All posts by actionmentalhealth

Back by popular demand … the Granite Challenge

Now in its sixth year the 55 mile charity cycle is taking place on 8 October.

The cycle starts in the cathedral town of Downpatrick, cycling via Tyrella towards Dundrum, along the coast road through the seaside town of Newcastle towards Annalong. Then it’s up into the Mourne Mountains, past Silent Valley and then downhill towards home through Bryansford, Maghera and Clough.

View the route at

Sign up now at

Please note: due to health and safety we have changed the beginning of the route.

Fat Face sign up to take action on mental health

Action Mental Health is delighted to announce our charity partnership with Fat Face, Belfast.

Fat Face have signed up to make a real difference to people living with mental ill-health across Northern Ireland.

Fat Face is a fashionable chain retailer selling outdoor casual wear and accessories for men, women and children. Fat Face proudly design and make clothes that reflect the happy, healthy lifestyles of their customers.

The branch in Victoria Square, Belfast will be raising funds and awareness of mental health over the coming months.

We are delighted to have Fat Face on board and look forward to working together.

Gaining confidence and a job

Since the death of my husband I found myself on my own and working full-time. I walked out of jobs and felt I had no control in my life – and problems I had I wasn’t dealing with them. I kept my feelings to myself and couldn’t recognise that I was unable to cope. On a few occasions I reached a very low point.

I turned to alcohol as a way of coping, thinking this would alleviate my feelings. I realised I was unable to cope with serious issues.  I spoke to my GP who referred me to the Community Addictions Team and my keyworker there referred me to AMH New Horizons.

I started attending AMH New Horizons. Due to my financial situation I forced myself quickly into full-time paid employment. However, I wasn’t ready for this. Due to my poor mental health I was unable to maintain the job and so I started to attend AMH New Horizons again.

I met other people who felt like I did. Without pressure I was able to talk in confidence and gradually found it easier to talk about my situation both past and present. I was able to attend courses and activities which I really enjoyed. AMH supported me to take part in voluntary work. They also supported and signposted me to the local Foodbank when I had no money for food, and to Citizens Advice to help sort my debt situation. I have been able to attend a computer class and build my IT skills. I was also able to get 1-1 interview preparation and support to get a part-time paid job. The service has been a great help to me and my confidence has increased.

I now feel I have more control in my life and I am able to buy food and clothes without stressing. I feel I have more self-worth. I don’t feel as lonely now either and I can approach staff if I need to. Receiving support, attending courses, activities and a work placement helped to increase my confidence and to get paid work. Works helps to keep me focused and is good for my mental and physical health.

I have enjoyed attending AMH New Horizons, there is no stress, staff are non-judgemental, I see friendly faces, I can learn and I can talk to staff. The service helps provide support for anyone who is struggling and wants to improve their well-being and skills. If you are feeling low it is the best place to be. I now have more confidence, a new job and my self-respect.

– LM

AMH New Horizons assists adults recovering from mental ill-health. A range of person centred programmes are offered in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere to support recovery. Find out more about AMH New Horizons.

The ‘Working it Out’ project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.

Celebrations at Newry New Horizons!

On 30 June clients, staff, family and friends celebrated the hard work and commitment of 99 service users at AMH New Horizons Newry & Mourne who achieved an outstanding 365 accredited awards. 

The service users were part of the ‘Working it Out’ Project which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy

Thank you to Aisling Press, Regional Manager at Danske Bank who presented the certificates to our service users.

A proud day for all connected to AMH New Horizons Newry & Mourne.



Small Change, Big Difference

Action Mental Health is calling on returning holiday makers to donate their leftover foreign currency to help take action on mental health.

Jonathan Smyth, Fundraising and Communications Manager with the charity, launched the appeal alongside Danske Bank’s Eddie Taylor and Lynsey Jamison.

Call into any Danske Bank across Northern Ireland to drop off your foreign, or out of circulation currency. All money raised will go towards Action Mental Health’s programme to promote mental and emotional well-being in children.

AMH New Horizons Derriaghy Celebrate Clients’ Success

Special guests Mayor Tim Morrow and Robbie Butler MLA joined staff and clients of Action Mental Health (AMH) New Horizons Derriaghy in the beautiful surroundings of Colin Glen Allotments, to celebrate a year of achievement.

149 certificates were awarded to 57 clients in subjects such as stress management techniques, healthy living, improving confidence and self-esteem and ECDL.

All the recipients are part of the AMH Working it Out Project which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy

Musical entertainment was provided by the newly formed AMH ukulele group along with support from Belfast Uke Jam and guests were treated to the now legendary annual BBQ feast!

 Reflecting on the year, Service Manager Eoin McAnuff said “We are delighted to celebrate our clients’ achievements throughout the year in our service. Our clients have worked hard to achieve goals they have set themselves and it is wonderful to organise this event to celebrate their success.  Our clients have worked hard to promote their own positive mental health and their achievements are a testament to the work they put into doing this”

“I’d also like to pay thanks to our funders The Department for the Economy through the European Social Fund programme and the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust who have enabled us to support our clients to improve their mental health and well-being.”


Boosting Our Animation skills! Video!

AMH Boost is a young people’s programme for 18-25 year olds experiencing mental health challenges.  Boost aims to help rebuild confidence and self-esteem to enable participant to re-engage with mainstream education and/or employment.

AMH Boost is delivered in AMH New Horizons Fermanagh and is part of the ESF Working It Out Project.

The Boost Team worked alongside Youth Action and Loophole Design to produce this animated film.  The sessions were delivered in the FIND centre Enniskillen our local “one stop shop” .

The young people have a very keen interest in IT, art and social media and thought that In order to raise the profile of BOOST they could create a short, sharp, impactful animation to share far and wide!

The BOOST group met over 4 sessions with the animation team creating storyboards, design ideas, scripting and then finally the really fun part of doing the voice-overs. A lot of fun and laughter was had creating the project and a lot of brilliant ideas unfortunately ended up in the cutting room floor.

This project helped the young people to reflect on their own journey with mental health services and what messages they would like to have had when they were beginning their treatment. The BOOST team know that the need for mental health support is great in society among young people and are passionate about BOOST and want more members to join the project. They hope if enough people share this short animation, that it will encourage more young people to join or at least take the first step and look for help.

We are very grateful to Cillin from Loophole Designs for this enthusiastic and compassionate approach as he worked with our young people.

It is hoped that we will be creating a new animation around the “5 ways to wellbeing”…. so watch this space.

AMH Boost – Boosting young people’s confidence & self-esteem in Fermanagh from Action Mental Health on Vimeo.