Category Archives: AMH News

AMH New Horizons, Downpatrick Celebrate their Clients Achievements!!!

AMH New Horizons in Downpatrick were delighted to welcome Colin McGrath, MLA to the service for their Christmas Coffee Morning and to present Certificates gained by clients over the past year.

Launch of Workable NI

Yesterday Communities Minister, Paul Givan announced new contracts with the lead providers of Workable (NI), the Executive’s disability employment programme. Workable (NI) supports people with a range of disabilities to

New Mental Health Initiative For Primary School Children Launched.

Action Mental Health has launched its new mental health promotion programme for Primary Schools called ‘Healthy Me’. The initiative is designed to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing amongst

Brownlow Festival Committee Raise £435.00

The Brownlow Festival Committee, who organise the annual Brownlow Festival held a cheque presentation ceremony last week to celebrate the committee’s fundraising efforts. The festival’s designated charity this year was

Celebrating 25 Years with AMH!

Valued members of the AMH team recently celebrated their silver anniversary with AMH.  In recognition of 25 years service, each of them were presented with a memento to celebrate the

Mental Health Campaign Scoops Industry Awards

For the second year running, Action Mental Health has triumphed at this year’s CIPR Pride awards by winning Gold in the coveted Healthcare and Public Affairs categories for its ambitious

Translink Announces Action Mental Health as new Charity Partner

Translink has announced Action Mental Health (AMH) as its new Charity Partner for the next three years. The local charity works to raise awareness of mental health and supports the


Clients from AMH New Horizons, North Down & Ards have been very busy in recent months, developing, scripting, filming and acting in their own short film which portrays some of