Gaining confidence and a job

Since the death of my husband I found myself on my own and working full-time. I walked out of jobs and felt I had no control in my life – and problems I had I wasn’t dealing with them. I kept my feelings to myself and couldn’t recognise that I was unable to cope. On a few occasions I reached a very low point.

I turned to alcohol as a way of coping, thinking this would alleviate my feelings. I realised I was unable to cope with serious issues.  I spoke to my GP who referred me to the Community Addictions Team and my keyworker there referred me to AMH New Horizons.

I started attending AMH New Horizons. Due to my financial situation I forced myself quickly into full-time paid employment. However, I wasn’t ready for this. Due to my poor mental health I was unable to maintain the job and so I started to attend AMH New Horizons again.

I met other people who felt like I did. Without pressure I was able to talk in confidence and gradually found it easier to talk about my situation both past and present. I was able to attend courses and activities which I really enjoyed. AMH supported me to take part in voluntary work. They also supported and signposted me to the local Foodbank when I had no money for food, and to Citizens Advice to help sort my debt situation. I have been able to attend a computer class and build my IT skills. I was also able to get 1-1 interview preparation and support to get a part-time paid job. The service has been a great help to me and my confidence has increased.

I now feel I have more control in my life and I am able to buy food and clothes without stressing. I feel I have more self-worth. I don’t feel as lonely now either and I can approach staff if I need to. Receiving support, attending courses, activities and a work placement helped to increase my confidence and to get paid work. Works helps to keep me focused and is good for my mental and physical health.

I have enjoyed attending AMH New Horizons, there is no stress, staff are non-judgemental, I see friendly faces, I can learn and I can talk to staff. The service helps provide support for anyone who is struggling and wants to improve their well-being and skills. If you are feeling low it is the best place to be. I now have more confidence, a new job and my self-respect.

– LM

AMH New Horizons assists adults recovering from mental ill-health. A range of person centred programmes are offered in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere to support recovery. Find out more about AMH New Horizons.

The ‘Working it Out’ project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.

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