My Journey with Action Mental Health

I was referred by my psychiatrist to Action Mental Health New Horizons, Derriaghy and started on 20th Jan 2016. I had an initial meeting with the Client Development Co-ordinator. I

Special focus on alcohol awareness and AMH’s many and varied services

April is alcohol awareness month, and considering many people in Northern Ireland exceed recommended healthy levels, it is a societal issue that continues to challenge government and health policy to

Don’t Get Stressed-Out as the Annual Summer Exam Time Approaches

It’s nearly that time again – school summer exam time, and as the barometer starts to rise (often under sunny skies), so too do the stress levels of school children

Action Mental Health supports Europe-wide Job Shadow Day

A number of people being supported by Action Mental Health to help them fulfil their employability prospects are helping to mark today’s Europe-wide Job Shadow Day. Action Mental Health sources

Peter’s Successful Journey

February 2016 was a turning point in my life!! Having suffered from depression and battling day to day with the loss of my younger sister to suicide, I could finally

Foyle musician shares out donation to mental health services across Ireland

A North West-based musician has donated the proceeds of a CD to mental health services on the both sides of the border in Ireland. Gabby Fitzgerald, who is originally from

Sharon Works Out Her Wellbeing and Fitness with AMH and Raises Over £1k!

A client of Action Mental Health’s Workable programme has donated the proceeds of a fundraising drive to the charity, after her path to fitness mirrored her personal journey to mental

Spring into Style this weekend with AMH partner Victoria Square and help us bag a grand!

Fashionistas are being invited to select the best spring look for 2018 at a special event at Victoria Square in Belfast next week in aid of Action Mental Health and