Category Archives: AMH News

Men’s Shed renews Antrim man’s self-worth and helps turn his life around

An Antrim man who fell into a deep despair after the breakdown of his marriage has begun to rebuild his life with the help of Action Mental Health’s Men’s Shed.

AMH EveryBODY’s Tips for Coping at Christmas

The festive season, with its particular focus on food, can pose considerable challenges for those of us affected by eating disorders. AMH EveryBODY is here for you, lending a little

A great day on the job for AMH clients

Clients at Action Mental Health have been continuing to gain an insight to a variety of employment fields thanks to the recent International Job Shadow Day (IJSD). Run by the

Local Charities Back the Mental Health Champion’s Call for 34% Increase in Funding to Improve Mental Health in NI

Northern Ireland’s first Mental Health Champion, Professor Siobhan O’Neill is calling on all political parties to commit to the additional 34% increase in funding needed to fully implement the Mental

Try reading this Christmas to support your mental health

Reading has been found to be hugely beneficial to our mental health. Reading a book can be one of life’s greatest joys and can also be a way of coping

Coping with Bereavement at Christmas

The Christmas focus on family and friends can be especially hard for those of us dealing with the loss of a loved one. Bereavement in ‘normal’ times can feel overwhelming,

Christmas Poetry

Creativity is vital for our AMH New Horizons services, at Action Mental Health we offer our clients the opportunities to engage creatively with a range of workshops and qualifications. Singing,

5 Ways to Well-Being at Christmas

Here are some ways to support your mental health this Christmas. The Five Ways to Well-Being provide key steps to promote your overall well—being and are particularly suited to the