All posts by actionmentalhealth

New Year Resolution 2019 –

Positive Action in Employing People With Disabilities

A new 5 Step Recruitment Guide has been launched by Disability Action and The Northern Ireland Union of supported Employment (NIUSE).

NIUSE is an umbrella organisation representing organisations and individuals promoting employment for people with disabilities through the model of Supported Employment. Our Operations Manager Peter Shields is the AMH representative on the NIUSE Board.

The guide “Employing People with Disabilities : A Positive Action Guide for Employers” has been designed to help employers to match the right people with the right jobs, achieving positive outcomes for everyone.

The Positive Action Guide outlines the experiences from local Northern Ireland employers who already recruit disabled staff.

Dylan Glenholmes was successful in getting a job at Oranmore Guest House and Tea rooms with the support of Disability Action.

Fiona McLarnon, owner of Oranmore Guest House and Tea Rooms with employee Dylan Glenholmes.


Speaking about his job Dylan said,

 “I’ve now really settled in here and feel part of the team”. Fiona and Gerard McLarnon who own the business added, “having Dylan in the workplace has also helped other staff and given us knowledge, understanding and confidence about employing someone with a disability and has helped us all encourage and support each other.”

The Guide also references Anne McGlade, from the Health and Social Care Board who commented,

“With the help of Supported Employment Solutions (SES) our Disability Placement Scheme demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that people with disabilities get the same chances as everyone else.  By breaking down the initial barrier a number of people have gone on to secure paid employment with the health service and other employment settings”.

Supported Employment Solutions is a consortium of 7 supported employment organisation – Action Mental Health (lead partner), Cedar Foundation (lead partner), Action on Hearing Loss, Mencap, NOW Group, Orchardville Society and RNIB.


Edyth Dunlop, Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment encourages employers large or small to take that first step towards positive action recruitment,

“Let’s make 2019 the year of Positive Action and take action to recruit people with disabilities.  Please talk to Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment or Disability Action or your local disability organisation we are here to support employers at each step.”


‘This recruitment guide has been produced as part of the Job Match project. This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy. It is also part funded by the Department for Communities.

Job Match is delivered by Disability Action in partnership with the Department for Communities and the Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment.’


Puzzle Day Prowess at AMH!

Clients at Action Mental Health New Horizons North Down & Ards have been exercising their grey cells on National Puzzle Day. Tasha Hamilton put the finishing pieces to the puzzle that clients have been putting together over the past week, also including, (in pic from left to right) Leah Campbell, Matt Starrett and Violet Maxwell. Well done folks!

Piecing together jigsaw puzzles not only offers a range of physical health benefits, but also key mental health advantages. It helps to reduce stress by occupying and engaging the mind to help create a sense of calm and serenity. The act of working on the puzzle lessens external worries, decreasing stress as the mind focuses on the activity that is meditative and satisfying.

Puzzling it out at AMH New Horizons North Down & Ards on National Puzzle Day

Face your fears and help #TakeActionOnMentalHealth

Action Mental Health are hosting an abseil at Belfast Castle on Sunday 24th February 2019

We are calling all thrill seekers to take part! Face your fears and help #TakeActionOnMentalHealth

Belfast Castle is set on the slopes of Cave Hill Country Park in a prominent position 400 feet above sea level.

You will abseil 100 feet down the side of the castle’s tower whilst taking in the spectacular views across the city. No previous experience is required and you will be provided with a full safety briefing on the day.

Registration fee of £35 and a minimum sponsorship of £70 is required per participant. REGISTER HERE!

Abseil time slots to be confirmed closer to the date.

Minimum age 16 years old.

For more information contact [email protected]

Dry January – 3 weeks in!

It’s three weeks into Dry January and chances are you’re looking forward to a little glass of wine with your dinner or a pint down the pub with your friends.

But according to Priory Health, lasting three weeks without alcohol is beneficial to your mental and physical health.

By week three of Dry January your blood pressure will have reduced, alongside the risks posed by alcohol to your heart as well as the chances of having a stroke. Your vision will improve as will your kidney health.

Not only will the period of abstinence improve your general health, you’ll also save a shed load of calories. Based on estimates that you’d have consumed 18 175ml sized glasses of wine by now – or three bottles – that amounts to 2880 calories – or three portions of fish and chips. It would have also drained your purse of just over £67. If you are denying yourself beer, 18 pints would have added 3240 calories to your diet and cost you £54.

If, like many you are waiting for the dawn of February to enjoy a moderate tipple – but you struggle with depression and anxiety – it’s best to adhere to the medical guidelines, and limit yourself to the standard 14 units of alcohol per week. That amounts to six pints of lager, or a bottle and a half of wine spread over three or more days, with a few days off.

Introducing the Experiment 26.2 Group, taking on the Marathon Challenge!

The organisers of the Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon have recruited 19 ambassadors who will be taking on the challenge of running a marathon for the first time and we get to follow them on their journey!

Pictured at their recent “Ice Breaker” Challenge at the JungleNI – The Experiment 26.2 Group are revealed!

With less than 16 weeks to go, the Experiment 26.2 Group will be more than race-ready, thanks to an amazing training package, put together by the event’s Official Partners – Stuart Kennedy (Official Marathon Coach), Framar Health (Official Nutrition Partner) and Better (Official Gym Partner).  They’ll receive complimentary Athletics NI and Mary Peters Track memberships, free entry to running events (SPAR Craic 10K, Titanic Quarter 10K and SPAR Omagh Half Marathon) and a goodie bag of products to help support their training from Deep RiverRock, Framar Health, White’s Oats, Linwoods, Tayto, SPAR and more.

All have chosen to run for one of the FIVE Official Charity Partners for the 2019 Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon – Belfast Arthroplasty Research Trust (BART), Cancer Focus NI, Stroke Association, Air Ambulance NI and Action Mental Health.

AMH’s Diarmuid McLaughlin

We are delighted that our very own Diarmuid McLaughlin, Skills Coach in AMH New Horizons Antrim is one of the group aiming to complete his first marathon in front of a home crowd and we will be following his progress closely and wish him well in his training! We will be revealing the other ambassadors #TakingActionOnMentalHealth shortly! Watch this space ……

The group met for the first time on Saturday 12th January to complete an “ice breaker” challenge at The Jungle NI, Moneymore.  They were split into two teams to go head to head in a “Crystal Maze” team building challenge, the first of many mental, physical and endurance tests as they meet and train for their first marathon!

The Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon hopes that you will follow the Experiment 26.2 Group over the coming weeks and help motivate and cheer them on.  You can follow their progress online at and on the event social media sites Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Maybe it will motivate YOU to take on your first running challenge and join them on Sunday 5th May for either the Marathon Run & Wheelchair Race, Marathon Team Relay, 8 Mile Walk or Fun Run. 

SIGN UP for the 38th Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon now at via the brand new MyTicket App.  #ChooseBelfast

The Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon is sponsored by Athletics Northern Ireland, Daily Mirror, Belfast City Council, Better, Translink, Daily Mirror, Spar, Belfast Live and Framar Health. Sampling partners are Deep RiverRock, Tayto, White’s Oats and Linwoods.  This year’s official charities are Belfast Arthroplasty Research Trust (BART); Cancer Focus NI; Stroke Association; Air Ambulance NI and Action Mental Health. 

Support for Mental Health Services in downward spiral

The Chief Executive of Action Mental Health has said that support for mental health services across Northern Ireland are in a downward spiral. David Babington was speaking after Professor Roy McClelland described the crisis at Muckamore Hospital as the “the tip of the iceberg” and that the system was failing patients at the hospital. 

David Babington presents to the NI Affairs Committee in Wesminster

David Babington said “The serious issues Professor McClelland raises about the state of mental health services in Northern Ireland have been building for some time. Just last month I was part of the delegation from the mental health sector to present to the NI Affairs Committee in Westminster. Our message was very clear – Northern Ireland has the highest incidence of mental health problems in the UK, and the lowest level of spending on mental health services. Fundamentally that is unsustainable. 

“The share of health spending which is invested specifically on mental health services in Northern Ireland is 6%. In England that percentage is almost 12% yet our incidence of mental health problems is 25% higher. We have the highest suicide rate in the UK and the highest rates of medical prescription. We also have increased instances of mental ill health in children. How can we deal with the problem of mental health if we are not prepared to properly fund the services? If we don’t break that cycle it is self evident that the problems will continue to mount and that mental health provision will continue to be the forgotten service in our NHS locally.

“Mental health spending in Northern Ireland is in a downward spiral. When small amounts of additional money are provided they are used to fill the gaps. To deliver first class mental health services which can provide the support that so many people need and can deal with the severity of the issues Professor McClelland has raised, we need a genuine investment in the service, and ongoing support for the services, all delivered through an overarching mental health strategy for Northern Ireland.”

Action Mental Health welcomes new corporate partner Podium 4 Sport

AMH Fundraising and Communications Manager Jonny Smyth, accepting a donation from Podium 4 Sport, from the company’s Markeing Manager, Craig Allen

Action Mental Health is delighted to announce its latest corporate partnership of 2019, with Podium 4 Sport.

The sports and fitness equipment retailer, based in Castlereagh, offers a range of sportswear for a vast array sporting requirements, from amateurs to  professionals and teams of all ages across a diverse field of sport.

The retail business selected Action Mental Health as its charity partner for 2019 and as the beneficiary of fundraising efforts over the period.

Action Mental Health is grateful to work with Podium 4 Sport, recognising that sport, like any physical activity, plays a huge role in keeping our minds healthy, as well as our bodies.

By actively supporting Action Mental Health, the company joins the diverse range of corporate partners which work to help eliminate the stigma still associated with mental health issues.

Action Mental Health Fundraising and Communications Manager Jonathan Smyth announced the partnership, stating: “Receiving the support of the corporate community, like that offered by Podium 4 Sport, helps to ensure the future of our programmes with children and young people which are becoming increasingly sought-after throughout Northern Ireland.

“Sports play an important role in helping to promote better mental health and well-being, reducing stress and clearing the mind. We are very grateful to have Podium 4 Sport on board as one of our corporate partners as we work tirelessly with both adults and young people across Northern Ireland to raise awareness and provide support through a wide range of dedicated recovery and resilience programmes.”

Craig Allen from Podium 4 Sport commented “It is our pleasure to be supporting Action Mental Health for 2019. The link between mental health and sport is longstanding and we would like to help build on that foundation.”

New hairdressing at home service for people with mental health isssues

Hairdresser Toni Campbell, from Larne

A hairdresser from Larne who understands the challenges facing people with mental ill-health, is offering a new service to people in their own homes. Toni Campbell, who has experienced anxiety and depression, will visit the homes of people who suffer similar issues, and who have a fear of, or are unable to leave their homes to visit a salon. Toni offers a cut and blowdry for just £15 and will be extending her services in the future. For now, she charges a small fee to cover travel costs.

Toni explains: “I really want to help people with genuine mental health issues, like I’ve suffered in the past so if that’s you, contact me.” 

She plans to open up a salon in the future, complete with a sensitively bedecked interior to create a calming and relaxed environment for her target customers.

“I’ll be offering a one-to-one service so there’ll be no crowds for people who want to fight their anxiety and get out,” she adds.

For more information visit