Action Mental Health’s Inspirational Young Person of the Year 2018 Katie Graden Spence has been selected as a finalist in a prestigious category of the Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards

  Action Mental Health’s Inspirational Young Person of the Year 2018 Katie Graden Spence has been selected as a finalist in a prestigious category of the Pramerica Spirt of Community

AMH joins European Technology Project for Mental Health

Last Wednesday (6th February) our Business Development manager Gavin McConvey was in Brussels for the launch of the H2020-MSCA-RISE “MENHIR” project. MENHIR, led by the Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain will

Helping young people negotiate the world of the Internet, Social Media and Gaming.

Action Mental Health has teamed up with local experts like Dr Tracey Murray who today – during Children’s Mental Health Week – shares her expertise on helping young people negotiate

Dr Tracey Murray – Anxiety among young people

Action Mental Health has teamed up with local experts like Dr Tracey Murray who today – during Children’s Mental Health Week – shares her expertise on understanding Anxiety among young

Cai Graham helps provide a countdown to calm fraught teens and people of all ages

Cai Graham is a parent and life coach who has a special interest in the mental health and well-being of our younger generation – and their parents. Author of The

Danske Bank raises £130,000 for children’s mental health promotion

Danske Bank raises £130,000 for children’s mental health promotion Action Mental Health depends a great deal on corporate support to help fund our many and varied services delivered to all

#Time to Talk Day – a good time to Connect with those around you

With the rising incidence of mental ill-health regularly dominating our headlines there’s rarely been a greater need to talk. And as we mark #Time to Talk Day, Action Mental Health

Parents, don’t forget to care about yourselves too!

Action Mental Health has teamed up with local experts like consultant psychiatrist, Dr Phil Anderson who today – during Children’s Mental Health Week – shares his expertise on Parental Self