Eating Disorders Awareness Week – a powerful poem by someone who knows…

For the final segment of Eating Disorders Awareness Week, we give the last word to someone who knows only too well  the personal battle being waged within individuals who deal

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – AMH everyBODY – a model of best practice for NI

As Eating Disorder Awareness Week draws to a close, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the incidence of the issue in Northern Ireland society. Each year in Northern Ireland

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – Bodytalk: keeping it real

Eating Disorder Awareness Week will soon be over but the issue of eating disorders is ever-present in Northern Ireland society. As part of Action Mental Health’s aim to foster resilience

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – men suffer too

Eating disorders are not solely the preserve of females, and today, during Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we highlight the increasing incidence of eating disorder amongst males in Northern Ireland. Statistics

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – carers need support too

As Eating Disorders Awareness Week continues, today we look at eating disorders from a carer’s perspective – the people on the frontline, helping their loved one through their difficult journey

Eating Disorder Awareness Week – AMH everyBODY client tells of her journey of self-awareness

As Eating Disorders Awareness Week continues, one woman, who availed of the support of AMH everyBODY during her battle with Binge Eating Disorder, tells her story… “I was first referred

“I realised gardening was the vocation for me!”

“I was referred to AMH New Horizons Downpatrick by my CPN and agreed to give it a go as I was willing to try anything in order to help with

Eating disorders – how to help someone through their difficult journey

Eating disorders are highly complex psychological illnesses that can develop for myriad reasons. They can arise from a complex interaction of biological, psychological and social factors and what triggers an