All posts by actionmentalhealth

Action Mental Health delighted to be chosen as an official charity for the Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon 2019

Action Mental Health is delighted to announce its selection as one of the five nominated charities for the Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon 2019.

Chief Executive David Babington said to be chosen alongside four other leading charities is not only a privilege but also a wonderful opportunity to raise both the profile of Action Mental Health and funds for our wide-reaching work in the community.

“We at Action Mental Health are delighted to have been selected as one of the five official charities – all of which are causes that will be close to the hearts of many people across Northern Ireland.

“We hope that runners, walkers and wheelchair athletes thinking of fundraising, as they enter the marathon, will choose Action Mental Health as their chosen charity. Every penny raised will be used here in Northern Ireland, to help deliver our vital services.”

The charity is also proud to announce as its event ambassador, Northern Ireland’s most successful gymnast ever, 2018 Commonwealth gold medallist, Rhys McClenaghan, who is fresh from his win in the 2018 European Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Championships.

Fundraising and Communications Manager Jonathan Smyth said: “The money raised by the Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon in 2019 will go towards supporting the wide range of services we offer, all with the aim of promoting better mental health and resilience, from school children, onwards.

“We have an exciting campaign to complement our participation in the marathon so watch this space… all will be revealed soon.”

Helping launch the 2019 Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon Action Mental Health Ambassador, gold-winning medallist gymnast Rhys McClenagh (centre in green) joins other charity ambassadors.

Now Available – AMH’s Impact Report 2017-18

Find out how Action Mental Health impacted on the lives of thousands of people in Northern Ireland in 2017/2018.

Our Impact Report is now available to download here.

Packed with statistics of how Action Mental Health is :

  • Supporting & Enhancing Recovery
  • Raising Awareness & Tackling Stigma
  • Achieving Excellence
  • Building Resilience
  • Influencing Public Policy

A printed version of the Impact Report can be ordered by contacting [email protected] (subject to availability).

A full copy of the annual report and audited accounts for the year to 31st March 2018 can be downloaded here.

I wanted to help someone else on my volunteering placement

I heard about others volunteering and going on placement and I thought to myself that I would like to do something like that; something that would be rewarding and helpful to others in need. I had a chat with the Employment Officer here at New Horizons Foyle and she suggested several places where I could volunteer. When she mentioned the Foyle Foodbank it interested me.

The Employment Officer supported me to complete the application form and then came with me to visit the Foodbank. There, we met James, the manager of the Foodbank, for an initial meeting. We had a chat and were shown around the facility and I was told what was involved in the role of volunteering. We arranged days to suit me to volunteer – and just like that I start volunteering, every Friday.

During my afternoon volunteering I organise food packages for different people depending on on household size. When people come in, I receive the person’s voucher and ensure they receive adequate amounts of food. I also make tea and coffee for anyone who comes in.

I find volunteering worthwhile and enjoyable, as well as being beneficial to my health. It is good to get out talking to people, helping people and doing something that is fulfilling. Laura, the Employment Officer has supported me by visiting me on placement and helping me to get settled. I would recommend anyone to consider volunteering, even just a chat with someone like Laura, to talk things through.

AMH New Horizons’s Working It Out project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts. To find out more please click here.



World Suicide Prevention Day – a day of hope that suicide is preventable

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, a day marked annually to raise awareness that suicide is preventable. It aims to foster greater awareness, education and progressive ways on tackling suicide and to challenge the stigma surrounding the tragic subject.

World Suicide Prevention Day is held each year on 10 September, organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

It’s an opportunity, to showcase the host of programmes and projects Action Mental Health provides in the area of mental ill health prevention, education, suicide/self-harm prevention and early intervention.

AMH Works provides quality Mental Health training programmes for employers to support healthy, resilient workplaces.  AMH Works also develops the skills and learning required to effectively manage employee mental well-being in the workplace.

AMH MensSana supports all ages in the area of mental health and emotional well-being through a range of activities tailored to suit group needs. AMH MensSana operates across the whole of Northern Ireland.

In partnership with PIPS Newry & Mourne, AMH MensSana operate the Southern Area Protect Life Resource Service, here to help you regarding suicide and self-harm prevention and mental health promotion.

Just one of the many programmes promoted by Action Mental Health  – Safetalk will prepare you to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. Find out more on our service pages.


Duke of Edinburgh Gold for Sinead!

Congratulations to Sinead O’Hara on receiving her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Sinead, who attends Action Mental Health’s BOOST programme at New Horizons Fermanagh, was presented with the coveted award by HRH The Princess Royal during a ceremony at Hillsborough Castle this week. Sinead was accompanied by a number of other award winners from Fermanagh, and Mrs Greenaway, who runs the Carrowhony Pet farm, Maguiresbridge,  where Sinead volunteers regularly.  Well done Sinead!

“The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has helped countless young people on their sometimes difficult path to adulthood.” HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

For the past seven decades, the Award scheme has inspired and transformed the lives of millions of young people from all walks of life. From volunteering to physical activities, life skills to expeditions, achieving a DofE Award is a passport to a brighter future, valued by employers and universities. There are three levels of programme you can do which, when successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

To find out more click here –

The Boost programme is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts. To find out more please click here.


Pink tribute act at Mahon’s this Saturday in aid of Action Mental Health

Pink may not be there in person but local tribute artist Alecia Karr will be pounding out the hits, bringing her alive to audiences at Mahon’s Hotel in Irvinstown on Saturday, September 8 in aid of Action Mental Health.

The event has been organised by local woman Stacy Johnson who is committed to raising awareness and funds for local mental health services.

Mahon’s has donated the venue free for the event so you’ve still got time to plan to attend this Saturday night.

For tickets and further information contact Mahon’s on 028 6862 1656 or Stacy on 07926 449888. The price of a ticket is just £10, with the event kicking off at 8pm ’til late.

Gala Ball to target rising suicide in aid of Action Mental Health and Pips

Gareth McGimpsey, Lauren Brown, Phil McGimpsey, Robyn Gouin and Jodie Gouin, prepare to #TakeActionOnMentalHealth at their Suicide Awareness Gala Ball on September 29.

A group of young people mourning the loss of friends who have died by suicide are staging a gala ball in their memory and to help raise awareness of its rising incidence in Northern Ireland.

Six young people, from the Dundonald and Belfast areas, are also using the event to help raise funds for two leading charities, Action Mental Health and Pips, the suicide and self-harm prevention organisation.

The Suicide Awareness Gala Ball will be held at the Stormont Hotel, Belfast on Saturday, September 29. The group is appealing for local businesses to offer prizes for raffles to help raise more money on the night.

Sisters Jodie and Robyn Gouin, from Dundonald, have lost two friends in the past six years and together with four other friends – Phil and Gareth McGimpsey, Ryan Harris and Lauren Brown – they have decided to host the ball together.

They felt compelled to act following their friends’ untimely deaths, and by staging the gala, they hope to raise money for both Action Mental Health and for Pips, to shine a light on the rising problem of suicide, especially in young men.

Jodie, 26 explained: “We want to raise awareness and to try to break down the stigmas that prevent males, especially, from talking about their problems and whatever drives them to such drastic – and final – steps, as suicide.

Her younger sister Robyn, who is 22 agreed: “One of our friends was there for me and very supportive when our grandad died. He was the first one to come to me and tell me to keep going on, but then it wasn’t so long after that that he took his own life.

“Suicide is on the increase and there are still people, especially young men, who suffer anxiety or other issues who are afraid to talk about it, and we have to do something about that,” she added.

“We have to raise awareness that there are people and organisations, like Action Mental Health and Pips, which can help. People who are suffering need to know they are not alone.”

AMH Fundraising Officer Callum Clark said: “We are delighted to have been chosen as one of the benefactors of the Suicide Awareness Gala Ball.

“It is great to see this group of young people, who sadly have been bereaved of friends by suicide, making such an effort to help break down the stigma still attached to mental health.”

For further details and information on purchasing tickets for the black tie charity event, which cost £35 each and include a three-course meal, please visit the group’s Facebook page –

ABC Lord Mayor gets insight into green-fingered clients at Action Mental Health

Action Mental Health’s Head of Operations, Audrey Allen joins AMH Chief Executive, David Babington to welcome Lord Mayor Julie Flaherty to Tannaghmore Gardens, hosted by AMH New Horizons Craigavon and Banbridge Service Manager, Colin Loughran.

The Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Julie Flaherty, has been getting an insight into the wide-reaching work of Action Mental Health in the local community.

Councillor Flaherty recently visited with Action Mental Health personnel and clients during a special tour of Tannaghmore Gardens near Lurgan, in a bid to learn about the link between the picturesque venue and the charity. The gardens provide training and employment opportunities for people who attend the nearby AMH New Horizons which serves the Council Borough.

Mrs Flaherty paid the visit as part of her commitment to support the charity ahead of the Council’s support for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 and World Mental Health Day, which takes place on October 10. It is on the latter date when civic buildings throughout the borough are expected to ‘Go Purple’ and be illuminated in purple light in support of AMH’s many events to mark the global spotlight on mental health issues.

The Working it Out project delivered by AMH New Horizons is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy

Action Mental Health Chief Executive David Babington was there to greet the mayor and explained how the gardens aid people’s recovery from periods of mental ill-health.

“We have been working within the gardens since the mid-1990s and here, we help create vocational, employment and life skills opportunities for people during their recovery journey through individually tailored and progressive support plans.  Our partnership with ABC here at Tannaghmore Gardens also enables clients to make a significant contribution to their community in maintaining the beautiful Walled Garden.”

AMH have enjoyed a positive working relationship with the ABC Council and look forward to future collaborations that will collectively help in countering the stigma that still exits, limiting the potential for people who experience mental ill health and their quality of life.