All posts by actionmentalhealth

AMH Zip Wire At Stormont

Over 100 people including, MLAs, Assembly Staff, AMH Clients, AMH Staff, and AMH supporters, faced their fears and took the AMH Zip Line Challenge.

The 100ft high, 1000ft long Zip Wire was positioned in front of Parliament Buildings, and the views from the top were amazing! The Challenge not only raised funds for AMH, but also proved to many that, if you have the support and encouragement of others – you can do anything you set your mind to. The Zip Wire was just one of the many activities which have taken place in Stormont, during our time as the NI Assembly’s Charity of the Year.  It also formed the centre-piece of AMH’s 50th Birthday Party!

There are lots of photos from the day on our Facebook Page.

AMH New Horizons Foyle’s Dare-Devils!
“I did it!”
MLA – Roy Beggs Jr – takes the leap!

Law Society Tees Off for AMH

As the world’s greatest golfers prepared to tee off for the US Open , AMH held their own Golf Competition for the second year running in the beautiful setting of Warrenpoint Golf Club.

Warrenpoint Golf Club
Warrenpoint Golf Club


Organised by The Law Society of Northern Ireland, in support of AMH as their chosen charity of the Year, Law Society members came out in force with approximately 26 four-balls taking part.

The weather was on our side – with not a drop of rain and there were plenty of prizes up for grabs!  Golfers were also treated to a BBQ at the 9th …

Thanks to all those who took part, to all those who sponsored a tee box, donated prizes, gave up their time to organise and help out, and to the many avid golfers who took part.

Law Society Golfers


All money raised will be used to continue the work AMH New Horizons do to enhance the quality of life and employability of local people with mental health needs.


AMH CEO David Babington at the first





More photos can be found on our Facebook page here


Adam Blogs for Men’s Health Week 2013

MHF LogoYou may not realise but this week is ‘Men’s Health Week’ across the UK and I would like to talk about men’s mental health. My name is Adam Wilson and currently I am spending a week in the popular charity ‘Action Mental Health’ which focuses on enhancing the quality of life and employability of people with mental health needs.


Poor mental health is caused by a variety of factors. Common causes can include genetics, infection or disease and substance abuse. Obviously some of these causes cannot be helped but one way I have managed to keep myself in good mental health is through exercise and sport. Exercise is very important to me and I find it very beneficial in order to relieve stress and pressures from my everyday life which include exams, school and other issues.  Not only does exercise help me with my mental health but also my physical health, so I have to say it is one of the most important aspects of life in my opinion.

Many people complain they haven’t got the time for exercise but this is a poor excuse to hide behind. Exercise is not just going for a run or doing a session in the gym; exercise could mean getting off the bus a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the distance or cycling instead of driving the car. Overall, I think exercise is a vital ingredient to stay physically and mentally healthy for life.

Poor mental health affects famous people too! One person I have decided to highlight is Ronnie O’Sullivan.  Ronnie is a five-time world champion and has earned over £7 million yet he has suffered from a mental illness. He announced in 2001 on a live radio station that he could no longer cope and opened up about his feelings. It is believed that Ronnie’s problems came from his failure in property development but it may not be the exact reason. However he fought back and with the help of snooker and his doctor he returned to win his latest World Championship. This proves, how with the right help and playing sport, depression can be managed and people can return stronger!


     Famous people who have suffered from depression. Do you know them all? Source: Wikipedia


Why Do Men Suffer?

Many men feel as if they must keep control of their emotions and hide them away from the outside world – how wrong could they be?! It is scientifically proven that people suffer less from depression and mental health problems if they communicate with people about how they really feel. Men have that popular saying, “I’m fine,” or, “I’m okay,” and I include myself in that bracket. It is just natural for men to give this reply when asked how they are but we need to learn to communicate about our feelings.  It is not good for our mental health if we keep all our emotions ‘bottled up’. Some men may believe that they can handle their emotions or they don’t want to seem ‘weak’ amongst other people but in the end it is not the other people that suffer.

Below is a list of symptoms which are commonly associated with mental health problems.

  • May lose interest in hobbies that you once enjoyed
  • A constant feeling of sadness, anxiety, and emptiness
  • A feeling of hopelessness and restlessness
  • You may experience irritability
  • Energy levels feel lower and more feeling of fatigue/tiredness
  • The sufferer may complain more of aches and pains, headaches, cramps,   or digestive problems. These problems do not get better with treatment
  • Concentration decreases and the sufferer struggles more with   remembering details
  • Start receiving general pessimistic views
  • Amount of food that the sufferer eats could be more/less than what   they could eat
  • Find it more difficult to make decisions
  • Suicidal thoughts may occur – some may act on those thoughts
  • Irregular sleeping patterns may start

 Where Can You Get Help?

Do not be afraid to tell someone you trust if you are struggling with anyt of these as they may be able to help you. If you have five or more of the symptoms above then you are advised to visit your GP. Your GP should give you advice on what to do or where to go. They could advise you to go to specialist mental health services, like Action Mental Health who will know how to help you recover from your illness.


Pro Bono’s Sing at Stormont

The Law Society’s Pro Bono Choir

A choir of 50 solicitors and barristers from across Northern Ireland – The Pro-Bono’s – filled the Great Hall at Stormont with song at a recent concert in aid Action Mental Health.  Action Mental Health has been chosen by the President of the Law Society – Michael Robinson – as his Charity of the Year.  The evening was hosted by our Patron Nuala McKeever and sponsored by Finance Minister, Sammy Wilson MLA.

Guests, Lord and Lady Trimble – Lady Daphne Trimble is one of the choir’s Patrons
David Babington AMH; Michael Robinson, President of the Law Society; Nuala McKeever, AMH Patron; Joe Rice, Director of the Pro Bono Choir

Many thanks to all those who attended the events and to all the sponsors, and especially to the Choir, for a very memorable evening. A total of £6,549 was raised for AMH!

More photos can be found on our Facebook Page

Event and Choir Sponsored by :



AMH Zip Wire Challenge

This Thursday – 13th June – you could be facing your fears – by taking up the challenge of the 100ft high, 1000ft long Zip Wire in front of Parliament Buildings in Stormont.  Join many of our MLAs and AMH Supporters who have already signed up!

It’s £40 to register, and any additional sponsorship will be gratefully received to help us to continue to deliver the life changing services AMH provide throughout NI.

AMH is this year’s Charity of the Year for the NI Assembly Commission,  and as we are also celebrating our 50th anniversary – on the 13th June we will  be holding a special party for our clients and staff in Stormont Estate.  In addition to the Zip Wire many of our clients and family and friends will also be taking part in a Sponsored Walk.

You can help us by taking part, sponsoring or simply spreading the word!

For more information contact our Events Organiser Callum  [email protected]

Our Foyle Staff have already had a go at the Zip Wire during a team building day and have signed up for the Zip Wire at Stormont :


Paula Bradley MLA visits AMH Belfast

Focus on mental health!

DUP MLA for North Belfast and member of the NI Assembly Health Committee visits the offices of Action Mental Health’s New Horizons service, where she dropped in on the organisations’ camera club, regularly attended by AMH clients. Paula heard from clients about the issues facing them including their concerns on welfare reform and the importance of the work which AMH does. She agreed to feed back their concerns to party colleague and Minister for Finance, Sammy Wilson, and was very impressed with the scale of activity at AMH’s city centre operation.

‘Prisoners of the Past’ Film Launch

Clients at AMH New Horizons in Downpatrick worked collaboratively with Blue Bird Media Company and the Down County Museum to create a film exploring crime and punishment in the old Downpatrick Gaol in the 1800s.

Clients on set dressed in 19th Century costume

The film, entitled “Prisoners of the Past” will be launched on Thursday 25th July 2013 at 10.30am in the Eclipse Cinema, Downpatrick.

Catherine Hamill, Skills Coach at AMH said of the project;

“This has been a unique process whereby clients  researched gaol conditions and prisoner stories as well as crimes and punishments of the time.  Clients used primary sources obtained from the museum, such as prisoner detail sheets and newspaper articles.”

Clients on set dressed in 19th Century costume



Entry to the launch is free but there are a limited number of places allocated for the event.

For tickets please email Catherine Hamill [email protected] by 15th July 2013.



This project has been funded by the EU’s Peace III Special EU Programmes Body and delivered by the North Down, Ards and Down councils cluster.

Mental Health Awareness Week Art Exhibition


The Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly, William Hay MLA today launched an art exhibition to mark the beginning of Mental Health Week.

The exhibition promotes mental health through art and art therapy and has been developed in association with Action Mental Health and Seacourt Print Workshop.

Speaker Mr William Hay MLA with AMH Service Manager Robert Owens, AMH artist Adrian Jackson joined by Robert Peters and Andrew Marshall of Seacourt Print Workshop

Speaker William Hay said: “It is very fitting that the Assembly has today launched an art exhibition for Mental Health Week. Promoting good mental health is something that we take very seriously; in fact, Action Mental Health is the Assembly Commission’s charity of the year.

“Using art as therapy is a recognised way of improving personal growth and insight. It also helps people to process traumatic experiences, resolve personal conflicts and increase self-esteem.

“The exhibition will be displayed in Parliament Buildings over the next two weeks. I hope that all visitors who come to Parliament Buildings over that period will take the time to view it and reflect on the way that art can play a part in encouraging positive mental health.”

Action Mental Health is one of Northern Ireland’s largest mental health charities receiving funding towards this programme which is aims to give people with significant mental health problems the opportunity to engage with creative art forms.

The artists from Seacourt Print Workshop worked with individuals diagnosed with medical conditions that impacted on how they lived their lives.

The project was designed to create opportunities to use printmaking as a creative means of expressing their response to being diagnosed, how they managed their condition and ways of improving their lives.