Category Archives: AMH News

Artist in a Bid to Raise Funds for Mental Health

Action Mental Health (AMH) warmly invites local residents to Clotworthy House, where three portraits from talented artist, Ross Thompson, will be auctioned to raise funds for the charity. Entitled “Calibre


Cycling enthusiasts are invited to put their endurance skills to the test by competing in the annual Granite Challenge event to help raise funds for Action Mental Health (AMH).   Taking

New Horizons Belfast Celebrates Clients’ Success

Earlier this month, Action Mental Health (AMH) New Horizons Belfast hosted a certificate presentation day to celebrate the individual achievements of clients.   Located in Belfast city centre, the New

AMH Puts The Wheels In Motion for Mental Health

AMH New Horizons Foyle have received £8692 from Awards For All Northern Ireland, to help them introduce a new cycling initiative which provides groups with the opportunity to either reengage

New Horizons Derriaghy Celebrates Clients’ Achievements

This week, New Horizons Derriaghy hosted a certificate presentation day to celebrate the individual achievements of over 40 clients during the last 12 months.   The New Horizons division of AMH (which

NI Executive Commits itself to Mental Health

After all our hard work and campaigning over the last number of years we are thrilled to see that the NI Executive has committed itself to improving Mental Health in

Lagan Construction Group working with AMH to deliver Health & Wellbeing initiatives

  As part of Lagan Construction Group’s health and well-being initiatives for employees, the company is working with Action Mental Health to deliver initiatives surrounding mental health to the entire workforce. We’re working

MLAs Pledge Support For Mental Health Recommendations

Action Mental Health has today published recommendations which call on newly appointed MLAs to commit support for improving Mental Health services at the forthcoming Programme for Government negotiations. The document outlines the views and