All posts by actionmentalhealth

Everything Goes …..

The Family Theatre Group2The play ‘Everything Goes…’ was performed yesterday morning in the recently refurbished training area of AMH New Horizons in Downpatrick.  Clients have been working collaboratively over the past few months to create 6 original, short scenes which explored issues from unemployment right through to couples who find themselves ‘stuck in a rut’.    

The performance was also assessed as part of a CCEA Performance Skills qualification.  This qualification has given clients the opportunity to explore and develop both practical and theoretical aspects of Performance Art.

Well done to everyone who took part in the performance.  The feedback has been wonderful.

‘Each act was very true to life.  Sketches were fresh, original and humorous…’

 ‘I didn’t stop laughing the whole time.  Each play was very funny and in my opinion the acting was excellent…’


AMH Celebrates in Portadown

AMH Celebrates Client Success in Craigavon and Banbridge


DSC_0114Today, family friends and supporters of Action Mental Health gathered in Portadown

Today, family friends and supporters of local charity Action Mental Health (AMH) gathered in Portadown Town Hall to celebrate the many achievements of clients in the last year.

Mayor of Craigavon, Mr Colin McCusker and Joanne McConville, Primary Healthcare Manager at the Southern Health and Social Care Trust were in attendance to listen to clients’ “Roots to Recovery” personal stories.

The special guests stayed to present certificates to clients for a range of OCNs and NVQs in personal wellbeing, employment, computer skills, domestic cooking skills and horticulture.

Throughout the year, clients of AMH’s New Horizon’s service also benefitted from a range of non-accredited personal and wellbeing activities from oil painting and jewellery making to sports like Boccia and Football.

The Mayor congratulated staff and clients on their success.


The staff from AMH New Horizons Craigavon & Banbridge
The staff from AMH New Horizons Craigavon & Banbridge

Congratulations Michael!

Martial Arts Medallist “Taking Action on Mental Health”


Congratulations to Michael Coyle from AMH New Horizons Foyle who recently competed in two rounds of the Martial Arts Championship in which he won two silver medals!

Michael proudly wore his AMH hoodie prior to the beginning of the bout and for the duration of his time in the competitors arena. He has donated both medals to AMH and had “Taking Action on Mental Health “ inscribed on the reverse side.

M Coyle (25 of 25)



Michael is a very modest, determined and obviously super fit young man, he is determined to win his ultimate fight to recovery, and wishes to use his recent experience to motivate others and remind them that, like all fights, they can be won!


Richard and Ken’s “Wee Walk” for AMH


Local men Richard Simms and Ken Strang are trekking to Everest Base Camp in Nepal to raise funds for both Action Mental Health and the Child Heartbeat Trust.

Humorously and humbly entitled their “Wee Walk In The Hills”, Richard and Ken are trekking to Everest Base Camp in Nepal. It will take them 10 days trekking to reach Base Camp at a height of 5,600 metres, where there is only 50% of the oxygen compared to sea level.

The two men will walk among 4 out of the 6 tallest mountains in the world. Including the return trek, Richard and Ken will be walking for 17 days in total.

They say they’ll need ‘a shower and a shave afterwards but it will all have been worth it.’

Richard told us he chose AMH to benefit from his fundraising challenge because:

“Having seen people very close to me suffer from mental health issues I feel very strongly about supporting charities that raise the awareness of mental health and help others in similar circumstances.”

If you would like to support these two brave men raising vital funds for mental health services in Northern Ireland, visit their Justgiving page here.

Mo Sistas AMH New Horizons Foyle

#Movember at AMH

Movember is the largest global men’s health charity with campaigns in 21 countries. The message asks men (known as Mo Bros, supported by female Mo Sistas)) to grow a moustache for the 30 days of November to raise awareness and funds for men’s health.

Originally campaigning to raise awareness and funds for Prostate Cancer, In the UK they have just announced their third funded program area – a commitment to invest £2.5million in men’s mental health initiatives.

Mental health issues clearly affect both men and woman but when you look at it from a male perspective the statistics are quite shocking. Movember 2015 will be applying a male lens on men’s mental health issues, with the aim of being better able to support men in seeking help and treatment earlier.

Teams of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas will take part in services and projects across AMH in Northern Ireland. including the Mo Sistas (below) supporting their male colleagues in our New Horizons service, Foyle!

Mo Sistas AMH New Horizons Foyle

You can support Team AMH at or get involved yourself at

Living with Schizophrenia

My name is Chris and I am 28 years old.

I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia at the age of 20.

Since diagnoses I have had a total of 3 admissions to hospital. Although I have had a number of periods of crisis, I have had support from the home treatment teams and floating support which has allowed me to get the treatment I needed without a hospital admission.

I currently get support from attending the services of AMH and NIAMH Beacon Centre. Through attendances at AMH New Horizons, I am planning to complete my NVQ Level 2 in Catering to help me pursue my goal of employment.  I have also completed the WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) which has helped in my ongoing recovery.

Due to the nature of my illness, it has taken me a number of years to find a CPN who I feel that I can trust and have a relationship with where I can talk to them openly. This allows me to talk freely about my feelings and the paranoid thoughts that cause me difficulties.  I know that when I tell them how my thought process is, I don’t have to recall this on to another medical professional as I know they will pass the information on.

Because my illness is a lifelong enduring illness, I feel that to seek and sustain paid employment more support should be given to employers by medical professionals such as CPN’s. I feel they should be able to come into the workplace to give support.  I would like the opportunity to have gradual increase or decrease in hours of employment when periods of illness are good or bad to reduce dependence on benefits.

To help maintain independent living for schizophrenic patients, more sheltered accommodation should be made available where 24/7 support is available.


The staff at Foyle New Horizons made me feel very welcome on my first day, and put me at easy.I found my time here at New Horizons very enjoyable and I have learnt so much from it.I done so many things I thought I could never have done namely ECDL in computers and the Outbound course which helped me both physically and mentally, it brought back my confidence and helped me overcome my fears and gave me the chance to do things I never had a chance to do before. As for the computer courses I have done they were a brilliant chance for me to learn skills that I never thought I could cope with, and now I can use them for applying for jobs. The whole atmosphere in New Horizons is excellent the other clients are so friendly and helpful as is all the staff from top to bottom. All the courses available at New Horizons are worthwhile doing.

I came into New Horizons lacking confidence, communication skills nervous and fearful of the future,Im now am in a position to move on confident with myself ready to face and cope with the world around me once again, I can’t thank the staff and clients of New Horizons enough for all there help and support.