Category Archives: AMH News

Everest Challenge for Danske Bank

A team of Corporate and Business bankers from Dankse Bank will this week collectively climb an ascent greater than Mount Everest’s 8848m summit. The bankers will climb the 141 stairs in

Derriaghy Sponsored Walk

The Personal Development group in AMH New Horizons Derriaghy recently completed a sponsored walk as part of a team building exercise, to raise awareness and promote the Derriaghy service. The

Operation Volunteer

   Staff from Danske Bank’s Operations team recently spent the day volunteering at Action Mental Health New Horizons in Antrim. The team enjoyed the sunshine while they worked in the

Showing Team Spirit for AMH

Over 90 runners raced through Ormeau Park in Belfast this weekend to show their support for Action Mental Health. The 5k was organised by our charity partner, Translink and their Staff

Men’s Shed Antrim Open Day

The Men’s Shed in Antrim held a successful open day recently, with plenty of visitors popping in to the service. The men raised over £600 on the day selling their

AMH Promote Spring Plant Sale & Coffee Morning

On Saturday 20 May AMH Promote in Bangor are holding their annual spring plant sale and coffee morning. Call in and enjoy a freshly cooked breakfast or treat yourself to

Men’s Shed Antrim create Narnia themed garden

The Men’s Shed based in Steeple, Antrim have created a beautiful garden for the Narnia themed garden competition at the Garden Show Ireland. The show runs until Sunday at Antrim

Thanks to all runners and walkers!

Over 80 people took part in the Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon for Action Mental Health on 1 May. Whether you completed all 26.2 miles, did the fun run, relay