Local Author Book Launch for AMH

“She’s Got the Whole World in Her Hands” by Sinead McGarrigle will launch in Down Arts Centre on Wednesday, June 25 from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Author Sinead will donate 15% of

Muddy Minds!

AMH New Horizons, Antrim has a new community garden to enjoy, thanks to the ‘Muddy Minds’ project, the official launch of which took place last Friday (6 June). Antrim Borough Council’s

AMH Golf Challenge 2014

Our annual golf day took place on Friday 6th June, and what a fantastic day it was! Taking to the course were 22 teams including Billy McAllister the leading UK

Prisoners Achieve OCNs

On Tuesday 27th May the Northern Ireland Prison Service hosted a certificate presentation at Hydebank, marking the first accredited OCN Personal Wellbeing certificates delivered by AMH MensSana under the Together For

Promote at Bangor Market

AMH Promote clients enjoyed manning their first stall at Bangor Market last weekend, selling their fabulous potted and bedding plants. The group raised over £200 for their service and hope to make their attendance a

Thank You All-State!

All-State chose AMH as one of their charities for the year 2013.  Thank you to all the staff in Belfast who raised £6,269.00 for AMH – All State received an “AMH Head’s Up Award”

My Name is Roz

After many diagnoses as a teenager I was finally diagnosed with Schizophrenia at the age of 21. After 3 stints in various psychiatric hospitals I came to realise I had

Youth Mental Health Art Exhibition

An Art Exhibition themed around how to look after your mental health took place on Thursday 15th May 11am – 1pm at the Playhouse in Derry. The event was a