All posts by actionmentalhealth

Worldwide focus on mental health kicks off with the eighth annual Granite Challenge

Action Mental Health’s annual kickstarter to World Mental Health Day – the Granite Challenge – got the charity’s packed week of events off to a resounding success on Sunday.

The sun shone for around 360 participants who tackled the sportive through the picturesque Mourne Mountains, tackling some challenging headwinds but raising much-needed funds for the charity’s Men’s Shed based at New Horizons Downpatrick.

All the money raised through the cycling event will be used to support the Men’s Shed which provides a relaxed and friendly environment where men over 50 form new friendships, share skills and learn new ones, while encouraging them to look after their mental health. Shedders, as they’re known, come together to work on practical activities of their choice, including horticulture, joinery, photography, arts and crafts, IT and cooking – every Men’s Shed is led by the needs and skills of its ‘shedders’ and AMH also offers one in Antrim and in Fermanagh.

The funds raised will be used to help pay for the men to attend as well as for equipment used in the workshops and other activities.

As a local charity, Action Mental Health relies on the support of the local community to help provide its vital services. The Downpatrick Shed is annually supported by the Granite Challenge which this weekend took cyclists along a scenic route through Tyrella and Dundrum, along coastal roads through Newcastle, and on towards Annalong at the foot of the Mournes. Riders then commenced their ascent through the Mournes past Silent Valley, climbing to Spelga Dam, before going downhill toward home, through the pretty village of Bryansford. Traversing Maghera and Clough they finally headed back to the finish in Downpatrick.

The challenging event was supported by McConvey Cycles and first aiders from St. John’s Ambulance, and as always, AMH is gratefully indebted to both for their great efforts on the day.

One member of the Men’s Shed in Downpatrick, Terry Murphy, reveals why the annual event is so important to him and his fellow Shedders. “I would encourage anyone our age to join the Men’s Shed; it’s very, very beneficial. You learn different skills and different crafts,  from wood-carving, and stained glass, to mosaic work.

“I enjoy my fellow shedders because without them there’s no shed. We all benefit from each other and as a group, together we all benefit from the support of the Granite Challenge. It’s an amazing community fundraising effort and we all really appreciate the people who come out to participate.”

AMH Chief Executive David Babington – who annually is among the hundreds of participating cyclists – reminds us that like any exercise, cycle promotes mental well-being.

“Physical activity plays a huge role in keeping our minds healthy as well as our bodies. With as many as one in five people in Northern Ireland experiencing mental ill-health at some stage of their life, it’s important to remember that simple things such as cycling to work or walking the dog can really help to reduce stress and clear the mind.

“As World Mental Health Day approaches on Thursday we couldn’t think of a more fitting tribute than hosting a large scale sporting event that unites the community in a show of support for those impacted by mental illness whilst also offering participants the chance to raise vital funds to support our work.

“We’re always really excited to host our annual Granite Challenge, which over the years has proved hugely popular with local cycling clubs and individuals alike. Each year the number of cyclists continues to grow, and this year the turnout was very gratifying so we want to thank everyone who took part.”

For further photographs, see our Facebook page or follow this link

Supporting Equality through Inclusive Employment

L-R : John Davis (AMH New Horizons Antrim Service Manager), Deirdre Ward (Forum Co-Chair), Tony O’Reilly (Forum Co-Chair), Edyth Dunlop (NIUSE) and Peter Shields (AMH Operations Manager)

The Department for Communities (DfC) Disability Stakeholder Forum met on Wednesday 2nd October at AMH New Horizons Antrim. This meeting was preceded by a meeting between the Co-Chairs of the Forum, Deirdre Ward (DfC) & Tony Reilly (Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment) and service users from a number of disability organisations, including Mencap, Triangle Housing and AMH New Horizons.

The role of the Department for Communities Disability Stakeholder Forum is to act as a cohesive and collaborative group that will support and influence the full implementation of the ‘Supporting Equality through Inclusive Employment – An Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities’.

In doing so, the Forum :

Contributes to the success of the strategy;

Reviews the Annual Action Plan at each of the Stakeholder Forum meetings;

Provides direct input into the future Action Plans within the lifetime of the strategy;

Champions the aims and objectives of the strategy within their own field and with other relevant stakeholders, such as people with disabilities, employers, local representatives etc;

Recommends the best methods to engage and communicate with the wider disability sector/community, particularly people with disabilities and those who represent their employment and employability needs.

Worldwide focus on mental health kicks off with Granite Challenge

The global spotlight shines on suicide prevention throughout the world this October as World Mental Health Day (WMHD) events take place abroad and at home to champion greater mental health awareness and emotionally resilient societies.

Here in Northern Ireland, where one in five adults in Northern Ireland will show signs of a mental illness – a rate 25% higher than in England – Action Mental Health works tirelessly to help clients stem the personal impact of their mental ill-health.

Action Mental Health kicks off the annual WMHD with its trademark sporting event, the Granite Challenge when cyclists raise funds for the charity’s Men’s Shed based at New Horizons Downpatrick.

As part of the global efforts, clients of Action Mental Health will be busy participating in a variety of events – and will ‘Go Purple’ – to help in the charity-wide efforts to raise awareness of mental health issues while fundraising to support its vital services. People can select a day that suits between Monday, October 7 and Sunday 13 and get inspired through Action Mental Health’s free fundraising pack, available by registering on their website –

A number of civic buildings will also be illuminated in purple across Northern Ireland and as they do, Action Mental Health is encouraging the public to also GO Purple for World Mental Health Day. People can invite their colleagues, friends and families to sponsor them to wear purple, host purple tea parties or rack up purple miles through any physical means to raise money for Action Mental Health.  

Art as a therapeutic pastime is one of the core activities at AMH New Horizons and will feature largely on the WMHD calendar. Clients at Antrim New Horizons will present their ‘Art of Recovery’ exhibition at Clotworthy House, Antrim from October 1 to 27, while in Newtownards, artist Brian Kielt presents his one man show ‘Bardo: An Unknown Country’ at the Georgian Gallery, Ards Art Centre, in aid of Action Mental Health, running from October 3 to 26.

At AMH New Horizons Derriaghy clients will unveil their special animation which depicts their journeys from mental ill-health to recovery, at the Bridge Community Centre, Railway Street Lisburn, on Monday, October 7 at 11am. Clients at New HorizonsAntrim will exhibit their artistic talents at Mossley Mill on October 8 in Newtownabbey.

New Horizon Antrim clients will get the chance to experiment with Laughter Yoga – said to help combat depression and anxiety – with Nuala McKeever of North Star Health & Well-being Centre.

The Antrim service will also play host to a visit by the Gathering Drum, a drumming circle which aims to encourage clients to experiment with the rhythms of the percussion instrument.

At New Horizons Downpatrick, staff and clients will be hosting a Mental Health Promotion Fair to feature creative writing and story-telling, hand massages, a mindfulness taster and music as well as a taster session with Elite Fitness, complemented by the attendance of a  physiotherapist.

WMHD also is the theme for the annual Big Breakfast at Newry’s Canal Court Hotel which will bring together local council representatives and businesses, including Autoline, Danske, Haldane Fisher, Murdock Group and Saica Pack.

New Horizons Craigavon and Banbridge will host an open day on WMHD while up in the northwest at New Horizons Foyle clients will be presented with certificates following a host of courses they’ve been working towards.

Action Mental Health Chief Executive David Babington is encouraging everyone to Go Purple to help the charity support people experiencing mental ill-health and to help build resilience and promote well-being among the younger generation.

“We hope everyone will consider participating in World Mental Health Day in some capacity. There are so many ways to fundraise for Action Mental Health and you’re only limited by your imagination.  All you have to do is get in touch and we’ll send you a fundraising pack.

“We’re delighted to know that lots of individuals and groups, including numerous schools and community groups as well as many of our dedicated corporate partners, are already signed up to Go Purple, this October.

“In a society like Northern Ireland which experiences greater incidence of suicide than the rest of the United Kingdom, we do our utmost to support people with mental ill-health, and to provide emotional well-being and resilience building services to the our future generations.”

Action Mental Health as once again teamed up with White’s Oats to offer samples of their tasty porridge to participants on the day. 

Danielle Mc Bride, Brand Manager of White’s Oats commented: ‘’The 10th October is World Mental Health Day and World Porridge Day, and with the synergies between the two being so strong it’s fitting that both should share the same date in the calendar year.

“A healthy lifestyle can deliver many great benefits, not least the physical and mental benefits, with increasing research showing that a healthy diet can support a healthy mind and this starts with the food we eat’’.

This year, White’s Oats is offering participants the chance to win a year’s supply of their tasty product to the cycling team with the most entries.

AMH New Horizons’ ‘Working it Out’ project – the focal point of the charity’s recovery services in which clients participate – is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

Learn more about Going Purple for WMHD by clicking the link:

The Bug Hotel – Open For Business in Fermanagh!

Clients taking part in the ESF “Working It Out” project at AMH New Horizons Fermanagh, enjoyed a unique opportunity to get creative in the ornamental walled garden at Florenscourt House, one of the most beautiful Georgian houses in Ulster.

With the support of Freddy, our helpful National Trust volunteer, clients built a bug hotel, having first foraged for twigs, nuts and cones along the beautiful woodland walks and trails on the Estate.

The Bug Hotel, which is situated in our New Horizons Serenity garden, officially opened on Friday 27th September, and is expected to reach full guest occupancy over the Autumn!

AMH New Horizons’ ‘Working it Out” project is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

Team AMH runners revel in half- marathon buzz despite the downpour!

Alex Murdock, AMH representative in Challenge 13.1

Runners of all ages and from all over Northern Ireland kept on running despite repeated downpours, all in the name of supporting Action Mental Health’s vital recovery and resilience-building services.

Team Action Mental Health showed its true mettle on Sunday, braving rain and even thunderstorms to complete this year’s Deep RiverRock Belfast City Half-Marathon.

Over 90 members of the public and staff of AMH created a purple haze during the race, in which the charity was one of five chosen charities to benefit from the popular annual event.

AMH Fundraising and Engagement Coordinator, Alex Murdock, led the charge on Sunday, taking part in the Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon’s Challenge 13.1 initiative. Challenge 13.1 drew one participant from each of the five designated marathon charities and each was mentored throughout their training, receiving tips and advice on the best way of tackling the miles.

AMH Finance Manager Francis Tumelty, who was part of Team AMH Relay in the full marathon in May, returned to the road again, putting in a decent time not too far off his personal best.

Other runners who signed up to run and raise money for Action Mental Health did so for a variety of reasons, with many of them having had personal experience of mental ill-health or a family member affected by mental illness.

A number of runners came by the AMH marquee prior to the race for photographs and to share in the buzz, with many returning again following the event – soaking but in good spirits.

Well done to all of you who took part and from all of us here at AMH – a huge thank you!

US students experience New Horizons model during world congress

Students from Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia, visit New Horizons Foyle

Students from Arlington Virginia have been treated to a tour of New Horizons Foyle during a worldwide focus on suicide prevention.

The young people from the American institution were welcomed to the service by the Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Michaela Boyle.

The delegation was in Derry Londonderry attending the Suicide Conference and wanted to visit New Horizons to see it in action, the model of which they told Service Manager Pauline Flanagan they were unfamiliar with, at home.

AMH New Horizons’ and its ‘Working it Out” project, which is undertaking by clients, is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

AMH chief executive David Babington chatted with students during the tour of the service, which took place as part of their trip to Northern Ireland to participate in the 30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.

The conference got under way in Derry on Tuesday bringing together more than 800 delegates including leading international experts on suicide prevention.

The AMH New Horizons activities the client participates in are operated through the “Working it Out” project, which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

New Horizons Foyle Service Manager Pauline Flanagan with Mayor, Michaela Boyle and AMH Chief Executive David Babington

CEO laments ‘stubbornly high’ suicide rates on BBC Radio 4

Action Mental Health Chief Executive David Babington

Action Mental Health Chief Executive David Babington has addressed UK audiences on Northern Ireland’s ‘stubbornly high’ suicide rate BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours Programme.

Mr Babington contributed to the show, presented by Winifred Robinson, following a taped interview with Belfast mum Patricia Ferrin who shared her tragic plight of losing her three sons to suicide.

Describing Northern Ireland’s suicide rate as ‘stubbornly high’ Mr Babington referred to figures for last year which resulted in the deaths of 4.5 more people compared to road deaths.

Echoing Mrs Ferrin’s call for greater resources he told the programme: “It’s about resources and collective leadership to prioritise it in among everything else in the health sector.

“We get half the funding for mental health services in Northern Ireland as happens in England so it’s only about 6 or 7 per cent of the budget were as it’s 12 per cent in England so immediately there’s a massive disparity there,” he said.

Calling for parity between physical and mental health, Mr Babington said referred to a new Department of Health initiative unveiled on World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10  – aimed at cutting suicide rates by 10% in five years.

Offering a measured welcome to the new Protect Life 2 Strategy Mr Babington said resources fall short of its aims.

“It’s great to see now we have out there but we would give a very measured welcome to it because at the end of the day, in terms of resources, we just do not see it.”

He added: “Over 70% of those who die by suicide do not have contact with mental health services so they are out there in the community; maybe it’s an impulsive act or it’s just they don’t know where to go.

Referring to AMH’s resilience-building programmes for children and young people, including Healthy Me for primary school children, Mr Babington continued: “It’s getting out there in the community, so that’s in schools and with young people in the workplace – that’s where the majority of these issues are starting.

“We need to be proactive rather than reactive and so that’s where we believe we can really make a difference, working with our statutory colleagues in delivering that.”

Hear the full interview on   @BBCRadio4#YouandYours from 36.20 to 38.55 and read more about AMH’s resilience building initatives:

Insight and ingenuity explored with compelling contemporary artist

A Co Derry artist has given clients at Action Mental Health a sneak preview of a new solo exhibition which coincides with World Mental Health Day events being held throughout the charity.

Brian Kielt, who has captured life, often through a refracted lens and rich in metaphor, lore and legend, brings his collection, ‘Bardo: An Unknown Country’ to the Ards Arts Centre in October.

The one-man exhibition will premiere at the Centre’s Georgian Gallery from October 3 to 26, with proceeds from the exhibition going to Action Mental Health’s New Horizons North Down and Ards.

Keilt’s theme of Bardo comes from the same Tibetan word which translates as ‘between two’, reflecting Buddhism’s belief in the journey the soul takes between death and the ultimate goal – rebirth and peace.

The theme, in many ways, charts Kielt’s own personal ‘struggle with mental health issues for the best part of 15 years’, with art, he contends, representing a focus by which he strives toward personal peace and aims to ‘make sense of the world’.

The event follows a lifelong dream to be an artist and combines his flair and skill for contemporary expressionism, with the subject matter of his life since childhood.

It translates prosaic settings of his family history, which he turns on its head to create evocative multi-scene images, warranting audiences’ considered inspection, right through to unique interpretations of Greek mythology.

By literally turning images of portraiture, by degrees, such transposition creates dramatic and poignant images which have the viewer guessing its enigmatic subject matter.

Talented and budding artists who attend AMH New Horizons North Down and Ards, got the chance to view some of Kielt’s work, quizzing him on his inspiration, work and subject matter, with many of them now looking forward to attending next month’s event. Clients even got to take part in a workshop led by Kielt, producing innovative, unique and impressive works of their own.

Those who participated undertake AMH New Horizons’ ‘Working it Out” project which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

Kielt’s work for the exhibition was sponsored by an iDA grant awarded by the University of Atypical (formerly the Arts and Disability Forum) supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.