All posts by actionmentalhealth

Action Mental Health welcomes new plan for Northern Ireland

Action Mental Health today welcomed the publication of a Mental Health Plan for Northern Ireland.

David Babington, CEO said: “This is a really good news story; the Action Plan will help to give a clear focus and pathway to the work that needs to be done to transform mental health services in Northern Ireland.

“The plan represents a stepping stone to a longer term strategy. That strategy will need to be fully funded and driven forward by the Health Minister, his executive colleagues and the incoming Mental Health Champion alongside everyone in the sector.

“We need a collective and unique approach to tackle our unique issues. We hope that this plan starts that process of change to bring about parity for mental health,” he added.

You can view the Action Plan here

Mental Health Awareness Week – how can we prevent mental ill health?

As we enter Day Three of Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s an opportune time to look at how can we prevent mental ill health – and be kind to ourselves, as this year’s theme focuses upon.

However, to understand how to prevent mental ill health, we must first understand what causes it.

Mental ill health has often been seen as being all about our genes and our biological make-up, or has been put down to a chemical imbalance, or simply a result of our negative life experience.

But according to the Mental Health Foundation, the most important factors are a ‘wide range of social, economic, family and emotional factors that interact with our genes and our biology’.

Mental health problems affect many people, from very different walks of life, and in Northern Ireland we experience it more than in any other region of the United Kingdom.

The Mental Health Foundation outlines three types of prevention, which you can read in detail here.

You can promote better mental health by taking steps such as getting better sleep, drinking less, taking exercise and practicing mindfulness. There are a number of other ways to promote better mental health, largely aligned to the Five Ways to Well-Being which you’ll find here.

The Mental Health Foundation also outlines similar ways, which you can read here. For more information on mental health, visit the Mental Health Foundation.

If you have been feeling adverse affects from the coronavirus lockdown, Action Mental Health has also compiled a host of resources to help you navigate these uncertain times. Read here to find out more.

OCN NI ‘Virtual’ Learning Endeavour Awards 2020 – the Results!!

The OCN NI Learning Endeavour Awards took place online today.
If you missed the live streaming – you can catch up on the video link below.

Many congratulations to everyone who was nominated! Here are the results for the AMH team who were shortlisted!! We are so proud of you all!

Health and Well-being Learner of the Year

WinnerPaula Ellison – AMH New Horizons North Down & Ards

Paula Ellison arrived at AMH suffering from depression which had knocked her confidence in her own abilities. Since coming to the charity however, Paula has excelled in a variety of NIOCN vocational and art-centred qualifications and her confidence is improving. Her self-belief has been fostered through creativity to such a great extent that she is exploring the possibility of creating her own business, focusing on glass and knitting. Paula is also now focused on contributing to society by mentoring other clients within New Horizons, demonstrating a wealth of strengths and qualities previously untapped and hidden by her previous lack of self-confidence.  When she began her NIOCN courses, Paula was convinced she would not be able to complete them, but went on to surprise herself by showing talent and skill within Applying Practical Skills and Techniques in the Arts Level 1, and demonstrating an impressive strength of will, determination and kindness to others. Paula has also given back to her community through a variety of charitable fundraising activities.

Highly: Commended Rachael Adamson AMH New Horizons Antrim

Rachael is a young lady who suffers from depression and social anxiety.  Unfortunately, Rachael became unwell at school and missed out in completing her last year in A Levels.  However, since engaging with Action Mental Health and attending her classes at Larne Outreach, Rachael has grown significantly in confidence and is in the process of completing her 2nd half marathon.  Rachael is a great example of a learner who has embraced what OCN has to offer in improving your health and wellbeing.  This young lady is very intelligent but her mental health was a barrier in preventing her to reach her full potential.  However, Rachael decided to take control of her physical health and from suffering social anxiety went onto running 5ks on her own.  This took Rachael great strength but through the support from others in her class and the techniques she had learnt; Rachael was determined to overcome her anxiety.  Rachael has now applied for an Undergraduate foundation course in Bio Science and is excited about her future. 

Shortlisted : Terrence Halligey – AMH New Horizons North Down & Ards

AMH client Terrence Halligey has thrived during his NIOCN training at New Horizons North Down & Ards, completing various modules of the Award in Personal Success and Well-being. Not only did the courses help him overcome long-term anxiety and social isolation that prompted his departure from employment in 2008, it also enabled him to realise that his dyslexia needn’t be a barrier to communicating, progressing and recovering. Terrence engaged in tailored learning support based on the exploration of feelings and emotions and confidence-building, creating a scaffold of support around him and giving him a voice to express future goals. Previously silent, Terence is one of those individuals who has made the greatest transformation in their lives after experiencing a ten year period of mental ill health, social isolation, unemployment and low self-esteem. He now confidently shares his views, acts as a peer supporter and inspires other clients around him. The future is now bright for him, as he prepares for a return to employment.

Shortlisted Kevin Canning – AMH New Horizons Foyle

Kevein joined the AMH New Horizons Foyle service in 2018 and completed OCN Level2 Digital Imaging and Printing golowed by OCN Level 2 Using A Camera and Accessories. Kevin made exceleent progress throughout both courses and his impressive photography and editing skills really stood out. He built up his confidence and competence in these areas!

As part of a project for the OCN NI Digital Imaging and Printin course, Kevin created and edited five photos representing the Five Ways to Well-being; Connect, Give, Take Notice, Be Active and Keep Learning. He produced an impressive collage of images for this project and is now implementing these Five Ways in his own life!

Kevin demonstrated an admirable flair for photography and digital imaging and he has since expressed an interest in possibly volunteering or gaining employment within this area in the future.

Third Sector Learner of the Year

Highly Commended – Rosemary Traynor – AMH New Horizons Antrim

Rosie has come a long way since joining Action Mental Health, her physical and mental health was preventing her from reaching her full potential.  Rosie has a rare disease called Takaysus which affect her mobility severely, only 2 people in Northern Ireland have it! Since coming to the Larne Outreach programme Rosie’s confidence and self-esteem has grown significantly.  Her enthusiasm in class is evident along with her infectious smile.  Even though Rosie is in continuous pain she still has the time to volunteer 2 full days per week in a local charity shop called Four Legged Friends.  Her Manager and colleagues are very proud of her as she never complains about her health.  Rosie’s mental health has also improved by coming to the class each week to complete her accredited training in OCN.  Rosie is truly inspirational and when you meet this young lady, you will come away smiling.

Highly Commended – Sean O’Neill – AMH New Horizons Craigavon & Banbridge

Sean previously had a very negative experience of formal education and was neglected and bullied during his secondary school days. As a result he always felt inadequate and embarrassed when talking about his lack of qualifications. However, since joining our service, Sean has really embraced the opportunity to study at AMH and his attendance and application during the 12 week OCN NI course have been excellent.

The transformation in Sean has been amazing, he has gone from being a shy, isolated and anxious individual to someone who now has a hunger for learning and a genuine ambition to find full-time employment.

To overcome all of these barriers and complete his qualification is an amazing achievement and one that Sean should be very proud of.

Shortlisted – Margaret Branney-Jeffray AMH New Horizons Derriaghy

Margaret’s journey started with AMH New Horizons Derriaghy in 2018. Despite personal challenges, her progress has increased enormously. Since completing the Stress Management course, Margaret found the motivation to succeed, giving her a sense of purpose. Margaret uses her learning experiences to grow in confidence, and notices an increase in her self-awareness, enabling her to enjoy her life. The newfound knowledge, skills and coping strategies she has learnt helps her immensely not only socially but personally, helping her to understand and manage her stressors; reducing her anxiety. Margaret is proud of her achievements and more importantly has hope for her future. Margaret is a very warm, friendly person and has the determination and dedication to take every opportunity to avail in further OCNNI training, which she states she would not have considered prior to attending our service. Margaret realises that there may be still challenging times ahead but that it doesn’t matter what life throws at you, you can learn new skills and overcome barriers!

Learning in Employment Learner of the Year

Winner – Sharon O’Neil – AMH New Horizons Fermanagh

Sharon has shown determination by keeping going, no matter what is thrown at her.

Sharon’s family members felt it was too late for her to become a nurse but Sharon wasn’t discouraged. Sharon has also shown her motivation by her committed attendance and by fully participating in class and has encouraged a similar group of women to continue learning.

This OCN NI course has allowed Sharon to set concrete goals for the future. This has involved careful planning, determinaton and confidence and getting out of her comfort zone. Sharon has now secured paid part-time employment with a local charity which lets her gain invaluable experience with special needs children and she is also progressing through an access course with South West Regional College with the view to studying for a degree in nursing.

Sharon is a truly inspirational person who has managed both physical and mental health challenges and who is determined to be the best that she can be.

Highly Commended – Julia Adams AMH New Horizons Antrim

Julia is an asset to the New Horizons Antrim Service and to anywhere her work has taken her, including the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and Text help. Much of the feedback received has been of the nature that Julia always takes on any opportunity with a massive amount of interest and enthusiasm in admin duties and responsibilities. Julia is always keen to discover more in any task and willing to learn.

Julia represents New Horizons beautifully as many other clients have commented on Julia’s ability to put anyone at ease and make everyone welcome. Julia is always there to offer a helping hand or a listening ear to anyone who needs it and is a constant encouragement and advocate for others.

Julia is most proud of exceeding her own expectations of herself by growing in confidence. She has been able to gain many qualifications that have opened many doors she believed for years would have been closed.

Highly Commended – Alex Betty – AMH New Horizons Antrim

Alex was an absolute credit to the AMH service in Antrim. Alex immersed himself into many aspects of the service, gaining and excelling in many qualifications throughout his time with us.

Alex made a huge impact on many clients, inspiring many to follo in his footsteps. Alex would take on any course of challenge in New Horizons wiht a smile on his face and brilliant enthusiasm.

Alex came to New Horizons with many talents. One major talent was his ability to speak many different languages. Our challenge to assist Alex in finding a placement that would allow him to fully utilise these. Alex has a placement based within the Fitzwilliamm Hotel in Belfast, working in the beverage department where he showed consistent hard work and determination.

Alex through his fantastic work ethic, extreme talents, good manners and kind heart, was able to gain permanent part-time work with the Fitzwilliam Hotel in the Food Service team.

Inspiring Tutor/Teacher of the Year

Highly Commended – Pauline Matthew AMH New Horizons North Down & Ards

Pauline Matthew is the ingredient that makes the difference with clients recovering from mental ill health. Through the NIOCN programme, Pauline, a Creative Skills Coach at Action Mental Health’s service in Newtownards, helps them unlock their creative potential and build confidence while supporting their creative skills and employment opportunities. Pauline has designed an engaging and inspiring programme which promotes peer support and has resulted in clients showcasing their work at various exhibitions, boosting their confidence dramatically. Pauline works with clients on a one-to-one basis, encouraging them through courses of printmaking, animation, photography, floristry and glass fusing, using creativity to explore their journeys of recovery. Client feedback attests to Pauline’s kind, encouraging and caring approach, with some even motivated to develop their creative skills through further education and university. Pauline’s passion for creativity is infectious, and is often the key that unlocks clients’ potential, progression and recovery. Ultimate, the NIOCN training which she delivers, has empowered clients to find their voice and focus they previously felt they lacked. 

Award Ceremony Brochure

The programmes delivered at AMH New Horizons service, that the award recipients participate in, are part of the “Working it Out” project, which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

Our Working It Out project which is based at out New Horizons services is part-funded by the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.

Mental Health Awareness Week, 18-24 May 2020, the theme is kindness.

Mental Health Awareness Week is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation and is the UK’s national week to raise awareness of mental health and mental health problems and inspire action to promote the message of good mental health for all.

Action Mental Health has been supporting the campaign each year and this year, though slightly different, is no exception. 

The theme is the power and the potential of kindness.  Research shows that kindness is an antidote to isolation and creates a sense of belonging. It helps reduce stress, brings a fresh perspective and deepens friendships. Kindness to ourselves can prevent shame from corroding our sense of identity and help boost our self-esteem.  Kindness can even improve feelings of confidence and optimism.  (

This week we will be sharing with you stories and pictures of kindness and practicing acts of kindness to ourselves and others. We’ll also be sharing some advice and tips from AMH Project Workers.

So What’s Happening This Week?? How to Get Involved…..

Host a Virtual Great Big Purple Picnic

The Great Big Purple Picnic is one of the many initiatives organised by Action Mental Health to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week each year.  The picnics are hosted by lots of our supporters, corporate partners, staff, clients and fundraisers to help raise awareness of positive mental health and raise vital funds to help support AMH’s work across Northern Ireland

Despite the lock-down, many have been in touch with us, hoping to host a virtual picnic by inviting friends and family via one of the many video chat apps, and therefore observing all social distancing guidelines! We’ve got bunting and selfie props to download and we’d love to see your photos, so don’t forget to tag us on social media!

Supported Employment Webinar

19 May 2020, 10am

Patricia Kelly from AMH presents an overview of the Workable N.I. programme – interventions & support provisions we can implement to provide a healthier workplace, with benefits to employees and employers.  She’ll discuss the areas we cover in N.I., the referral process, and give you a taste of the employers and sectors we already provide support to. The webinar is for Employers from all sectors who wish to enhance support provided to their staff in terms of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

register on Eventbrite

Healthy Me Bitesize Zoom sessions for Parents and Carers

18-22 May 2020

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness week, the AMH MensSana team have developed a bitesize session based on our ‘Healthy Me’ programme for parents and carers around this year’s theme of ‘Kindness’.

This session aims to:

  • Identify the issues you are facing during lockdown
  • Raise awareness about mental health
  • Highlight self-care techniques for building resilience and confidence
  • Show how and where to access support

3 sessions will be delivered online each day via Zoom and will last 30 minutes so you can choose a day and time that suits you best. 

Monday 18th – Friday 22nd May 2020

10:30am, 3:30pm & 8:00pm

 If you are interested in attending, please register via Eventbrite where further details are available:

register via eventbrite

All Party Group on Suicide Prevention

19 May 2020 12noon-2pm

AMH is the secretariat for the APG, chaired by Orlaithi Flynn MLA. This meeting will include presentations from the Department of Health, Family Voices Forum, QUB and UU. For more information contact [email protected]

The Northern Ireland Mental Health Arts Festival

18-24 May 2020

This is a festival highlighting mental health by showcasing arts events.  This year’s festival will be jumping online and will coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week. One of talented photographers Neil Finlay from AMH New Horizons North Down and Ards will be exhibiting one of his photographs, entitled “One Thing” in the virtual gallery.  For more information

OCN NI “Virtual” Learning Endeavour Awards 2020.

19 May 11am-11.30am

This is a highlight in the AMH calendar each year with many of our clients and staff walking away with the coveted awards, this year is no exception with no fewer than 11 nominated.  The event will be streamed live on the OCNNI Facebook and YouTube channels – more information available here.

Public Speaking Event

23 May 2020 3.45pm – 5.30pm

The SPUDS Belfast – a public speaking group who meet fortnightly, are hosting a special event on Saturday 23rd May to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week and fundraise for Action Mental Health.  For more information and how to join in click here.

Take on our 5 Ways to Well-being challenge and tag 5 of your friends to do the same.

To take part, simply take inspiration from the ‘5 Ways to Well-being’ and tag 5 of your family or friends to do the same. A £5 donation from each person taking part would really make a difference to Action Mental Health, helping us to continue providing much needed services in the coming days and weeks.

Start by nominating your 5 friends, by using the hashtag #AMH5WaysChallenge, then post a picture that incorporates you completing one or more of the 5 Ways to Well-being!

Whatever your challenge please remember to stick to the guidelines on social distancing.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Connect: send a message of support for friends and family during lockdown, send a happy picture to uplift friends and families spirits.

Be Active: do a physical challenge at home and tag 5 friends to do the same challenge, post a video or pic of your being active.

Take notice: post a photo you have taken recently that means something to you or your family: nature/sunrise/sunset and tag 5 friends to do the same.

Keep Learning: post a pic of a book, instrument or new hobby you are learning

Give: Make a donation of £5 (or whatever you can afford) to Action Mental Health by visiting:…/donations/make-a-donation/

Thank you, by taking part you will be supporting your own well-being and also helping to make a tremendous difference to the lives of children and families right here in Northern Ireland.

*The Five Ways to Well-being was developed by the New Economics Foundation. It is a set of evidence-based actions designed to improve personal well-being.

Join us online

During the week, we would like you to carry out or reflect on an act of kindness. Take a photo or video (with permission!) and use the hashtags:



and tag @amhNI

Job Shadow Day 2019 revisited as this year’s event ruled out due to lockdown

Matt Sterrett (left) with Richard Magowan of the Department of Education during Job Shadow Day 2019

Every year, clients from Action Mental Health get a chance to regain their footing on the employment ladder, with the help of the Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment.

This year, however, as the world adapts to new ways of doing things due to the ongoing pandemic, the NIUSE Job Shadow Day has been cancelled, falling victim to social distancing regulations which have many of us working from home.

Job Shadow Day was to take place this week, and even though AMH clients won’t be able to go out into the world of work, it is a fitting time to reflect on the benefits the day has brought to clients in the past.

Our ESF “Working it Out” project provides a comprehensive programme of specialist training in Personal Development, Vocational Skills and Employability, with the aim of helping our clients access employment or further education.  The Job Shadow Day is co-ordinated by the Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment and is supported by its members.  Job Shadow Day is perfect for our clients as it can provide the perfect opportunity to get firsthand experience of the world of work and to discover and learn about the skills required to compete and succeed in the workplace.

The “Working it Out” project is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts.

Matt Sterrett is one client who found last year’s Job Shadow Day a useful springboard to future employment.

Matt explained: “I took part in Job Shadow Day 2019, working with Richard Magowan in the Equality Unit at the Department of Education. This year, I completed a three month placement, also at the Department of Education, where I was working mostly with the Business Services team. I found both these experiences really helpful and I feel much more confident about working in this kind of environment and everyone I was working with was very kind and supportive.

“I am currently in the application process for an Administrative Officer role with NICS. Prior to the coronavirus crisis I was waiting to attend an interview and hopefully that can be rearranged once circumstances allow. Taking part in Job Shadow Day and my placement both really helped me learn that this is the kind of role I wish to work towards, and has helped me approach the application process positively.”   

Another client, who preferred not to be named, also found the annual employment focus as a useful first step to becoming a journalist.  

The former client undertook a job shadow day placement within the Northern Ireland Civil Service. The client spent the day with the Prison Service’s Press Office, gaining an insight into the press officers’ role in receiving and dealing with multiple queries from the media.

The former client has since progressed on to Belfast Met to do a journalism course and is really enjoying it, according to Action Mental Health’s key worker who supported his reintroduction to work.

Client Ryan McConville, who attends AMH Downpatrick, is now currently in a retail training placement with B&M following on from Job Shadow Day 2019, while Emma Moore, also from AMH Downpatrick, is now an active volunteer with National Trust Rowallane Gardens, Saintfield following on from 2018-2019 world shadow day. Read more here:

Gary Legge with Big T at Downtown Radio, during Job Shadow Day 2019

Potted Mackerel

Makes 4 portions

150g mackerel (peppered fillets)
1 tbsp horseradish
1 tbsp grain mustard
1 tbsp zest & juice Of lemon
1 tbsp Creme fraiche
2tsbp melted butter


Flake mackerel then put into a mixing bowl, add the Creme fraiche, mustard, horseradish, lemon & half the butter, season, add chopped dill & put into jar, add clarified butter.

Serve with wheaten bread

Tandoori chicken legs

Serves 4

Tandoori mix :-
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 tsp Maldon salt
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

Simply mix all above and used when required…..

Marinade :-
100ml yoghurt
2 garlic cloves(grated)
1 lemons (zest & juice)
1 tbsp tandoori mix


place marinate overnight into a mixing bowl with chicken covered.
Now set your oven 200°c and place chicken legs onto a roasting tray for 35 – 40 minutes until cooked through .
Serve hot or cold.

Pork, Chorizo, Apple & Thyme Sausage Rolls

serves 24 

300g puff pastry(shop bought ready rolled)
1 beaten egg yolk
150g sausage meat (pork)
150g crumble chorizo sausage 
90g apple sauce
1 tsp fresh thyme 
30g breadcrumbs 
3 tsp water
Salt & pepper


Place mince & sausage meat into a bowl & season well.

Now add apple sauce, water & dried sage.

Place into piping bag, brush puff pastry with egg yolk and pipe pastry with sausage meat.

Roll pastry into sausage shape & cut into sausage rolls, egg wash well.

Bake 200°c for 20 minutes.