Category Archives: AMH News

How risky is your drinking? Alcohol Awareness Week shines a light on how much is too much

This week’s Northern Ireland Alcohol Awareness Week poses a question to those of us who enjoy a tipple: “How Risking Is Your Drinking?” Some 38% of men and 16% of

Congratulations John!

One of our wonderful clients – John from AMH New Horizons Downpatrick, has just completed a work placement in RQIA. This was arranged through the Health and Social Care Board Disability Placement

AMH welcomes MENHIR partners from University of Granada, Spain and Ulster University

Our Chief Executive, David Babington today welcomed some of our partners in the Menhir Project to  Action Mental Health. Pictured left to right : Antonio Benitez, Early Stage Researcher, Universidad

Men’s Health Week – Good Health Means Good Mental Health Too!

Health today is best viewed from a holistic perspective – and good health means having a healthy body AND a healthy mind. International Men’s Health Week, from June 10 to

May taught us to walk to better health and mental well-being so why stop now?

The evenings are brighter, longer and the birds are chirping as the sun delays its nightly dip back behind the horizon – spring is here. The season allows us more

Action Mental Health marks Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 came at a time when the issue of mental health and well-being has never been in sharper focus. As Prince William opened up about his

Job Share Day – A wonderful opportunity!

Employers across Northern Ireland and Europe opened their workplaces to people with disabilities as part of Job Share Day on Thursday 16 May.  We were delighted that so many Action

Belfast Trojans face US Vikings in community day in aid of Action Mental Health

The strongmen of Belfast Trojans are facing the might of a band of American footballers for a special community fun day in aid of Action Mental Health. The local team