20th November 2020

A message from our Chief Executive, David Babington
Following on from the Executive’s announcement, regarding restrictions aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting the NHS, I want to reassure our clients and staff that our services will remain open and continue to operate as they have been.
I know that this has been an extremely difficult time for many and it has been particularly hard for those already living with a mental illness. That is why I warmly welcome the Executive’s decision to allow mental health services to remain open, to support people at this time.
I would encourage clients to contact their local service manager or key contact if they have any concerns around their attendance.
Action Mental Health will continue to follow all relevant public health guidance. We encourage people entering our buildings to wear a face covering (where possible), maintain social distancing and continue to ensure good hand hygiene. Please do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been asked to self-isolate.
I would also encourage staff and clients to download and use the StopCOVID NI app.
In addition, I recognise that there are no easy decisions in the current situation and know that other closures announced last night will cause undoubted stress and anxiety for many people across Northern Ireland, who are worried about their job or their business.
With this in mind, it is vital that the necessary economic support, for people affected, is put in place urgently. Ensuring this, alongside continued access to mental health services when required, will be a key step in helping to protect mental health and well-being across our wider community.
If you or someone you know is in crisis or despair, please remember that help and support is always available. You can contact Lifeline on 0808 808 8000 or by Textphone on 18001 0808 808 8000, trained counsellors are available by phone 24/7.
You can also access support by contacting Samaritans on 116 123 or Childline on 0800 1111.
Best Wishes.
David Babington
Chief Executive.