Category Archives: AMH News

New Horizons Foyle clients reap rewards of hard work

Clients at Action Mental Health’s New Horizons Foyle are ringing in the new year with a host of new qualifications which will herald new beginnings for people who have experienced

New Decade, New Approach

Action Mental Health welcomes the fact that mental health has been identified as a specific area of focus within the New Decade, New Approach document. We do however have concerns

Danske Bank raises over £200k for AMH’s resilience programme for children

Action Mental Health’s emotional well-being and resilience building services for children have been supported by £208,000, raised by Danske Bank staff and customers. Customers and employees have all played a

Menhir – a new hope for mental health

Action Mental Health is gearing up for a very busy 2020 with a range of significant new developments and projects. One of those is Menhir – like an Alexa, Siri

Loyalty of long-serving staff rewarded

A troupe of loyal Action Mental Health staff have been rewarded for their dedication to the charity by receiving long-service awards. Fulfilling a variety of roles across Action Mental Health,

Light Up Christmas Campaign – Connecting counts in the fight against loneliness

Although the News Letter and Action Mental Health’s campaign on loneliness draws to a close this week, the work of the mental health charity continues all year, offering services to

Light Up Christmas campaign – Anna’s battle with loneliness

Anna Harvey is an articulate young woman with a supportive family who once competed nationally as a gymnast. She was studying for her A-levels and had great friends too. But

Light up Christmas – loneliness campaign – Gerard’s Story

Through this year’s Christmas campaign, ‘Light Up Christmas’, you can help support Action Mental Health’s services for local people. By getting involved, and hosting your own fundraising event, you’ll help