All posts by actionmentalhealth

L-R Lady Hermon, Mayor of North Down Cllr Andrew Muir and Creative Skills Tutor at AMH Jenna Stevenson

Make A Change, Make Art

L-R Lady Hermon, Mayor of North Down Cllr Andrew Muir and Creative Skills Tutor at AMH Jenna Stevenson
L-R Lady Hermon, Mayor of North Down Cllr Andrew Muir and Creative Skills Tutor at AMH Jenna Stevenson

An exhibition of original artwork entitled ‘Make A Change, Make Art’ was officially opened at the Carnegie Library, Bangor by Lady Sylvia Hermon and attended by Mayor of North Down Cllr Andrew Muir.

‘Make a Change, Make Art’ showcases artwork from Action Mental Health’s New Horizons clients in North Down & Ards and The WELL2 Project who have worked collaboratively with Seacourt Print Workshop Bangor and Artscare.

Over 40 clients have been involved in creating a variety of art pieces, including prints, photographs, Tiffany glass and textiles, many of which were completed as part of their accredited CCEA qualifications.

The event was also an opportunity to celebrate the success of clients from AMH New Horizons North Down & Ards, which has services in both Bangor and Newtownards and provides vocational training, employment support and personal development programmes for over 200 people.

Dr David Flynn, CCEA Education Manager presented over 100 accredited certificates to 70 clients in a range of areas including CCEA Creative Crafts Level 1 & 2, IT, OCN Personal Development and Employment Preparation, Health & Safety & Food Safety in Catering.

Dr David Flynn commented:

“The AMH Art Exhibition is a fantastic show and I’ve very much enjoyed walking around and seeing such a variety of techniques on display, from inspiring photography to beautiful Tiffany glass. All the talented artists involved should be very proud of their contributions.

AMH have been a staunch supporter of the CCEA Creative Crafts qualification for many years. They work closely with individuals to get the best from them and the high standard of creative work on show in this exhibition is testament to the hard work that is put in by both tutors and clients. I look forward to a long continuing association with AMH.”

Lady Hermon said of the event;

“I was really pleased to have been invited to officially open this unique exhibition and thoroughly enjoyed the whole event. The artwork is truly inspiring, and so too are the artists who have contributed it.  The personal reflections of those who spoke about the background to their art made the whole event deeply moving. I’m so very glad I had the opportunity to hear them, and also see the tremendous variety of artwork.”

Jenna Stevenson, AMH Creative Skills Tutor who co­ordinated the exhibition said that she was immensely proud of the clients and the amazing work they had created which reflected the theme ‘Make a Change, Make Art’. The event also celebrated the success of clients who had achieved accreditation within creative crafts, many of whom have progressed onto further study, voluntary work or employment within this area. Indeed several of the clients are selling their artwork in Ards Craft Centre, which has been a great boost to their confidence.

The exhibition continues until Friday 20th December.

It’s My Life!

John Chave, Secretary General of the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) paid a visit to AMH Craigavon & Banbridge to hear more about our innovative programme It’s My Life. 

It’s My Life is a programme delivered in partnership with Anderson’s Pharmacy Portadown, and funded by the Community Development Health Network through the Building Community-Pharmacy Partnership.  The programme delivers a range of activities to assist adults with mental health needs in their recovery.  It promotes positive mental and physical health, and equips people with the skills to take ownership of their own health needs whilst being supported by their Community Pharmacist, AMH staff and others.   

JohnChave2 copyPictured from l-r are:  Raymond Anderson (Anderson’s Pharmacy Portadown), John Chave Secretary General of the PGEU, Sharon Bleakley BCPP Manager, Colin Loughran AMH Service Manager.  

Photography Winners Announced

First Prize – left to right (Marie Dunne, Health Improvement Department, WHSCT;  John Twohig, Winner;  Mickie Harkin, Service Manger, AMH, Leona Wright, Project Administrator, AMH)
First Prize – left to right (Marie Dunne, Health Improvement Department, WHSCT; John Twohig, Winner; Mickie Harkin, Service Manger, AMH, Leona Wright, Project Administrator, AMH)

The Winners of our photography competition, which was launched to mark World Mental Health Day by The Health Improvement Department of the Western Health and Social Care Trust and AMH New Horizons Foyle, have been announced.  The theme was “celebrating mental health” and was open to experienced and novice photographers. The Competition, which is in its second year was funded by the Public Health Agency.

The judges were Marie Dunne WHSCT, Mickie Harkin AMH and Ciaran O’Neill Editor of the Derry News.

Under 18 Category Winner – left to right (Marie Dunne, Health Improvement Department, WHSCT; Joanne Struthers, U18 winner;  Mickie Harkin, Service Manger, AMH, Leona Wright, Project Administrator, AMH)
Under 18 Category Winner – left to right (Marie Dunne, Health Improvement Department, WHSCT; Joanne Struthers, U18 winner; Mickie Harkin, Service Manger, AMH, Leona Wright, Project Administrator, AMH)


The Winning Photograph, Photographer John Twohig:

Winning Photo by John Twohig

“positive mental health, even into old age!”

The Winning Photograph from the U18 Category, Photographer Joanne Struthers, which captures the strength of family bonds.

Winning Photo by Joanne Struthers - U18 category

SALUS Launch

(L-R) Micheal McDaid, Information Officer for Derry/Donegal, Salus Project; Margaret Farrelly, Clonarn Clover & Guest Speaker; Miriam McQuaid, Area Manager National Learning Network Cavan/Monaghan; David Babington, Cheif Executive Action Mental Health; Declan McGarigle, SEUPB Case Officer; Pauline O'Hagain, Information Officer Fermanagh/Cavan Salus Project; Siobhan Wallace, Salus CorOrdinator and Audrey Allen, Head of Operations AMH
(L-R) Micheal McDaid, Information Officer for Derry/Donegal, Salus Project; Margaret Farrelly, Clonarn Clover & Guest Speaker; Miriam McQuaid, Area Manager National Learning Network Cavan/Monaghan; David Babington, Cheif Executive Action Mental Health; Declan McGarigle, SEUPB Case Officer; Pauline O’Hagain, Information Officer Fermanagh/Cavan Salus Project; Siobhan Wallace, Salus CorOrdinator and Audrey Allen, Head of Operations AMH

Mental health promotion among young people living in the border areas  of Cavan, Fermanagh, Donegal and Derry/Londonderry has been put firmly on the timetables of schools and community groups this week with the launch of the Salus Project, a new and  innovative  cross border project, funded under the European Union’s Interreg IVA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).






The Project launch on  Thursday 28th November, held in the International Scout Centre in Castle Saunderson, Co Cavan attended by approximated 150 people brought together the key players behind the Project; Action Mental Health a leading mental health charity north of the border and south of the border the National Learning Network, Ireland’s largest non-Government training organisation.  Both organisations praised the project’s early success and expressed hope that even at this early stage the work would somehow be sustained beyond the current funding period.

SALUS Launch David Babington

David Babington, Chief Executive of AMH told the audience which included young people from local schools and key figures involved in health and education;

“Action Mental Health are delighted that in the short time the project has been operating over 600 young people have benefited from the Project’s ‘Provoking Thought’ workshops .  The aim of these workshops are to breakdown stigma around mental health, show young people how important it is to look after their mental well-being and where necessary signpost young people on to appropriate sources of support.  The success of the project is evident in the number of schools who are inviting the project back to do further workshops on specific issues such as bullying and the positive feedback we have received from teachers and young people alike.”

Welcoming the project Lorraine McCourt, Director of the SEUPB, said;

“In delivering better mental health provision the project will support pathways for young people to get into further education and long-term employment. It will also give them the confidence they need to reach their goals and maximise their potential. In doing so it is helping to meet one of the core objectives of the EU’s INTERREG IVA Programme, which has been designed to improve access to vital services, including public health provision, for people across Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland,” she continued.”

Siobhan Wallace, Co-ordinator of Salus explained that for the launch of the Project in Castle Saunderson they had decided to focus on building positive mental health and well-being;

“The positive approach Salus takes within schools to mental health is, we feel, one of our unique selling points and we decided to stay true to this and theme our launch event on 5  key ways to emotional well-being.  We are all guilty of neglecting this aspect of our lives and by having workshops around these areas we want to reinforce the message of how people can better protect themselves against mental ill health.  The 5 themes we are looking at are connecting with people, keeping active, keep learning, do things for others and take time to stop and notice the world around you.  There is a wide body of research around all of these behaviours that say by doing these things we are helping ourselves to stay mentally strong and are more likely to flourish as individuals.”

Margaret Farrelly, Cavan’s own ‘secret millionaire’ was present on the day to tell the audience about her secret millionaire experience and how she benefited from  helping others and Dr Eugene Thomas, a specialist in laughter conducted a workshop around challenging yourself.

5 ways to stay emotionally well

The Salus Launch was themed around  5 ways to stay emotionally well. Whilst we may all be familiar with  how to maintain good physical health and in particular the ‘5-a-day rule’ most of us are less familiar with how to maintain good mental health.  The 5 ways to stay emotionally well are evidence based actions which were initially developed by the New Economics Foundation in response to research commissioned by the UK Government in 2008.  They are now widely used by health trusts/community organisations within the UK and beyond. The 5 ways you can maintain good mental health are:

  • Connecting with people (family, friends and community).
  • Keeping active (physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety)
  • Challenging yourself (keep learning new things)
  • Doing things for others (helping others makes us healthier and happier)
  • -Taking time to stop and notice the world around you (be mindful of small things)


Anyone wanting further information on the Salus project should contact Siobhan on 048 66323630  or email [email protected]

Hedgerow Hopes in Antrim

Hedgerow Hopes in Antrim 1On Friday 22nd November, Action Mental Health’s “Muddy Minds” garden team and their Community Links Group welcomed Antrim Borough Council, The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) and Mayor of Antrim, Roderick Swann, to plant a native hedgerow in the garden as part of Antrim Borough Council’s Hedgerow Hopes Project.

Ruth Wilson, Antrim Borough Council’s Biodiversity Officer, said

“The aim of the Hedgerow Hopes project is to get local people involved in restoring species-rich hedgerows in the Borough.  This will benefit our local heritage and biodiversity.”

Hedgerow Hopes in Antrim 2

The event included hedgerow planting and was an opportunity to find out what wildlife our native hedges support and why they are one of nature’s greatest assets. Species-rich hedgerows are important to people as well as to our wildlife. They are of historical importance, often marking town land or estate boundaries. They also provide colour, shelter and food, act as stock barriers and prevent soil erosion. Unfortunately, many of our native hedgerows have lost a lot of these benefits due to neglect or mismanagement.

The clients and staff really enjoyed the afternoon and are looking forward to watching the hedgerow grow!

The Hedgerow Hopes Project is supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund. For further information contact Ruth Wilson T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371 or E: [email protected]

Ards Craft Centre Supports AMH

Clients and staff of AMH's New Horizons Service in Newtownards hand over 36 original prints they created to Heather Parker, Craft Development Manager with Ards Borough Council. Ards Crafts will sell the prints at £25 each in the run up to Christmas.

Action Mental Health (AMH) are selling a range of handcrafted prints thanks to Ards Crafts in Newtownards, in the run-up to Christmas.

Clients of New Horizons North Down and Ards worked in collaboration with Seacourt Print Workshops to create a series of original prints inspired by local views and landmarks in Newtownards.

Ards Crafts, the flagship Craft and Design Centre of Ards Borough Council (located beside the Ulsterbus station in Newtownards) aim to enable the continued economic growth of the craft and wider creative economy in the Ards Borough through creating opportunities and connecting craft.

Neil Gordon, client of Action Mental Health and one of the artists, said;

“Creating the prints was something that I really enjoyed doing and it is brilliant to see my artwork for sale in Ards Crafts. I would love to take my artistic skills further and hopefully carve a career in the arts for myself and this definitely a step in the right direction. I am also pleased to see that the sales of these prints are going to benefit further create arts projects through Action Mental Health”

Selwyn Johnston, Service Manager of Action Mental Health, said;

“I am extremely pleased that the Ards Craft Centre has given our clients this fantastic opportunity, which will not only showcase thie amazing artistic talent and instil confidence, but through their purchase will support the continued work of Action Mental Health in North Down & Ards area. With Christmas approaching they will make lovely gifts for family and friends.”

Clients and staff of Action Mental Health’s New Horizons Service in Newtownards hand over 36 original prints they created to Heather Parker, Craft Development Manager with Ards Borough Council. Ards Crafts will sell the prints at £25 each in the run up to Christmas.

BIA’s Charity

Belfast International Airport keeps the issue of Mental Health Flying High


Action Mental Health (AMH) have been chosen by Belfast International Airport as their Charity of the Year.

At the launch, Belfast International Airport held a coffee morning for staff and presented AMH with a cheque for £10,000 to kick-start their year of fundraising and awareness raising activities.

David Babington, Chief Executive of AMH, said he was delighted to accept the honour on behalf of the charity’s staff and clients;

 “We are very pleased that Belfast International Airport has chosen to focus on and support mental health and wellbeing in the coming year and we are delighted to be named as their Charity of the Year.  Our team in AMH will be working alongside BIA to organise and support a number of fundraising activities and events.  We also hope to run a number of joint initiatives to raise awareness, tackle stigma and promote positive mental health.”

John Doran, managing director Belfast International Airport, said

“Both Action Mental Health and Belfast International Airport are celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2013 and this was an excellent way of celebrating this significant milestone.  We look forward to supporting AMH to raise much needed funds to support the invaluable work which they undertake.”

Tricia Browne, Communications Manager AMH; Deborah Harris, Public Relations Manager BIA; Gavin McConvey, Fundraising Manager AMH and Callum Clark, Events Fundraiser AMH
Tricia Browne, Communications Manager AMH; Deborah Harris, Public Relations Manager BIA; Gavin McConvey, Fundraising Manager AMH and Callum Clark, Events Fundraiser AMH
L-R Callum Clark, Events Fundraiser AMH; Gavin McConvey, Fundraising Manager AMH and Tricia Browne, Communications Manager AMH.
L-R Callum Clark, Events Fundraiser AMH; Gavin McConvey, Fundraising Manager AMH and Tricia Browne, Communications Manager AMH.











Investors in People – GOLD!

IIP Gold Logo Large





Action Mental Health is celebrating yet again, this time on achieving the highly prestigious Investors in People – Gold Award and retaining our Investors in People Champion Status.

Following a rigorous assessment, AMH now joins the top 1% of organisations across the UK who have achieved the GOLD standard. This standard is only given to organisations who can demonstrate excellence in developing and supporting their staff and AMH needed to meet more numerous evidence requirement standards that included commitment to values, personal development and social responsibility.

Across the UK, less than 1% of organisations applying for Investors in People accreditation achieve Gold status and we are one of only 8 organisations in NI with Champion status!