I have found Volunteering has helped so much with my mental health. I absolutely love the shop that I am working in and my manager is brilliant. I love to have a chat with the customers and I am getting to know them really well now. Best of all the support that I am getting from Seánine, Employment Officer at AMH New Horizons Antrim is amazing. Seanine rings me up to see how I am getting on with my work place and also sends emails to me. I feel really lucky to have so much support!
Rosemary is taking part in the “Working It Out” Project which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
“Hi my name is Kathryn I’ve been attending AMH New Horizons in Fermanagh for 1 year and 7 months
When I started AMH I was very anxious suffering from PTSD, depression and anxiety, for me New Horizons has made me complete and has given me back confidence and self esteem,
I am forever grateful to all the staff who have supported and guided me I have completed a lot of OC,’S and was put forward for an award which I got Highly Commended for, I have also completed my Level 2 in literature and Levels 1,2 in numeracy I have also got my Level 1&2 in my EDCL so I have went for years with no qualifications and have now gotten them through AMH New Horizons.
I am now a volunteer with Home Start and hoping in September to go back to college to do a diploma in reflexology “.
Kathryn is taking part in the “Working It Out” Project which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
This week, as part of the #CovidWellbeingNI partnership, the AMH MensSana team have put together some tips & advice for children & young people as they start a new school year.
Tips on building Self Esteem for going back to school
Ditch comparisons – We are all unique, your differences are to be celebrated. You are the only you and that is your super power. Be aware if you do find yourself comparing on social media and remember not to compare your 24/7 to a snippet that you see online. It can be helpful to do a social media clear out of any accounts that make you feel bad about yourself, and take regular breaks away from screen time.
Create a Gratitude Jar – Fill a jar with 1 thing each day you are grateful for. On hard days it can be helpful to open the jar to remind yourself of things you are thankful for.
Give yourself a daily compliment – We often find it easier to use kind words on other people, but if they feel good for our friends and loved ones then we can benefit from them too. Give yourself a compliment based on your strengths. “Today I was brave speaking up in class, Today I was kind when I included someone sitting on their own at lunch.”
Focus on effort – It’s not always about the end result. Try to reframe mistakes and challenges as lessons and opportunities to learn and try again. Every day’s a school day!
Connect with supportive people – Spend time with people who treat you the way you want to be treated. Build friendships based on showing kindness to one another.
The Covid Wellbeing Hub is packed full of useful resources and sources of support. You can visit the hub by clicking here: https://covidwellbeingni.info/index.html
This week, as part of the #CovidWellbeingNI partnership, the AMH MensSana team have put together some tips & advice for children & young people as they start a new school year.
“Changes and uncertainty, like the return to school, or a new routine can create stress, and anxiety. One helpful way to cope with these feelings is to practice simple grounding techniques that calm your nervous system and make you feel safe again.”
Take 5 to Calm down – Grounding Technique
5 – Pause and take 5 deep breaths
4 – Name 4 people who care about you
3 – Name 3 things that can make you smile
2 – Take 2 more deep breaths
1 – Think of one happy memory
Check out some of our videos we created especially for Children’s Mental Health Week earlier this year – there’s lots more on on YouTube Channel! just click on the icon below!
The Covid Wellbeing Hub is packed full of useful resources and sources of support. You can visit the hub by clicking here: https://covidwellbeingni.info/index.html
This week, as part of the #CovidWellbeingNI partnership, the AMH MensSana team have put together some tips & advice for children & young people as they start a new school year.
The way you talk to yourself matters. Your inner voice can help you through hard days, or it can also make hard days feel worse. Are you encouraging yourself or discouraging yourself? These simple reframes of negative self-talk can be a way to practice some self-kindness. Start to learn to speak to yourself the way you would speak to your best friend when they are having a hard day. Be supportive of you.
Instead of –
I can’t do this
That person is better
I probably failed
My work is awful
Try –
I need some help with this
Everyone is different, my strengths are:
I did my best today
It needs some work, I’m still learning
The Covid Wellbeing Hub is packed full of useful resources and sources of support. You can visit the hub by clicking here: https://covidwellbeingni.info/index.html
Youth In Action are working with Fermanagh & Omagh District Council the Rio Ferdinand Foundation and the UEFA Foundation and local partners, such as Action Mental Health, in Northern Ireland to train young people as Youth Leaders to help shape their communities.
Former Chelsea player Paul Canoville joined AMH’s Michael McLean to deliver Mindset!
Our AMH MensSana Project Worker – Michael was invited to deliver AMH’s Mindset programme yesterdayenniskillen to a group of young people who have completed an Open College Network qualification in Youth leadership, and are currently completing their Community Sports Leaders Award.
Mindset is a Mental & Emotional Health & Wellbeing Awareness programme for young people and is funded by the Public Health Agency.
Michael was joined by special guest Paul Canoville – a former professional footballer who played on the wing for Chelsea Football Club. Paul spoke openly and candidly about his own struggles with mental health and addiction. Also speaking during the Mindset session was Inspector Andy George (PSNI Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit and President of the National Black Police Association.)
The Rio Ferdinand Foundation is a youth and community development charity. They work in the heart of the UKs most disadvantaged communities, supporting young people (aged 10-25), to tackle the inequalities they face.
They create opportunities and pathways for young people to achieve their potential, through sports, media, arts and education.
AMH New Life Counselling is running art therapy information nights for the Deaf and HoH. The sessions will provide participants with an introduction and a taster to art therapy.
The details are as follows:
Introduction to Art Therapy Information Night for Deaf and HoH
Wednesday 25th Aug
Wednesday 1st Sep
Wednesday 8th Sept
7-8pm at AMH, Bloomfield House, Belfast
If anyone is interested they must register their interest to [email protected]
Clients at Action Mental Health New Horizons Downpatrick
Congratulations to the hard-working clients at AMH New Horizons Downpatrick who haven’t let the past turbulent year of the Covid-19 pandemic get in their way of their personal development and career progress.
Clients who attend the service achieved certificates in a variety of courses on the Working It Out project, which is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
The client certificate presentation took place with the help of a grant from the Asda Foundation-Bringing Communities Together scheme, with the day being made extra special by a visit from some four-footed, furred friends from Kinedale Donkeys, based in Ballynahinch. Delicious refreshments were provided by Cafe2U in Belfast.
Clients achieved a number of ECDL (European Computer Driving License), British Computer Society certificates, plus OCNNI (Open College Network) courses in Personal Development, Employability Skills and Learning Endeavour. Others received NVQ awards in Customer Service Skills.