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“Read Between the Lines”
– “a lived experience of schizophrenia” – Artist Pat Ross in association with AMH.
This amazing and powerful exhibition has reached its 4th stop in a tour across NI – The Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont. The launch, kindly sponsored by Chair of the Health Committee, Maeve McLaughlin, took place on Friday and the exhibition will remain until 13th February.
Artist Pat Ross and a picture he is donating to Stormont and drew especially for the occasion
Artist Pat Ross, Gavin Campbell Skills Coach and Mickie Harkin Service Manager AMH New Horizons Foyle
David Babington, CEO, AMH
Chrissie McAuley welcomes the exhibition on behalf of Maeve McLaughlin MLA
David Babington, CEO, Peter Fitzsimmons Chair AMH, and Artist Pat Ross
Foyle’s Local Client Advisory Group
Our Foyle Local Client Advisory Group join Artist Pat Ross
Foyle’s Local Client Advisory Group
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