Category Archives: AMH News

Recognising & supporting carers in the community

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring and help people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed

Northern Ireland Audit Office Report: “Mental Health Services in Northern Ireland”

Action Mental Health’s Chief Executive, David Babington has expressed extreme concern at the findings highlighted in the Northern Ireland Audit Office Report: “Mental Health Services in Northern Ireland” which has

David Tierney has been awarded the prestigious ICE Award for his outstanding contributions to the Managing the Challenge Programme

Under his guidance, the Managing the Challenge program underwent a complete transformation, aligning with key objectives set by health professionals from the WH&SCT. The revamped program has been successfully rolled

Peace project launches wellbeing app for kids

OUR Generation, celebrated the launch of its brand new app as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. David Babington, CEO of Action Mental Health, addressing teachers and pupils at Dromintee

Spring into corporate fundraising this season

Spring has sprung a number opportunities to fundraise over the next couple of months, so get involved in the events below and help us raise vital funds for Action Mental

Former Belfast Giant and founder of Personal Best hosts fundraiser in memory of Stephen Clements

Action Mental Health’s ambassador and former Belfast Giant Kevin Raine has hosted a very special fundraiser in aid of Action Mental Health. Kevin who recently retired from competitive sport, organised

New SkillSET partnership announced as one of the successful bids for UKSPF.

Action Mental Health (AMH) CEO David Babington has welcomed the recent publication of the Shared Prosperity Funding but cautioned there is still significant work to be done to bridge the

World Sleep Day: Are UK employees locked into the stress sleep cycle?

Do you wake up each morning feeling rested? Or do you drag yourself out of bed after one too many snoozes of the alarm, the incentive of early morning caffeine