical health in both humans and animals, according to experts in animal welfare, psychology, veterinary science and law.

Representatives from organisations including Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, Dogs Trust and animal welfare charity Naturewatch Foundation, joined vets, researchers and a leading psychologist at Stormont on October 2 for Northern Ireland’s second annual animal welfare conference. Organised by Causeway Coast Dog Rescue (CCDR), the conference took collaboration as its theme and was entitled ‘What does collaboration look like to improve companion animal welfare?’ The event audience, meanwhile, included attendees from the PSNI, along with MLAs, various animal welfare organisations, Action Mental Health and the media.

Claire Sugden MLA addressing the conference.

Welcoming everyone to the event, host Claire Sugden MLA, highlighted the links between animal abuse and human violence and said, “The system can’t function if there’s no collaboration.” She added that it was important that anyone who reported an animal welfare issue was then updated about that, as a lack of communication with the public after reporting a welfare concern was a key issue in Northern Ireland.

“This erodes trust in the system and creates a hesitancy to report in the future,” she said, adding that there was also a need “to support both animals and their owners during tough times – for example, with mental health providers and social workers.”

“The emotional toll of working in this sector is huge,” she said. “People working on the frontline of animal welfare are at risk of burnout, trauma and fatigue from witnessing animal abuse. We must also care for the mental health of those dedicating their lives to animal care.”

Recognising trauma in animal welfare workers

Dr Tara Quinn-Cirillo from the Human Animal Welfare Alliance.

Protecting the mental health of those working within the animal welfare sector was something echoed by psychologist and author, Dr Tara Quinn-Cirillo, who has set up the Human Animal Welfare Alliance (HAWA) to help address this issue. Currently working on developing the UK’s first Emotional Health Toolkit for animal welfare workers, this digital tool will include resources “to help staff manage their emotional health.” The initiative also includes monthly emotional health check-in sessions where staff can speak in a safe space, along with targeted mental health training on vicarious trauma, stress, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout. Meanwhile, staff who need to discuss a particularly traumatic event can also arrange a one-to-one debrief session on the phone.

Discussing her ongoing research into the mental health issues experienced by animal welfare workers, Dr Quinn-Cirillo said that, while trauma was often present, employees didn’t always identify it as such.

“Quite often, there are different factors, where people don’t recognise that they’re going through trauma,” she said. “Trauma shows up so differently and can mimic things like anxiety and depression. Stress, overwhelm and burnout are trending words… but people aren’t being supported to recognise trauma, or they don’t realise you can get trauma from this sort of situation. It’s important to identify trauma because the way I work with that, as a psychologist, is very different from how I work with stress.”

She added that complex trauma was also an issue within the animal welfare sector, where events in people’s personal lives overlapped with those of their working lives to create a more multifaceted type of trauma. Meanwhile, vicarious trauma was another type of trauma experienced by some employees.

“Vicarious trauma is where you’re absorbing other people’s trauma,” said Dr Quinn-Cirillo. “That’s a really massive issue in animal welfare too – as is grief. People often don’t realise that grief isn’t just about loss through death. It’s about the grief that accompanies dealing with animals being handed in to shelters in distressing circumstances and the animals who are then later rehomed – there can be grief around that loss as well, which quite often isn’t acknowledged.”

Psychologist, Dr Tara Quinn-Cirillo, pictured with Claire Savage from Action Mental Health and Christine Alexandra from Mid Antrim Animal Sanctuary.

Dr Quinn-Cirillo is now beginning to work with animal charities across the UK, providing free online Monthly Emotional Health Sessions as part of the HAWA. Speaking to Action Mental Health after the conference, she said that anyone in Northern Ireland working in animal shelters could access this support and that she was in the process of recruiting more psychologist volunteers onto the project to help deliver it. Her long-term goal, she added, was to create bespoke toolkits for individual rescue organisations, to help address the specific issues they faced, alongside the more general mental issues experienced within the sector as a whole.

“What I really want to do in the long-term is to come up with a model of mental health support they can implement themselves, as each rescue might have slightly different needs,” she said. “The Human Animal Welfare Alliance isn’t a tick box project. We have a survey on the website that animal shelter workers can fill in and let me know what they’re feeling. The Monthly Emotional Support Sessions then give them a space to be heard – as do the telephone debriefs for key incidents. It’s not therapy or counselling, just straightforward debriefing, which is so important.”

Links between animal and human abuse

Also speaking at the conference was Animal and Human Nurse, Helen Ballantyne, who discussed One Health and what that means in terms of collaborative working. “The human-animal bond needs reframing,” she said. “There’s a lack of understanding about how animal welfare links to human welfare.”

Referencing the Independent Investigation of the National Health Service in England (September 2024), she said the evidence showed the nation’s health was deteriorating and that “our companion animals are a barometer for our own public health.” Dr Paula Boyland, BVetMed MRCVS Chair of The Links Group and Veterinary Director of Dogs Trust, also discussed the crisis link between animals and people and gave an example of a domestic abuse incident involving first a pet dog and later, a baby. On both occasions the reason given for injuries sustained was that they fell down the stairs – first the dog and, on the next occasion, the child. Dr Boyland said this was a case where the animal abuse had clearly preceded the human abuse, adding that, “this link between abuse of animals and abuse of humans is being more recognised.”

Mark Randell, Naturewatch; Dr Paula Boyden The Links Group and Dogs Trust; Helen Ballantyne, One Health.

Indeed, research conducted by the Links Group in 2021 found that nine out of ten domestic abusers also targeted pets. Dr Boyland further outlined how domestic abusers also sometimes gave pets to their partners as presents, letting them bond before exhibiting coercive control over the other person. She added that, not only did any emotional and physical abuse inflicted impact upon the person targeted, but it also adversely affected the pet. Indeed, a real-life video clip played at the conference clearly showed how distressed a dog became when witnessing its owner being physically hurt.

“Domestic abuse has a massive impact on the dogs as well,” she said. “Specific pet foster services can help. There’s a huge need for pet fostering services in Northern Ireland, so we’re hoping we can get a service here.”

She added that pets could also be a barrier to someone leaving a domestic abuse situation, as they wouldn’t leave their animals at the mercy of the abuser, something also highlighted in a Belfast Women’s Aid article in 2017. The article stated: Many women will simply not want to leave their pets in a volatile and dangerous home and at the hands of an abuser who will utilise every means possible to establish and maintain power and control over his victim. He is not afraid to harm. Unfortunately in Northern Ireland, Women’s refuges do not have the means or facilities to temporarily home these pets.”

Reiterating the overall theme of the conference, Dr Boyland said that collaboration with animal and human welfare groups was therefore key, along with vet training for the entire protection team involved in such incidents. Meanwhile, providing mental health support for those involved in such work was also a crucial element of this.

Former senior police detective and current campaign manager for Naturewatch Foundation, Mark Randall, addressed the conference in a similar vein. He said that taking crimes against animals seriously would ultimately protect people too – both physically and mentally. Indeed a key part of his work now revolves around training police and others on recognising the importance of animal welfare and abuse within relationships, family units and communities.

“When you see that red flag, you need to do something about it,” he said. “Protecting animals isn’t ‘extra work.’ It helps keep relationships and communities safer, reduces abuse and violence towards people… issues that are always public protection priorities.”

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Tara Cunningham from Causeway Coast Dog Rescue.

Tara Cunningham, manager and lobbyist at Causeway Coast Dog Rescue (CCDR) said the charity’s objective with the conference had been to be “positive and productive.”

“CCDR is like many charities in Northern Ireland, we rescue and rehome unwanted dogs, to ensure they have a second chance with a caring and loving family, free from abuse and neglect,” she said

“We look at animal welfare from a different perspective than any other charity, which is through legislation and governance, identifying the gaps and implications on the services being delivered. We look to ensure that there is accountability and transparency included by the three government service providers responsible.”

She added that they were “calling for the ministers of DAERA to support the movement and oversight of legislation and enforcement” in Northern Ireland and for councils to “fulfil their legislative remit.” Only in this way could the ongoing animal welfare crisis – which impacted upon both animal and human physical and mental health – be addressed. Ultimately, collaboration between organisations was key.

mental health

Lurgan skills coach wins Action Mental Health’s ICE Award

A skills coach from Action Mental Health’s Southern Region Service in Tannaghmore, Lurgan, has been presented with our bi-annual Chairman’s ICE Award in recognition of his dedication and the work he does in creating extra opportunities for clients.

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Action Mental Health CEO, David Babington, presenting skills coach, Marc McCann, with his ICE Award.

Marc McCann, who joined Action Mental Health 12 years ago, delivers personal development training for clients. He said he was very surprised, but delighted, to win the award.

“I accept it on behalf of all of my colleagues in Portadown and Tannaghmore, who work tirelessly every day to provide a vital service for our clients,” he said. “It is a real team effort. Colin has inspired me and the whole team to be creative and passionate about our work, with the focus always on the support and recovery of each individual.”

Launched back in 2016, the Chairman’s ICE Award is presented twice a year in recognition of individuals’ contributions to innovation, creativity and excellence within Action Mental Health. Along with a commemorative trophy, the winner also receives an extra day of annual leave.

CEO of Action Mental Health, David Babington, said: “Many congratulations to Marc! His nomination highlighted that he ‘has worked in a very focused and dedicated manner for the betterment of our clients, broadening the reach and quality of service provision.’ 

“As part of the nomination submission, the comments also described Marc as ‘a great champion of attending clients’ and said he is someone who ‘relishes the challenge of empowering people to ‘reach for the stars’ and unlock their potential that is conducive to individual recovery.’ We think Marc is a very deserving winner of the ICE Award and I hope he enjoys that extra day off work!” 

In addition to the Open College Network NI (OCC NI) accredited training that Marc delivers to clients, he also seeks out numerous other opportunities for them to engage in. These include everything from reflective writing and mindfulness sessions to physical exercise opportunities.

“One example of this would be the links established with Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Council (ABC Council) in South Lake Leisure Centre, where I support up to eight clients in using the gym each Tuesday morning,” he said. “This has been running for 12 months now. Also, I recently mentored and nominated a learner for the OCC NI Learning Endeavour Awards. Christine went on to win both her own category and the overall Hilary Sloan Award. This was a fantastic achievement for her and I was delighted to play a small part in that.

“My accredited sessions are very conversational in nature and I pride myself on creating a ‘safe space’ for people to share their feelings and emotions in a friendly and supportive environment.”


Menopause, mental health and the workplace

With October marking Menopause Awareness Month, there’s no better time to get talking about the perimenopause and menopause.

For the third of our menopause-related blogs this month, we’ve subsequently spoken to Siobhan Kearney, founder and CEO of Menopause NI, an organisation which raises awareness of the menopause and delivers training to workplaces, communities and the statutory sector. Established in 2020, Menopause NI draws on evidence-based research for all of its workshops – currently delivered by Siobhan – with clinical insight and support provided by Dr Gwyneth Hinds.

Siobhan Kearney of Menopause NI.

Having spent more than 25 years working in senior leadership roles across the community and voluntary sector in Northern Ireland, Siobhan was a CEO within the mental health sector when her own experience with the menopause began. As is the case with many, however, when she began feeling low, anxious and overwhelmed in a job she had hitherto been managing just fine, the menopause didn’t even cross her mind.

While there are a variety of both physical and mental health symptoms associated with the perimenopause (which occurs in the lead-up to menopause itself), Siobhan said that the mental health symptoms could be particularly hard to identify and understand. Indeed, along with other menopause symptoms, they can often cause people to reduce their working hours and even leave their jobs altogether. 

“When I’m doing presentations to workplaces it seems that the common physical health symptoms of menopause are easier to talk about,” she said. “When it comes to the mental health impact, however, I don’t think people fully understand this. The menopause is also still really stigmatised. It can still be very difficult for people to talk about it, let alone talk about the mental health side of things alongside that.”

Although Menopause NI is now helping to increase awareness and understanding of the perimenopause and menopause, when Siobhan started her own menopause journey, she didn’t understand what was happening to her. “That’s why I do what I do now, at Menopause NI,” she said. “I thought to myself, ‘Here I am, a chief executive and I’m feeling anxious with hot flushes and palpitations’. I didn’t know it was the perimenopause. When I began to understand, however, I then thought – why did I not know this? It actually contributed to me leaving that job.”

Impact of menopausal mental health on careers  

Research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2023) found that, in a survey of 2,000 employed women aged 40-60, more than half said they had been “unable to go into work at some point due to menopause symptoms.”

They further found that two-thirds of the women (67%) reported their most common menopause symptoms as being “psychological, such as mood disturbances, anxiety, depression, memory loss, panic attacks, loss of confidence and reduced concentration.” Meanwhile, approximately one in six people (17%) had considered leaving their job “due to a lack of support in relation to their menopause symptoms,” with a further 6% having actually left work.

“It’s important to get the recognition that perimenopause can have a real impact on your mental health and wellbeing,” said Siobhan. “Things like anxiety, loss of confidence, low mood, depression, feeling overwhelmed, having difficulty making decisions… For myself, I remember thinking – where did the real Siobhan go?”

She added that depression associated with menopause was hormone-related but that many were still being prescribed anti-depressants by their GPs, instead of being offered HRT. Indeed, the NICE Guidelines state that there is no clear evidence that anti-depressants such as SSRIs or SNRIs ease low mood in menopausal people who have not been diagnosed with depression.

Meanwhile, for those who may have pre-existing mental health issues, Siobhan added that it was important to discuss this with GPs, so extra steps could be taken. Having GPs who were attentive to the perimenopause was key, she said, in supporting those navigating this transitional period of their lives.

“Menopause happens at a very very busy stage in our lives,” she said. “So, maybe you’re not thinking about the menopause at all. Perimenopause can last anywhere for up to ten years, however. So, when you think about experiencing these mental health symptoms for up to ten years, perimenopause can be the most challenging time for women.”

Reflecting on her own menopause experience, Siobhan said that, once she began to understand what was happening to her, she was able to take back control and better manage her symptoms. She did this through a combination of lifestyle changes and HRT, working on herself in terms of reassessing her diet and exercise. She added that, while HRT was “very helpful” for her own symptoms, the menopause was a “very individual journey for every woman” and that each person should find what worked for them.

“The good news is that symptoms tend to diminish over time,” she said. “A lot of people who are post-menopausal say things have got back to a new normal. For me, I’m a different version of myself now. I’m a stronger person – and more confident. I no longer care what people think about me.”

Realising that there was an obvious deficit when it came to awareness about the menopause and how to handle it, Siobhan decided that someone needed to do something about that.

“That’s why I started to develop menopause awareness programmes and workshops and looking at clinical governance,” she said. “My main programme was 12 hours, so then it was all about tweaking that for workplaces. I knew it needed an identity of its own.”

Tackling menopause in the workplace

Keen to create a culture in workplaces shaped around understanding menopause and supporting staff who are menopausal, Siobhan said that being able to have conversations at work about these issues was key – and “so empowering.”

To have an understanding manager on the other side of those conversations is so important,” she said. “It’s all about having that balance. The statistics support the fact that the mental health symptoms of menopause are some of the most common symptoms reported by women and yet, they’re the most difficult to talk about. 

“When I speak to companies, a lot of them want me to speak to their management team first and also, to consider what legislation is in place to protect staff experiencing menopausal symptoms. When speaking with the staff, however, that requires a more proactive approach, looking at how to build up the confidence to have that conversation and to look after yourself.”

With the feedback from women who have attended Siobhan’s workshops overwhelmingly positive, there is now an increasing demand for these. She added that many men attended them as well, talking about their wives or partners and how they had changed due to a loss of confidence or anxiousness resulting from menopause.

Siobhan also shares her own menopause experience at the events, using humour to help ease people into the conversation.

“I’m doing all this for the generation coming behind me,” she said. “We need to talk about the menopause with confidence and competence and understanding. That’s a legacy I would like to leave – that women are confident about the menopause. It’s not embarrassing. There’s no shame attached. We need to educate about it and provide access to good information.”


mental health

Action Mental Health’s relocated Foyle service officially opened by Mayor

Action Mental Health’s Foyle service enjoyed its official opening on World Mental Health Day (October 10), when iconic buildings across the city of Derry~Londonderry also lit up in purple in support of mental health awareness.  

Having provided mental health services in the Foyle region for more than 30 years, Action Mental Health recently relocated from Springtown Industrial Estate to its new Pump Street location in the city centre. The Mayor of Derry City & Strabane District Council, Cllr Lilian Seenoi Barr SDLP, subsequently cut the ribbon to mark the official opening of the new premises.

The launch event was attended by a range of guests from across the voluntary and statutory sectors, along with Action Mental Health clients, the charity’s CEO, David Babington and Action Mental Health chair, Damian McAuley. Western Trust Assistant Director, Colleen Harkin, was also in attendance.

Action Mental Health’s Foyle Service Manager, Pauline Flanagan, said the day was a great success and incredibly well supported by the local community.

“It went very very well,” she said. “We’re now in the heart of the city, beside the Garden of Reflection. We’re surrounded by local businesses and lots of voluntary sector organisations as well, which is wonderful as it creates lots of opportunities for our clients and also allows us to build better networks.

“The new Pump Street premises are so accessible as well. We’re very close to the bus depot and the train, so are within walking distance now for a lot of our clients.”

Mayor of Derry City & Strabane District Council, Cllr Lilian Seenoi Barr SDLP said: “I was honoured to attend the official opening of Action Mental Health’s state-of-the art new premises at Pump Street.

“Action Mental Health plays a key role in community life by actively promoting mental health and wellbeing in our city and district. This new facility will help them to deliver their wide range of key services from the heart of the city and ensure they can make a positive impact on the lives of anyone in our council area who needs their support.”

(L-R) Western Trust Assistant Director Colleen Harkin, Action Mental Health Foyle Service Manager Pauline Flanagan, Mayor of Derry & Strabane District Council, Cllr Lilian Seenoi Barr and Action Mental Health CEO, David Babington.

Action Mental Health CEO, David Babington, added: “The opening of the Foyle service in its new premises in the city is the start of a new chapter for client support in the area, which Action Mental Health has been doing for over 30 years. We’re very aware that communities really need help with their mental health and wellbeing and this move will ensure that support continues and is even more accessible.”

Foyle art trail raising awareness of mental health support

Already making the most of their new and improved city centre location, the Foyle service team also organised an interactive Art Trail in collaboration with almost 30 local businesses.

The trail ran from Monday, October 7 until Sunday, October 13 and was located in the city’s Cathedral Quarter area, displaying various artwork from clients which depicted their lived experiences of mental ill-health.

The trail linked in with this year’s World Mental Health Day theme of prioritising mental health in the workplace, with Action Mental Health also using the initiative to raise awareness of the range of mental health support available in the local area. The artwork was subsequently displayed in the windows of the participating businesses and organisations and featured QR codes which, when scanned, signposted people to local mental health service providers.

“As we’re now based in the Cathedral Quarter we decided to use this area for the Art Trail, to highlight what it’s like to have a diagnosis of mental ill-health,” said Pauline.

“Some of the designs also had information on the additional mental health supports available to people. It’s not just about Action Mental Health, but showing other support services as well, for example, the Western Trust and private voluntary sector organisations. We wanted to raise awareness of all the local support services and would like to extend our thanks to everyone who took part in the trail.”

Businesses and organisations which participated in Action Mental Health’s Art Trail included:

Newgate Arts Centre, Hidden City Café, Northwest Volunteer Centre, Ferry Clever, Foyle Women’s Centre, the office of Sinn Fein MLA Padraig Delargy, Barnardos, The Sandwich Co., Oxfam, Salmueria Café, Forsight, Joe Jacksons, Yum Cakes, Cancer Research, Java, Claude’s, Vine Living, Number 19 Craft & Design, The Sacred Tree, Walled City Crafters, Foyle Books, Derry City Tourist Office, The Void Gallery.

Iconic buildings go purple for World Mental Health Day

Ulster University’s Magee Campus lit up in purple for World Mental Health Day on October 10.

As well as the official opening of the Foyle service and the interactive Art Trail, Action Mental Health also celebrated the launch of our new “I AM SOMEONE” campaign on World Mental Health Day. Backed by Action Mental Health ambassador and Olympic Gold Medallist Rhys McClenaghan, as well as actor James Nesbitt, “I AM SOMEONE” aims to raise awareness of mental health and to fundraise for the services we provide.

Iconic buildings in both Belfast and Foyle were subsequently lit up in purple to highlight the campaign, with Stormont, Derry Playhouse, Ulster University’s Magee Campus and the City of Derry Airport all going purple for mental health.

Derry Playhouse lit up in purple for World Mental Health Day.
City of Derry Airport marking World Mental Health Day by lighting up in purple.

To find out more about our “I AM SOMEONE” campaign and/or donate, visit www.amh.org.uk/iamsomeone

Random Acts of Kindness in Lisburn

Action Mental Health is taking to the streets of Lisburn during September to raise awareness of the mental health services available at our Railway Street location and across the city – as well as helping to spread some positivity.

Our ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ initiative will see a variety of Action Mental Health pop-up stalls appear in the city centre over the next few weeks, where Lisburn residents can collect special tokens. These can then be redeemed for a free hot or cold drink at participating coffee shops throughout September.

“At Action Mental Health we believe that small acts of kindness can help make a big difference in people’s lives,” says Lisburn Service Manager, Ruth Green.

“Our goal with this campaign is to not only raise awareness about our services in Lisburn, but also to encourage people to take a moment to care for their personal wellbeing – whether that’s enjoying a quiet cup of coffee or connecting with loved ones. We invite anyone who’s passing by to stop at the stalls, pick up a token and say hello.”

Where to find our pop-up stalls

Look out for Action Mental Health’s Fundraising and Engagement Officer, Iain, at the following Lisburn locations in September to find out more about Action Mental Health’s services and to collect your free Random Acts of Kindness token:

  • PureGym Lisburn: September 16
  • Bow Street Mall: September 21
  • EUROSPAR, Laganvalley: September 27

You can trade in the tokens at the following Lisburn coffee shops:

  • Glasshouse Coffee
  • Percival Coffee
  • Sonas Lisburn

Action Mental Health provides a range of services throughout Lisburn, including training programmes which help to boost self-esteem and confidence, as well as building new skills and supporting people to gain qualifications which improve their career options.

Find the Lisburn service at:

21C Railway Street, Lisburn. BT28 1XG

Tel: 07813 838 265

Action Mental Health Festive Splash 2023

Our amazing fundraisers dared to dip for mental health on Sunday 3 December!

We were delighted to return to to Crawfordsburn Country Park for Action Mental Health’s Festive Splash, uniting with friends from all over Northern Ireland to raise vital funds for our mental health services.

Together, our brave splashers have already raised over £9,000 with more still coming in. This money will have a direct impact on local people experiencing mental health challenges this Christmas and beyond.

So, we want to say an enormous THANK YOU to you – fundraisers, volunteers, supporters. You truly have made an incredible difference.

Enjoy some of these moments captured by our team on the day!

Dealing with exam results stress

The stress levels of school children and students start to rise as they approach exam results days, often with fear and trepidation. Action Mental Health is offering young people and families support and tips on getting prepared and learning to recognise and deal with exam results stress.

It is normal to feel a bit worried about exam results, especially if you’re under pressure from school or family. It can cause you to feel anxious or depressed, and this might affect your sleeping or eating habits. 

If you recognise any of these feelings or are worried that exam results pressure is taking over your life, you are not alone, and there are things you and those around you can do to help.

In this article, we highlight some useful tips to help you overcome the feelings you may have about your exam results.

Symptoms of excessive stress include:

  • Physical effects such as headaches, dizziness and stomach upset.
  • Being preoccupied with thoughts of exams and feeling unable to relax.
  • Becoming withdrawn from friends, family and hobbies.
  • Constant tiredness due to problems sleeping.
  • Loss of appetite or over-eating.
  • Seeing only the negative side of things.
  • Becoming more aggressive and short-tempered with those around you.
  • Feeling so low and desperate that you are considering stopping school, running away or harming yourself.

If you can relate to any of these feelings, it is important to seek support.  There are a number of services which AMH MensSana can sign-post you to that offer help and advice or you may find support from friends, family or someone at school – it doesn’t matter who, but it is important to speak to someone.

For young people

Check out our list of tips and techniques to help you deal with results day stress. Different things work for everyone so try some out and choose the ones that work best for you.

1. Talk to people around you

Try not to bottle up your feelings. Mental health issues aren’t uncommon among students, so you’ll likely know others who are struggling. Your parents or older relatives may have also felt the same sort of emotions waiting for their results. Sometimes just talking about your anxieties out loud can help ease the burden. 

2. Plan for the best and worst outcomes

Exams don’t always go to plan, and you might not get the grades you need. Make sure you’ve researched what to do on results day but don’t dwell on the worst-case scenario. Think of a way to celebrate with friends and family if you do get the results you need. Even if your grades aren’t great, you still deserve to do something nice.

3. Maintain a normal routine

Try not to let waiting for your exams take over your summer. Keep yourself as busy as possible to distract yourself from results day stress. If you have hobbies, keep up with them and try to stick with any plans you’ve made, such as holidays and spending time with friends.

4. Have someone with you when you get your results

Have someone with you on the day to offer reassurance, talk through options if your results aren’t what you wanted, and hopefully celebrate your success. This could be a parent, guardian, sibling, friend, or even a teacher.

5. Don’t feel like you have to open your results with friends or share what you got

There can be a lot of peer pressure to open results at the same time and share what you got with everyone, but you don’t have to. You can collect your results and open them at home to avoid this scenario. Many schools and colleges will also publish results online or offer a text results service.

6. Don’t compete or compare your results with others

A common feature of results day is students sharing their results on social media and this can lead to comparing your results unfavourably. It may help to avoid social media completely for a few days.

Remember to judge your success by your own standards. If you know you worked hard for your grades, but your friend got higher ones, that doesn’t make your achievement any less impressive.

Supporting someone experiencing exam results stress

Young people will find stress much easier to deal with if they receive support from those around them.  As a parent/guardian you can help and support a young person by:

  • Taking an interest in their study by offering encouragement and support – try not to criticise or place added pressure on them.
  • Praising and encouraging their efforts and achievements can be motivating and demonstrates your support for them.
  • Try to keep things in perspective and encourage them to do the same – remember that exam results are not the only indicator of a young person’s capabilities.

Taking exams and getting your exam results can be a worrying time.  It can seem like your future depends on what you get.  Receiving disappointing results can feel like the end of the world, but it is important to remember that people’s strengths and weaknesses lie in different areas and not everyone performs at their best under exam conditions.

The results you receive do not have to define what you do or who you are in the future.