All posts by actionmentalhealth

“Bottling things up in your head will not help things at all”

Olympic gymnast Rhys McClenaghan

That’s the message from Northern Ireland’s most successful gymnast Rhys McClenaghan who today helps Action Mental Health mark a week long focus on the mental health of our younger generation.

Children’s Mental Health Week this year shines a spotlight on the theme ‘Find Your Brave’ and in his special video to mark the occasion, Action Mental Health ambassador Rhys McGlenaghan, tells how he ‘finds his brave’.

The Commonwealth and European champion gymnast, who is preparing for the Olympics this year in Tokyo, speaks of the often difficult task of “opening up to someone and talking”. “Bottling things up in your head will not help things at all,” he says, but let’s hear it from Rhys himself …….

Find Your Brave – It’s Children’s Mental Health Week!

This year’s theme is ‘Find Your Brave’.

This year’s focus, from February 3 to 9, places children’s mental health in the spotlight at a time when around three children in every primary school class has a mental health problem. Many more struggle with challenges, living with the daily challenges of everything from bullying to bereavement.

We are delighted to be joined by some very special guests to find out what bravery means to them, and how they have found their brave.

Paulo Ross (28), originally from Ardglass, now lives in Belfast and co-presents the Cool FM Breakfast Show and sport every morning alongside Pete Snodden and Rebecca McKinney.  An avid Liverpool FC fan, Paulo has been a great supporter of Action Mental Health, having lived experience of mental illness in his family.  Nicknamed ‘Mourne Man’ on the radio show because of how much time he spends in the Mourne mountains, Paulo also cares for his mum and finds that a weekly hike is great for his physical and mental well-being.

Teacher, Mark Rodgers, Abbey Grammar School, Newry, Co Down

Lismore Comprehensive School, Craigavon

Pupils from Presentation Primary School, Portadown

Head Boy and Head Girl of Saintfield High School discuss “Finding Your Brave”

Northern Ireland gymnast Rhys McClenaghan created history last year as he became the first Irish gymnast to win a medal at the World
Championships, claiming bronze in the pommel horse.
The 20-year-old has also booked a place at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. In 2018 he won the Commonwealth Games title and the European crown.
In addition to his world medal in Stuttgart in October, he took gold on the pommel horse at the World Challenge Cup in Slovenia.
Brought up in Newtownards, Rhys has been one of Action Mental Health’s ambassadors for a number of years, promoting the charity and positive mental health.

Irvinestown Primary School

Presentation Primary School, Portadown

Lismore Comprehensive School Craigavon

Annabelle – Irvinestown Primary School

Presentation Primary School

Irvinestown Primary School – Nick, Tori Lilly, Rachel & Lana

Irvinestown Primary School – Noah

Irvinestown Primary School – Rachel

Irvinestown Primary School – Tori Lilly

Abbey Grammar School Newry – Trent

Irvinestown Primary School – Lana

Presentation Primary School Portadown

Irvinestown Primary School Amy, Rhianna & Emma

Lismore Comprehensive School, Craigavon

Caitlin Irvinestown Primary School

Presentation Primary School Portadown

Abbey Grammar School, Newry – Rory

Lismore Comprehensive School

Presentation Primary School

Children’s Mental Health Week was launched in 2015 by Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity. In its sixth year, the week continues to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health.

This year’s focus, from February 3 to 9, places children’s mental health in the spotlight at a time when around three children in every primary school class has a mental health problem. Many more struggle with challenges, living with the daily challenges of everything from bullying to bereavement.

Action Mental Health delivers a number of services dedicated specifically to young people, from Healthy Me for primary school children aged 8-11; Provoking Thought from 11 years of age; and Mindset, for young people aged 14 and up.

AMH also offers a host of resources for children:

You can also visit Place2Be

‘Stamp out the stigma’ cycle for men’s mental health

A Co Antrim man who slipped into a “dark place” during a bout of mental ill health is cycling across Northern Ireland’s football grounds to raise funds for Action Mental Health.

Mervyn Canders from Ballyclare, will set off on the sponsored challenge that will cover approximately 350 miles over three days and two nights, commencing at Dixon Park, the home of Ballyclare Comrades FC.

The 37- year-old, who is being accompanied on the route by a number of friends, is also inviting other cyclists and cycling clubs to join them for the event which wheels off on March 23.

The married father of two, then aims to make his way around all 24 Irish premiership and championship clubs grounds in Northern Ireland, hoping to gather up merchandise from each to raffle off, to bolster the sponsorship fund.

“As football is a sport mainly played and supported by men both young and old, there is a stigma attached to men not speaking about their mental health,” he explained.

“I, myself have had mental health issues and have found myself in a dark place. I needed to do something about it so I went and spoke to a counsellor and just by speaking to someone who I didn’t know helped me greatly, to just get things that had been simmering underneath for so long out and off my chest,” he said.

Mervyn played football since childhood up until recent years when work responsibilities precluded his enjoyment of the sport, so he came to cycling late, only pushing pedals on pavement in October 2019.

“The first time I went out on a road bike was really enjoyable and was great for the mind so I decided to tie the two together and I’ve come up with this challenge,” he added.

“Bearing in mind I have never cycled before, up until a few months ago, last October, this will indeed be a big challenge, not only physically but mentally as well, but one I am really looking forward to completing.”

Mervyn said many people have asked him why he has chosen the arduous challenge.

“I have previously suffered from mental health and I am not ashamed to admit that. I wasn’t in a good place and I took the first step and spoke to someone and from that day everything changed for me,” he told them.

“It is heart-breaking to see that people can’t seem to find an alternative, and that speaking out about their mental health and asking for help could potentially save their lives. The increase in especially males ending their own lives is absolutely devastating!

“Life is precious. It’s good to talk so don’t be ashamed and don’t bottle it all up. By just talking to one person and telling them how you feel, it could potentially change everything,” he concluded.

Mervyn has set up a Justgiving page and a number of local businesses have already signalled their support for his fundraising effort.

Anyone wishing to join the cycle should contact Mervyn on Facebook

Gather up old phones and printer goods to help us all go greener!

Disused mobile phones and empty ink cartridges are going to be transformed into funds for Action Mental Health in an ecological move towards a greener environment

Action Mental Health is delighted to have been chosen for the recycling partnership with Printer Cartridges Recycling Ltd which aims to counter the UK-wide dumping of more than 30million inkjet cartridges per year.

The specialist recycling firm steps in to recycle these cartridges that would otherwise take up to 1000 years to decompose. It also serves to make something useful of the glut of mobile phones in the UK – which is a huge number when you consider that on average, people ugrade their handsets every 18 months, with only 20% of them being reused or recycled.

Each reception of Action Mental Health’s sites will be provided with a box, in which staff will be invited to donate their disused items, no matter what the condition.

If you know of any businesses who can support us with this please ask them to visit our website.………… and they can donate through this page.

Find your Brave during Children’s Mental Health Week

Next week is Children’s Mental Health week and underpinning the focus on the well-being of our younger generation, this year’s theme is ‘Find Your Brave’.

Bravery comes in myriad ways and is different for everyone. It can be about pursuing ambitious personal goals, about striving for a certain physical, academic or other achievement or pushing yourself past your comfort zone.

But bravery can also be about simply speaking out and sharing your worries –and often the bravest thing of all is to ask for help.

When life throws challenges our way it isn’t always the bravest thing to cope alone or hold things in. Bravery is about finding positive ways to deal with things that might be difficult, overcoming physical and mental challenges and looking after yourself. 

Children’s Mental Health Week was launched in 2015 by Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity. In its sixth year, the week continues to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health.

This year’s focus, from February 3 to 9, places children’s mental health in the spotlight at a time when around three children in every primary school class has a mental health problem. Many more struggle with challenges, living with the daily challenges of everything from bullying to bereavement.

Action Mental Health delivers a number of services dedicated specifically to young people, from Healthy Me for primary school children aged 8-11; Provoking Thought from 11 years of age; and Mindset, for young people aged 14 and up.

AMH also offers a host of resources for children:

You can also visit Place2Be

Check in next week to see our tips on Finding Your Brave with the help of some special friends of AMH.

‘Our Generation’ – the path to emotional resilience, empathy and understanding

Building peace through emotional resilience in post-conflict Ireland.

A partnership of seven cross-border organisations are to share €6.1M (£5.1M) of EU PEACE IV funding to support communities to tackle post-conflict resilience and peace building throughout Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland.

The partnership, led by Action Mental Health, has been awarded funding through the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), to build positive relations and emotional resilience in communities impacted by four decades of the Troubles/Conflict across the island of Ireland.

Match-funding for the project has been provided by The Executive Office in Northern Ireland and the Department of Rural and Community Development in Ireland.

“Our Generation” is a cross-border partnership project which will be delivered through seven regional organisations, namely Action Mental Health, Donegal Youth Service, Co-Operation Ireland, Youth Action NI, Youthwork Ireland, PlayBoard NI and Ulster University.

It will reach 35,000 children, young people and adults who support them during the life of the project. Programmes provided will include accessible, age appropriate prevention, early intervention and recovery activities delivered on a cross-border and cross-community basis to support the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and young people within local communities.

Children and young people will engage in programme design and delivery, including provision of peer support, developing skills and confidence to improve well-being within their communities and act as agents of change, building peace for future generations.

David Babington, CEO of AMH and spokesperson for the project, said:

“The legacy of the conflict has left an impact on many communities in Northern Ireland and Ireland, which is still evident across generations of adults and young people. This innovative new project provides an unprecedented opportunity for communities, North and South of the Border, to come together to halt the intergenerational impact of the trauma and build emotional resilience and peace for generations to come”.  

The Executive Office Junior Ministers Declan Kearney and Gordon Lyons welcomed the investment and the combined focus on mental health and peace building.

“The Executive is committed to urgently bringing forward a Mental Health Action Plan and Mental Health Strategy” said Minister Lyons. “It is an issue which impacts on communities across the region and too many families are struggling or have already lost loved ones. This new project will complement existing community–based initiatives and encourage more joined-up approaches to reach those most in need”. 

Minister Kearney added: “Communities with a history and ongoing experience of deprivation and social tension are the ones most impacted by the legacy of conflict and division. Poor mental health as highlighted by local groups, youth work practitioners and schools is a barrier preventing our young people and communities from thriving. This project will support meaningful cross-border relationships and build on the good relations focus of the Urban Village Initiative.”   

Department of Finance Minister Conor Murphy said: “I am delighted to support this project through the Special EU Programmes Body. There is no doubt the programmes within this project will have great benefits for the thousands of children, young people and adults involved and will offer much-needed support to those suffering from conflict-related trauma by helping to build resilience and positive relationships.”

Michael Ring TD, Minister for Rural & Community Development commented: “I want to congratulate Action Mental Health as lead partner on behalf of the seven cross-border organisations involved with this project. I am pleased to see these seven regional organisations working collectively, bringing together years of effective practice in mental health recovery and building emotional resilience for the benefit of the wider community.  This project will assist large numbers of children and young people and their key contacts on a cross-community cross-border basis.

“The awarding of this PEACE IV funding will be a major boost for both the organisations involved and the individuals supported in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the application process.  I am delighted that my Department is an Accountable Department for this funding and we will work with all parties to ensure delivery of this essential Building Positive Relations project.”

Underlining the importance of the project Gina McIntyre, CEO of the SEUPB, said: “The EU’s PEACE IV Programme recognises that a significant number of people, living across the region, are suffering from Troubles/conflict-related trauma. There is also strong evidence that this has been passed on trans-generationally to younger people; many of whom suffer from poor mental health as a result. Indeed, many of the young people that we currently support have openly discussed their struggles with mental health.

“This much-needed and highly innovative project will help to combat the impact of trauma through the development of emotional resilience within individuals and communities. It involves a number of organisations working together, on a North/South basis, to deliver highly effective therapeutic interventions which will result in the creation of a more confident, self-assured and peaceful society.” 

Depression in young people – recognising the signs and knowing where to get help

Depression doesn’t just affect adults. Children and teenagers can get depressed too.

Some studies show that almost one in four young people will experience depression before they are 19 years old, according to the NHS.

It’s important to get help early if you think your child may be depressed. The longer it goes on, the more likely it is to disrupt your child’s life and turn into a long-term problem.

What is depression?

Most people, young people as well as adults, feel low, sad or `blue’ occasionally, this is a normal reaction to experiences that are stressful or upsetting.

When these feelings continue over a period of time, or take over and get in the way of your normal daily life, it can become an illness. This illness is called ‘depression’.

Depression is one of the most common emotional problems around the world but the good news is that it is also one of the most treatable. In fact, 80% of people who receive treatment for depression go on to have a better quality of life – they feel better and enjoy themselves in a way that they weren’t able to before.

 What are the causes of depression in young people?

There is no single factor that can lead to the onset of depression. Genes and family tendencies can determine whether someone is likely to be more susceptible to depression but there are also many other factors that can act as potential triggers which may prompt depression – one is the pressure of modern life on young people.

In our modern society, young people are fed information which puts pressure on them to meet needs that are often unrealistic. They are inundated with images as to how they are meant to look, what they are meant to have and how they are meant to behave, all based on the assumption that this is important to life. If young people feel that they do not meet the images that are portrayed to them via the media or peers, they can often feel different, that

they are not good enough or disadvantaged which, if not dealt with appropriately, can lead to depression as well as problems with self-esteem, and confidence.

School can be a positive setting for learning, growth and development for many young people but it can also be a place where young people struggle in terms of fitting in, keeping up with a heavy work load, performance pressures and exam stress. Failing an important exam at school can cause great frustration and may lead to depressed feelings.  Bullying is also an issue that unfortunately affects many young people. Bullying can seriously affect a young person’s mental and physical health. It can lead to feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem and poor concentration.  The transition from one school to another or the leaving of school can also act as a trigger for the onset of depression.

Stressful relationships can also act as triggers for depression.  For some young people, a negative, stressful or unhappy family atmosphere can affect their self esteem and lead to depression.  Conflict within the family, divorce or separation leading to a change in living arrangements can lead to feelings of insecurity, guilt, anger, rejection or a sense of loss. Poverty, abuse and violence within the family are also key contributors. Difficulties in making and maintaining friendships or relationships, can lead to low self esteem and a loss of confidence which in turn makes it more difficult for the young person to find someone they feel comfortable with to share their worries.

Other triggers that have been identified in the lives of young people that may lead to the onset of depression include; the loss of a loved one, physical illness of self or a loved one, living with a parent or relative who has depression, being subject to physical or emotional abuse, weight gain, something embarrassing happening or a financial setback.

How to recognise signs of depression in young people

It is not always easy to recognise the signs of depression in young people. Young people face many challenges as they find their way in life but most balance their common troubles with good friendships, success in school or outside activities and develop a strong sense of self. Certain negative behaviours are to be expected, such as occasional bad moods and acting out, however depression is something different. Depression can lead to dramatic long term changes in personality, mood and behaviour.  Certain signs can help to identify whether a young person is suffering from depression, whilst considering these signs it is also important to acknowledge how long the symptoms have been present, their severity and the degree to which the young person is acting in a different manner to his or her usual self. Some signs of depression in young people include:

  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Withdrawing from family, friends and regular activities
  • Changes in sleeping and eating patterns
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Tearfulness and frequent crying
  • Feeling guilty or bad, being  self blaming or self critical
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Feeling unhappy, miserable or lonely a lot of the time

If a young person has all or many of these symptoms it may indicate that the young person is depressed.

What to do if a young person is depressed

If you do suspect a young person as having depression, it is important to find support immediately, recovery is much quicker in those who feel supported by those around them whether a family member, friend, counsellor or doctor.

In supporting a young person experiencing depression there are positive steps that you can take to help and provide support. For instance:

  • Encourage them to talk about their feelings making sure that it is clear to the young person that you are willing to provide whatever support is necessary
  • Take an understanding approach and listen carefully to what the young person is saying, if you criticise or pass judgement the young person will feel that you do not take their emotions seriously and will refuse to talk on the matter in the future
  • Avoid comments like, “snap out of it”, “get your act together”  as this can strengthen feelings of self-blame and low self-esteem
  • Learn about depression, the more you know the better equipped you will be to help
  • Research the sources of support that are available, offer to go with them to a doctor’s appointment or to speak to someone else.
  • Encourage the young person t take part in physical activity, exercise such as walking the dog can help alleviate the symptoms of depression
  • It is also important to look after your own mental health. Whilst it is important to be there for a young person, don’t try and cope with everything on your own. Getting help and support will make things easier for both you and your young person.

Treatment available

If you feel that your young person is showing signs that they are depressed, it is important to seek professional help in order for a diagnosis to be made. A doctor will take note of how long the young person has been showing symptoms of depression, the extent to which the symptoms are interfering with their daily life and any changes in behaviour. The doctor will also enquire as to whether or not there is a family history of depression or a mental health disorder. Your doctor may prescribe some medication to ease the young person’s symptoms or recommend other specialist services such as counselling and talking therapies.

Whilst depression can be a difficult condition to live with for the individual and the immediate family and friends, it is important to remember that depression can be treated and individuals have a good chance of making a full recovery when provided with the appropriate treatment and support.

For further information on local organisations and sources of support, contact MensSana, on 02838 392314 (Confidentiality will be respected at all times).

Other sources of help:


Action for Children



Muslim Youth Helpline

The Mix

Young Stonewall

Switchboard LGBT+

Fundraise for Action Mental Health – good for your community and your mental health

There is no greater way of giving your time and effort to help others than by fundraising for a good cause.

By fundraising for Action Mental Health, you’ll be giving your time and effort to help people experiencing periods of mental ill health.

But the benefits don’t stop there. By fundraising, you are also improving your own well-being, because ‘giving’ embraces one of the Five Ways to Well-Being, a set of holistic steps designed to promote individuals’ mental health and well-being.

Fundraising allows you to make a positive difference in your local community and here at Action Mental Health we offer a wide range of activities and events to suit every type of volunteer – from the adrenalin junkie thrill-seeker, to the avid baker and tea party host.

So whether you want to challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort zone or you’d rather invite your friends round for a tea party or picnic, you’ve come to the right place – and every penny you raise will help Action Mental Health promote better mental health right across Northern Ireland.

Choose from the hair-raising fun of the Belfast Castle Abseil or the Lagan Zipline, or get physical by tackling the Granite Challenge cycling sportif, the Slieve Donard Trek, or the Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon. Alternatively, why not invite your family and friends round for a Great Big Purple Picnic – and if it rains just do it indoors.

Mandy from Bangor, who challenged herself to the Belfast Castle Abseil said: “It was amazing and wasn’t half as scary as I thought it would be. There were great views across Belfast and it went so quickly! In fact it went so quicky I want to do it again!”

Amy from Belfast conquered two fears when she committed herself to the Lagan Zipline. “I’m afraid of water and of heights and I was petrified but I pushed myself and I did it! It was brilliant fun actually and went so fast and was over before I knew it so I definitely want to do it again.”

Niall from Limavady was joined by a few close friends to do the Slieve Donard Trek. “I hadn’t seen my friends for a while so it was a good chance to catch up while we walked. I’ve been so busy lately with work that I’ve rarely been out of the office so it was great to get out in the Mournes and to be led up by someone who knew the route so well. We got a good day so the views were breathtaking. I’d highly recommend it.”

Gemma from Newry took part in her first marathon but isn’t a great runner. “I’d always wanted to be part of a big event like a marathon but since I’m a terrible runner I was delighted to join the 8-mile walk. It was such a fun day and there was such a buzz about it I’m definitely signing up for it next year, and I’m choosing AMH because I’ve got family members who suffer from mental ill health.”

Just follow our Eventbrite links to the live events (SEE BELOW) and the link to the events page here on our website, listing all our events for 2020.