All posts by actionmentalhealth

Provoking Thought with Health in Mind

How do you think about mental health? What are your opinions? Our Provoking Thought course has been specially created to challenge the preconceived  thoughts and beliefs on mental health and to equip you with the tools and understanding to think about mental health in a more positive and healthy light.

AMH Works in conjunction with Health in Mind will be running our excellent Provoking Thought courses in Derry Central Library, Derry on October 17th from 12:00 – 15:00, and in Tullycarnet Library, East Belfast on October 18th from 10:00 – 13:00.  Attendance is free so if you wish to attend please contact Gary Kane on 02894 428081 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Mental Health Awareness Open Course (Enniskillen)

In today’s hectic world more and more people are suffering from mental health problems and this is having an impact in all aspects of our lives. AMH Works is running a half day mental health awareness training workshop in our Belfast office for anyone to attend. Our mental health awareness course is designed to help improve your mental by giving you a comprehensive understanding of the main mental illnesses out there at the moment along with the tools to help you spot theses conditions within yourself and others to ensure you can look after the mental health of yourself and others.

Location: AMH New Horizons, Drumcoo, Enniskillen

Date: December 14th 2012

Time: 10:00 – 13:00

Cost: £40 per person*

To book click here

*all courses are subject to a minimum of 10 participants

Mindful Manager Open Training Course (Ards)

In the current economic climate being a manager means so much more than it used to. You are the people sometimes caught between the rock and the hard place and as work adapts and grows we are all being asked to do more with less than ever before. Our Mindful Manager course is excellent in giving managers the tools to deal with mental health in the workplace. For example, having the difficult conversation with staff members about mental health. This course is also excellent in laying out the legal standpoint of employers around mental health and helps take the fear out of dealing with mental health in work. Statistics show that organisations who are proactive and have management with knowledge, understanding and empathy for mental health have happier more productive workforces and this is what Mindful Manager is designed to do.

Location: AMH New Horizons, 27 Jubilee Road, Newtownards

Date: November 30th 2012

Time: 10:00 – 16:00

Cost: £60 per person*

Click here to book

*all courses are subject to a minimum of 10 participants

Stress Management Open Course (Belfast)

Stress is a major factor contributing to lower productivity and and higher levels of absenteeism and presenteeism in the workplace. It also has a major impact on staff wellbeing and mental health. At AMH Works we are running an open course on Stress Management, an excellent course created to help employees and members of the public spot the signs of stress in themselves and others and to give them practical and effective tools and skills they can use to alleviate these stresses. This in turn will help to make people happier and more productive in work and life.

Location: AMH New Horizons, Level 2 Fisherwick Building, 9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast

Date: Friday, October 19th

Time: 10:00 – 13:00

Cost: £40 per person*

Click here to book

*all courses are subject to a minimum of 10 participants

Personal Resilience Open Course (Belfast)

The ability to be resilient is one of the most important tools we can have in this day and age and it is one of the most important factors in overcoming stress and combating poor mental health. With the AMH Works Personal Resilience course we will take you deep into what causes the stressors in our lives to have such an impact on our mental wellbeing. We will look at the negative thoughts we have about ourselves and ways to combat them and we will also examine the ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that we have and what they are doing to our own mental wellbeing.  Personal Resilience will take you deeply into what causes you to be stressed and will give you the information and skills you need to change those damaging thought patterns to become a healthier, happier person.

Location: AMH New Horizons, Level 2 Fisherwick Building, 9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast (Back of Spires Centre)

Date: November 16th 2012

Time: 10:00 – 16:00

Cost: £60 per person*

To book click here

*all courses are subject to a minimum of 10 participants

Mental Health Awareness Open Training (Ards)

In today’s hectic world more and more people are suffering from mental health problems and this is having an impact in all aspects of our lives. AMH Works is running a half day mental health awareness training workshop in our Belfast office for anyone to attend. Our mental health awareness course is designed to help improve your mental by giving you a comprehensive understanding of the main mental illnesses out there at the moment along with the tools to help you spot theses conditions within yourself and others to ensure you can look after the mental health of yourself and others.

Location: AMH New Horizons, 27 Jubilee Road, Ards

Date: November 2nd 2012

Time: 10:00 – 16:00

Cost: £60 per person*

To book click here

*all courses are subject to a minimum of 10 participants

Mental Health Awareness Open Course (Belfast)

In today’s hectic world more and more people are suffering from mental health problems and this is having an impact in all aspects of our lives. AMH Works is running a half day mental health awareness training workshop in our Belfast office for anyone to attend. Our mental health awareness course is designed to help improve your mental by giving you a comprehensive understanding of the main mental illnesses out there at the moment along with the tools to help you spot theses conditions within yourself and others to ensure you can look after the mental health of yourself and others.

Location: AMH New Horizons, Level 2 Fisherwick Building, 9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast

Date: September 28th 2012

Time: 10:00 – 13:00

Cost: £40 per person*

To book click here

*all courses are subject to a minimum of 10 participants