All posts by actionmentalhealth

Mental health focus as Men’s Health Week continues

As Men’s Health Week continues, Action Mental Health exists to support an integral part of society’s overall health – their mental health and well-being. It is here as a beacon of hope for people suffering a diverse range of mental health issues – from anxiety and depression, to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Martin shares his story…

My name is Martin and I am 54 years old. I’ve been suffering with schizophrenia for a long time and was diagnosed at the age of 31.

Since my diagnoses I have had experienced four admissions to hospital, and although I have had a number of periods of crisis, I have had support from the home treatment teams and floating support which has allowed me to get the treatment I needed without a hospital admission.

Currently I receive support from, among others, Action Mental Health, and through attending AMH New Horizons, I am pursuing courses which will help my future employment prospects. So far I am working toward recognised qualifications – NVQ courses – and I have also completed the WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) which has helped in my ongoing recovery.

Due to the nature of my illness, it has taken me a number of years to find a Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) who I feel I can trust and have a relationship with, whom I can talk to openly. This allows me to talk freely about my feelings and the paranoid thoughts that cause me difficulties. I know that when I explain my thought processes, I don’t have to keep repeating this to other medical professionals ­–they will pass the information on for me.

Because my illness is an enduring and lifelong one, I feel that to seek and sustain paid employment more support should be given to employers by medical professionals such as CPNs. I feel they should be able to come into the workplace to give support.  I would like the opportunity to have gradual increase or decrease in hours of employment when periods of illness are good or bad to reduce dependence on benefits. To help maintain independent living for schizophrenic patients, I believe more sheltered accommodation should be made available where 24/7 support is available.


Gary’s Story – feeling employable for the first time following decades of alcohol addiction

June 11 -17 is Men’s Health Week across the UK and with mental health being an integral component of people’s health, its importance to a man’s overall well-being cannot be overestimated.

Action Mental Health has recorded the stories of clients whose mental health has been affected by diverse factors, from addictions, depression and other mental illnesses, to outside factors, including the effects of grief and loss.

People like our client, Gary, are among the many across Northern Ireland whose mental health has been affected by an addition – alcohol abuse. And as confirmed by the World Health Organisation, people who drink too much are more vulnerable to mental ill-health.

Gary knows this only too well – an unhappy start in life started him down a spiralling journey of alcohol-related misery, when he began drinking at the age of 18.

Sadly he can’t recall much of his life since the – save for the odd milestone event, like dropping out of an Applied Language Degree at university – but the intervening years, he knows only too well were dominated by his addiction.

Now 48, Gary was a lone drinker for much of that time, until something he can’t quite identify compelled him to seek the company of other people like himself.

“I became a street drinker. Don’t ask me why because I’d been happy to drink by myself in my flat but for some reason I took to going out to find the company of street drinkers.

“It was miserable really and though the majority of people on the street are really lovely people there are those who aren’t. If you are streetwise you can survive but I wasn’t, and as a result sometimes I would just find myself walking into the wrong crowd and paying the price for it. I received a number of severe beatings and ended up in hospital,” he reveals.

It was his GP who helped him get his life back on track and helped him on his way to finding a place with Action Mental Health’s Quest programme. Quest is an interactive programme which addresses the complex issues linked to alcohol abuse and its impact, not only the individual, but on their family and friends and wider community.

Running five days a week at AMH New Horizons Foyle, the project helps people identify the triggers that drive their abuse of alcohol and their patterns of behaviour that impact negatively on their mental health. People learn stress management and take part in a variety of personal development programmes, like confidence building and negotiating skills and personal health and welfare and even money management. They also undertake a number of education and training-related courses and activities, from gardening to Information Technology.

Gary admits he had a ‘rocky start’ on the Quest programme.

“I didn’t always want to come here, I have to admit but once I was here, and began to interact with others it became easier.

“It’s not like an army training camp or like work with the strictness of time and things like that, because we have fun. It’s not all messing about but the tutors make it really enjoyable.”

It was through the time-honoured benefits of gardening that Gary planted the seeds of his mental health recovery and has been watching its shoots sprout into an entirely new sense of self.

Structure was the most pivotal point in the steps of Gary’s recovery. It was the most simple of gardening tasks, taken as part of the Quest course – but it affected milestone change.

“I had to look after the butternut squash. I’d leave the course and go home, knowing I had to come back the next day to look after the butternut squash.

“Then the tutor saw that I was dealing well with this, so he added on another little task, like the garden peas. That little bit of responsibility, along with the structure, was really helpful.”

With an academic background stalled many years before, Gary turned in a new direction, courtesy of the accredited courses available through AMH and began down a journey in Information Technology which he hopes to pursue further.

“It’s the first time in my adult life that I feel employable,” he said.

Sober now for just over a year Gary said though he has been through a battle of alcohol abuse, he doesn’t have a quick fix answer for others still in its grip.

“You can’t fix it for anyone else but what I would say is talk to someone. If you think you have a problem don’t try to just cope on your own, tell someone you trust or tell a professional. That’s the one thing I can confidently say: talk to someone.”

AMH New Horizons Foyle assists adults recovering from mental ill-health. We offer a range of person- centred programmes in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere to support your recovery.

In Foyle we provide a range of training programmes to help you increase your confidence and self esteem, gain new skills, qualifications and improve your career opportunities.

The “Working it Out” project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

Are you tough enough to join the Tough Mudder for AMH?

Action Mental Health is inviting you to join us in one of the most gruelling fundraising efforts we’ve ever taken part in – the Tough Mudder.

Tough Mudder is a team-oriented, mud-bound obstacle course designed to let you put your physical strength and mental grit to the ultimate test – and raise funds for Northern Ireland’s leading mental health charity, Action Mental Health.

Taking place on July 21 this year amid the rolling hills and forests of Loughcrew Gardens, in Oldcastle, Co Meath, you can run or walk the five miles of the Tough Mudder but which ever way you tackle it you’ll end up muddy from head to toe – which is all part of the fun!

It’s filled with obstacles from iced water pools to 15 feet-high wall climbs and muddy ditch tunnels – but if one obstacle looks to much for you, you can skip it and go on to the next. The Tough Mudder is for people aged 14 and over, with under 18s needing accompanied by someone over that age.

Register for only £40. Sponsorship encouraged. The registration fee includes return coach from Belfast City Centre so, if you think you’re hard enough get in touch with our Fundraising Team to find out more  [email protected]  or 028 9182 8494. Or book here!

We’ve done it! We’ve made it to 4000 likes!

Well, it’s official: you like us here at Action Mental Health – 4000 of you like us, to be exact, as of 10.30am, June 7, 2018. And we like, actually, we just LOVE you for it!

Since joining Facebook, AMH has been lucky enough to be ‘liked’ by some lovely people, who either have a vested interest in mental health – whether you have experienced mental ill-health yourselves, or perhaps work in the field, or it’s possible that you simply want to engage with an organisation that puts the mental health of Northern Ireland front and centre.

With the issue of mental health now securely in the mainstream, with regards to society’s health and well-being, we are overwhelmed and grateful that you engage with us.

We aim to bring you informative and helpful stories of what we do as an organisation, but also what is going on in the rest of the UK in terms of mental health, well-being and building mental resilience. AND very importantly, we bring you the inspiring, enterprising and often emotionally-charged tales of the countless generous people out there who raise funds for us so we can deliver the best possible service to those who need us most.

It’s a joy interacting with you all, every day and we look forward to the next 4000 likes and the next after that! Keep liking us!


Catering students learn from new charity partner, Titanic Hotel Belfast

Catering students learning the ropes of the thriving and exciting hospitality industry with the help of Action Mental Health’s New Horizons enjoyed a close insight into what it’s really like to run a busy city hotel and its vibrant culinary offering.

The group of clients were taken on a tour of one of Belfast’s newest and already most iconic hotels, Titanic Hotel Belfast, by HR Manager Lydia Gourley. They also got the chance to chat with the head chef who gave them first-hand insight into the hotel’s kitchen environment and what it takes to work there.

Titanic Hotel Belfast just recently unveiled AMH as its charity partner for 2018/19 and everyone involved is looking forward to a mutually enriching experience throughout the partnership.

AMH would like to thank Lydia for conducting the catering group’s tour and for going that extra mile to make everyone feel very welcome – it was a very interesting and beneficial day out!

Our catering clients are taking part in the AMH New Horizons Working it Out project which is supported by the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.

My journey towards “food feedom”

“I had been struggling with binge eating for several months when I contacted AMH Adapt for support. I was aware that my disordered eating was my way of coping with other emotional issues but I didn’t know how to deal with them. Working with Deborah has been incredibly helpful. She has taught me how to recognise my negative behaviours, understand my feelings and, most importantly, find acceptance. Thanks to her advice and support I have been able to let go of many of the hang ups I had around food restriction, binging and body image which has started me on my journey towards “food freedom” and overall improved mental health. I could not have done this without her.

AMH Adapt is a fantastic resource and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling with eating distress.”

AMH Adapt is our Eating Disorder Service based in the Southern Trust area.  For more information please contact :

Deborah McCready

Adapt Project Worker

13 Church Street


County Armagh

BT62 3LN


T:      028 3839 2314

M:     07790885438

E:      [email protected]

World Eating Disorders Action Day – Focus on AMH Adapt

One of Action Mental Health’s services – AMH Adapt – provides support to people affected by an eating disorder, as well as their family and friends in the Southern Trust area.  We deliver well-being programmes and free confidential one to one sessions which provide information and guidance on how to best support recovery.  Through our recent BodyTalk programmes we have been asking students how we can help to build our self-esteem and confidence around body image, these are some of their thoughts:

“Keep your head held high and don’t give up.”

“Think less about what other people think. Your own self care is more important and how you see yourself. Don’t always believe the images you see in the media.”

“Just talk. It’s ok to ask for help if you need it.”

“Surround yourself with people who build you up and don’t bring you down or make you feel bad about yourself.”

“Don’t compare yourself to others. We should celebrate our differences, we are all unique and that’s our strength.”

The role of social media was highlighted by students as being a pressure and possible cause of stress around Body Image, particularly with new apps emerging that allowed pupils to be anonymously rated on their appearance, which often lead to negative comments and the students recognised this could lead to low self-esteem and a negative body image. In order to reduce this risk students had positive discussions about how important it was for privacy settings on social media and being careful about the content we view, that we aren’t viewing any content that makes us feel bad, or makes us want to change our bodies.

When speaking about the subject of self-esteem one girl commented that she did feel confident, but that this confidence solely came from the compliments on her image from other boys. We discussed the importance of building up our own self-worth by identifying our strengths and things that make us up as a person that come from: the way we treat others, our hobbies and interests and our personalities. There is so much more to who we are than just our image.

When speaking to clients and families affected by eating disorders, two of the words we hear repeated are “blame” and “shame”.  These two words can be the reason for many people suffering in silence. Some of the main ways we can break this silence is to show everyone that there is no shame in talking, there is no shame in asking for help, that you are worthy of support and love regardless of size. An eating disorder is not a choice, but recovery is.  To lift the blame individuals need support. Support without judgement, support that listens and doesn’t always try to “fix things”, support than offers unconditional love and support than recognises that recovery is about progression and not perfection.

80% of people who screen positively for eating disorders have never accessed help or support.  Yet eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental health disorder. 1 in 5 of the most seriously affected will die prematurely from the physical consequences, or from suicide. This is why breaking the silence is vital. We need to challenge the misconceptions that keep those in need of support in silence.

  • Eating disorders do not discriminate – they come in all shapes and sizes and can affect any one, any age, any gender, from anywhere.
  • Eating disorders are not – a choice, a phase, or to get attention.
  • Eating disorders are not always visible and a lot of the symptoms and psychological. You do not have to be a certain size to be worthy of support.

Recognising early warning signs are essential and it is never too early to seek help.  If you need help, or you’re worried about someone, just talk. Talk to a friend, talk to a GP, talk to one of these Eating Disorder Support charities –

AMH Adapt

The Laurence Trust

Eating Disorders Association Northern Ireland



Challenge yourself to conquer Slieve Donard to raise funds for Action Mental Health

It’s time to grab your walking shoes and challenge yourself to climb Slieve Donard to help raise vital funds for leading mental health charity, Action Mental Health.

Pack your flask and wrap up some sandwiches and take in the amazing scenery of Northern Ireland’s highest peak in the scenic Mourne Mountains for the inaugural AMH Slieve Donard Trek on Saturday, June 2.

The trek sets off at 9.30am and winds up at 4pm, and whether you’re a total novice or a seasoned walker, the journey to the 850m peak promises scenic views (even in inclement weather), the freshest sea air rising off the Irish Sea at the foot of the mountains plus a good bit of craic with your fellow walkers.

While you meander through Co Down’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty you’ll be raising much needed funds for Action Mental Health which works to enhance the quality of life and the employability of people with mental health needs or a learning disability in Northern Ireland.

To book your place please click here.

If you register by Wednesday, May 23 you have a chance to win a £50 voucher to spend at Victoria Square – so what are you waiting for!!

For more information call our fundraising team on 028 9182 8494 or email [email protected].