All posts by actionmentalhealth

NI Mental Health Arts & Film Festival

Northern Ireland was the only part of the UK and Ireland that did not have a specific festival devoted to mental health and the arts.

The festival spans music and song, film, visual arts & photography, poetry and wellness. It has been organized by a steering group with a wide range of individuals and organisations from the arts sector, the mental health sector, community and voluntary sectors (including Action Mental Health).

The aims of the festival include:

  • Celebrating mental health
  • Challenging stigma and mental health inequalities
  • Making connections between public, arts, and community organisations
  • Reaching those often missed by both the arts & health education models
  • Supporting recovery and wellbeing and reduce self-stigma through participation in the creative process
  • Creating enduring partnerships and projects


The festival ran from 10th – 13th October 2013 and AMH took part on World Mental Health Day (10th October) with the launch of our Men’s Shed project in Downpatrick in the morning. You can view photos from the event on our Facebook page here.

Then later that evening, at the Film Festival Night, our film “Prisoners of the Past” was shown at the Studio Island Arts Centre, Lisburn. ​Clients at AMH New Horizons in Downpatrick worked collaboratively with Blue Bird Media Company and the Down County Museum to create a film exploring crime and punishment in the old Downpatrick Gaol in the 1800’s.

Catherine Hamill (Staff AMH), Kirsten Kearney (CEO ESC), Stephen McKee, Michael Lavery and Bernadette McCabe (actors in the film)
Catherine Hamill (Staff AMH), Kirsten Kearney (CEO ESC), Stephen McKee, Michael Lavery and Bernadette McCabe (actors in the film)

To find out more visit the dedicated NIMHAFF website here.


Statements in the Senate

Mental health was on the political agenda at Stormont on 8th October at an event sponsored by the Speaker Mr William Hay MLA.

Mr William Hay MLA welcomes AMH CEO David Babington and AMH clients to the Senate
Mr William Hay MLA welcomes AMH CEO David Babington and AMH clients to the Senate


To mark the end of our time as the NI Assembly Commission’s Charity of the Year, and as part of our week of events for World Mental Health Day, Action Mental Health held a special “Statements in the Senate” event where representatives of four Stormont Committees, as well as other MLAs, heard testimony from people who have used the service.

Clients of AMH’s New Horizons services from across Northern Ireland spoke on four key areas including the journey from well to unwell and back again, welfare reform, gaps in mental health services and the importance of placements for those seeking to regain employment.



The Senate Chamber
The Senate Chamber

AMH’s staff also spoke about the importance of reducing stigma and AMH’s work in prisons and the issue of mental health in the justice system. Martin Moorcroft from Barnardo’s NI also joined us as an employer to highlight the vital role of our volunteers in delivering their services.

MLAs Michael Copeland, Maeve McLaughlin, Tom Buchanan and Paul Givan responded on behalf of the Social Development, Health, Employment and Learning and Justice Committees respectively, agreeing to take the issues raised back to the other members of the Committees.


We would like to commend the clients who took part for the courage and eloquence with which they shared their experiences and for the support of the MLAs and wider Stormont staff throughout our time as Charity of the Year.



AMH Granite Challenge Team

The Granite Challenge 2013

AMH Granite Challenge Team
From L-R: David Babington CEO, Catherine O’Connor, James Costello, Gavin McConvey, Joanna Miskelly, Tricia Browne


Now in our 50th anniversary year, many of AMH’s keen cyclists joined cycle clubs and individuals from far and wide, to take part in the Granite Challenge on Sunday 6th October 2013 – kicking off the week of World Mental Health Day.




Now in its second year, the event was a roaring success, with over 150 cyclists from all over NI taking part in the 55 mile route over the Mourne Mountains. This cycling sportive was supported by local cycling club, La Lanterne Rouge and Mourne Cycles.

Spelga Tea Stop
Spelga Tea Stop


The Granite Challenge is called a “challenge” for good reason. Starting at AMH’s New Horizons unit in Downpatrick, the route takes intrepid cyclists via Tyrella towards Dundrum, then along the coast road through the seaside town of Newcastle, towards Annalong. Then it’s up into the Mourne Mountains, past Silent Valley.

The climb up to Spelga is physically demanding and is rewarded at the top with tea and homemade tray bakes. Then it’s downhill towards home, through Bryansford, Maghera and Clough. Final destination is our New Horizons in Downpatrick, where a bowl of homemade broth, hot food and apple tart awaited the cyclists!


All proceeds from the event go to Action Mental Health to help their support services and outreach work across Northern Ireland. Lots of money was raised for AMH, so a big thank you to all who helped out and took part!

The Granite Challenge is now firmly on the map as an annual event so keep an eye on the website and Facebook pages for dates next year.

AMH Granite Challenge
Cyclists are waved off at the starting point by AMH Board Chair Mr Billy Kohner


You’ll find lots more photos on our Facebook page!!/amhNI

“Chill at the Mill” Fundraiser Festival


Saturday 27th July 2013 saw some of Northern Ireland’s local musicians and singers perform at the McKeeting family’s annual fundraising event “Chill at the Mill”, an event best described as a “mini Glastonbury”.

With twelve local acts performing, a BBQ, a raffle, a tombola and a bouncy castle, it was an event enjoyed by an audience of all ages.

This year the McKeeting family held their event in aid of Action Mental Health raising a staggering £1,761.41

The McKeating family present their donation to clients and staff of AMH
The McKeating family present their donation to clients and staff of AMH

Chill at the Mill event organiser Dorothy McKeeting spoke after the event:

“Thanks to the generosity of family, friends and community members, Chill at the Mill 2013 was a great success.  A tremendous amount of money was raised for a very worthy cause.  There are few families who are not affected at some time by issues relating to mental health, and we greatly admire the excellent work carried out by AMH in helping people realise that there is life after mental illness.  Hopefully, this contribution will help in some way to support this very worthy cause”.

Training for the Granite Challenge

Team AMH – Joanna Miskelly, Catherine O’Connor, Tricia Browne, David Babington, Gavin McConvey at Rossglass Beach.

Not long now until the AMH Granite Challenge!

Our AMH cyclists have been putting in the training and got together to complete the 80K South Down Cycle in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care recently. More photos from the sportive are on our facebook page. Why not join them this year for the Granite Challenge?

The Granite Challenge will kick off the week of World Mental Health Day on Sunday 6th October 2013 at 10am.

This not-to-be-missed 55 mile, cycling sportive is supported by local cycling club, La Lanterne Rouge and Mourne Cycles.  The Granite Challenge starts at AMH’s New Horizons unit in Downpatrick, cycling via Tyrella towards Dundrum, then along the coast road through the seaside town of Newcastle, towards Annalong.

Then it’s up into the Mourne Mountains, past Silent Valley. The climb up to Spelga will be rewarded at the top with tea and homemade traybakes. Then it’s downhill towards home, through Bryansford, Maghera and Clough.

Final destination Downpatrick, where a bowl of homemade broth awaits you!

You can register now for the event. Minimum entrance fee is £15 which includes a goody bag from Mourne Cycles, Tea Stop at Spelga and Lunch.

Register securely on line:

All proceeds will go to Action Mental Health to help our support services and outreach work across Northern Ireland.


Law Society Wine Tasting Evening

Last night the Law Society of Northern Ireland held a Wine Tasting Evening in aid of the President’s Charity of the Year Action Mental Health.

The evening was hosted by Denis Broderick at Law Society House, Belfast.  As one  of the first Wine and Spirit Education Trust Diploma holders in Northern  Ireland, Denis has been at the forefront of wine education in the province for  almost thirty years. A large number of guests sampled a range of internationally renowned wines with complimentary cheeses and had a most enjoyable night.

Jennifer Ferguson, Law Society NI and Denis Broderick

Many thanks to all those who attended and especially our sponsors, Danske Bank, KPMG and Tughans Solicitors.

You can view more photographs from the event on our facebook page.


Together For You Launched


A consortium of Northern Ireland organisations has today been awarded a major Lottery contract to promote positive mental health in Northern Ireland.

The Big Lottery Fund has awarded a contract worth £3 million to the Together for You partnership, which for the first time brings together the services of eight support organisations under a joint banner.

The project which is being led by Action Mental Health (AMH) in association with Aware Defeat Depression, CAUSE, CRUSE, MindWise, Nexus, PraxisCare and Relate NI, will promote mental health and well being in Northern Ireland and provide a range of services in new and innovative ways.

Together for You will raise awareness of positive mental health and encourage early intervention and provide intensive support services for people experiencing mental ill health.

For the first time, a co-ordinated approach across the eight organisations will support activities in each of the five Health and Social Care Trust areas.

Activities over the next three years will include working with school mental health promotion, activities that promote well being in older people, campaigns to reduce the stigma and discrimination of mental health, suicide/self harm and bereavement support initiatives and improved psychological therapies.

Joanne McDowell, the Big Lottery Fund’s Northern Ireland Director, said:

“We are delighted to be working with the Together for You partnership to promote positive mental health in Northern Ireland.

Joanne added:

“We are excited that these eight organisations, all with a huge amount of experience in the field of mental health, have come together for the first time to deliver a programme of activity that will make a major difference to the lives of many across Northern Ireland.  We look forward to working with them and sharing the learning and best practice from this partnership.”

David Babington, Chief Executive of Action Mental Action, said:

“All partners in the Together for You partnership are really excited about coming together in this joint project to provide a wide range of mental health services. The partnership has an agreed vision for the collective delivery of a holistic, person-centred and community-based model of service which starts with building resilience in individuals and communities through to the co-ordination and sharing of best practice. We are determined to make a meaningful difference for clients throughout the region by working differently, innovatively and in a seamless way.”

If you would like to be part of this exciting new project we are currently recruiting!

Mental Health and the Law

from left to right, Mark Scott, Directorate of Legal Services; Michael Robinson, President of the Law Society; David Ford MLA, Justice Minister; David Babington, Chief Executive of Action Mental health and District Judge Gilpin

Issues surrounding disability, mental health issues and the law were the focus of a unique seminar, organised by the Law Society of Northern Ireland and supported by Action Mental Health.

The seminar is the third instalment of seminars entitled ‘Diversity and the Law’ which has been launched by the Society to examine the impact of the law on issues such as disability in Northern Ireland.

The seminar on disability and mental health issues provided a platform to discuss the issues, to inform audiences unfamiliar with the main issues and to share best practices.

Gary Kane, AMH Works spoke at the lecture

Representatives from various interest groups, Government agencies and members of the legal profession attended the seminar with a view to identifying issues of concern and sharing of best practice amongst organisations.

Amongst attendees was the Minister for Justice, David Ford MLA.

Commenting on the President of the Law Society of Northern Ireland, Michael Robinson said:

“The Society has been working over the last number of months to develop the new Diversity series which we believe will provide discussion and debate on the impact of the law and issues such as mental health and disability.

It is timely that these seminars are taking place in light of the on-going impact of the economic recession, cuts to Government budgets, benefits and services and the implications for the law and access to justice in Northern Ireland”.

David Babington, Chief Executive of Action Mental Health said:

“Mental Health issues and disability affect many people within our community and we welcomes the Society’s initiative which gives a platform to support organisations and representative to share best practices and information”.

The series of seminars are scheduled to last until November 2013 with an examination of the Section 75 classifications including age and race.