Supporting people with disabilities and health conditions in Northern Ireland and helping them get back into employment.

AMH is one of seven partners within the SES – Supported Employment Solutions consortium.  SES is contracted to deliver the Department for Communities Workable (NI) Programme across Northern Ireland and has brought together disability organisations to provide specialist employment supports to people with a range of disabilities and health conditions.

The SES partners include AMH and Cedar (Lead Partners), Mencap, Orchardville, NOW, RNIB and AdaptNI.



Workable (NI) Employee Leaflet

Workable (NI) Employer’s Guide

SES have their own dedicated website


Contracted to deliver the Department for Communities Workable (NI) Programme, providing specialist employment support to people with a range of disabilities and health conditions.

Contact Details

Workable (NI) Referrals

Patricia Kelly

4a Steeple Road
Antrim BT41 1AF

T: 028 9442 5354
M: 079 7664 0226

E: [email protected]

Workable (NI) Referrals

Peter Wilson

1 Ravenhill Reach Close
Belfast BT6 8RB

T: 028 9046 1834
M: 077 9107 5921
E: [email protected]


Employment Opportunities

Who is it for?

People with disabilities and health conditions in Northern Ireland looking to enter/stay in employment.


Across Northern Ireland

More info?

SES Aims to offer a Supported Employment approach in the delivery of programs to assist people with disabilities and health conditions to enter and stay in employment.

Contact SES

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