Category Archives: AMH News

Launch of AMH Manifesto 2011

We launched our manifesto for the 2011 Assembly elections on 7 February in the Long Gallery at Stormont. The document outlines our ideas on how to develop mental health provision in Northern

Downpatrick - life in the 1950s - 1980s

‘Inspirational’ Film Project in Downpatrick

AMH New Horizons Downpatrick was proud to present its foray into the film making world when it premiered a movie made by its clients, focusing on the changing face of Downpatrick

Minister visits AMH New Horizons in Newry.

The Minister for Employment and Learning, Danny Kennedy visited AMH New Horizons in Newry today.  AMH New Horizons works to improve the health and well-being of people with mental health

AMH Promote – Launches Life Alert

The Project “Life Alert” was launched at event in AMH Promote with special guests including, Lady Sylvia Hermon MP, Peter Weir MLA, Councillor Anne Wilson, representatives from the PSNI and DPP

VOTE win Best Trade Prize

Our VOTE clients have been operating a mini-business in the last few weeks in which they produced a wonderful selection of Christmas logs and cards.  On 9th December they took part

Our 2009/2010 Annual Report

The theme of this year’s Annual Report “Working it Out! – working towards good mental health and wellbeing” is an apt one in the current climate. There is no doubt

Five ways to Well-Being

World Mental Health Day 2010 Local mental health organisations from the North Down area undertook a ‘Stress Free Day’ event at Bloomfield Shopping Centre to raise awareness for World Mental


Walk Like An Egyptian

Egyptian Dance Class Back in November New Horizons in Downpatrick held an Egyptian Dance Class the unit in connection with Down Community Arts. Everyone had a great time: “Brilliant, loved