Category Archives: AMH News

Lifting the Weight on Mental Health

On 2nd July at the Fit XPO 2022 in Liverpool, Matthew McKeegan and Gavin McNamee from MK Strength and Fitness will be attempting world record “deadlifts” in their respective weight

AMH Workable invites you to lunch!

The AMH Workable team will be joining with SES colleagues at the Eden Communities Big Lunch, which is taking place at Lady Dixon Park on Wednesday 1st June, 2022 between

Action Mental Health announce a new charity partnership with Edgewater Contracts.

Northern Ireland’s leading mental health charity, Action Mental Health (AMH), is delighted to announce their new charity partnership with Edgewater Contracts and Specialist Joinery, a construction, fit out and specialist

AMH New Horizons client and OCN awards finalist, Joanna, is bursting with passion and creativity!

Joanna started at AMH New Horizons shy, easily overwhelmed, and lacking in self-confidence and self-belief. But now, she can lose herself in creativity.

ChatPal – a mental health chatbot that can help tackle loneliness and isolation for people living in rural areas

The theme for Mental Health Awareness 2022 is tackling loneliness and the impact it can have on our mental health and wellbeing. One of the projects that Action Mental Health

Covid, stress and returning to the workplace. Let’s make it positive!

Working patterns for many of us have changed, since the start of the pandemic and many people have found this has caused a multitude of issues including loneliness and isolation. AMH Works has provided some great tips on how to adapt to new ways of working.

Action Mental Health – tackling loneliness and its impact on mental wellbeing.

Mental Health Awareness Week shines a welcome spotlight on efforts to reduce the impact of loneliness on our mental health and wellbeing. For many of Action Mental Health’s services such

Mental Health Awareness Week – Top tips to reducing loneliness

Someone who’s lonely probably also finds it hard to reach out. There’s a stigma surrounding loneliness, and people tend not to ask for help because they have too much pride.