All posts by actionmentalhealth

Youth Mental Health Art Exhibition

Bnq2EROIcAARWA3An Art Exhibition themed around how to look after your mental health took place on Thursday 15th May 11am – 1pm at the Playhouse in Derry. The event was a good opportunity to celebrate the continuing success of the Salus Project which has been promoting the emotional well-being of young people (aged 12–25 years) through training in counties Derry, Donegal, Cavan and Fermanagh since September 2013.

Salus, which means ‘well-being’ in Latin, is funded through the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme and is a joint initiative between Action Mental Health and National Learning Network. The project is going from strength to strength, having delivered workshops to almost 3,000 young people since it started.

Michaela McDaid, one of two Salus Information Officers, said;

“Having delivered mental health training in the Western Trust for many years, it’s exciting to engage young people throughout Derry and Donegal. I’m finding a huge interest in both counties. Young people increasingly recognise the importance of looking after their mental health and understand that awareness and education will help them to identify coping strategies and build resilience.”

The cross-border Art Project engaged participants from schools and youth centres in each of the four counties. The students produced pieces of artwork under each of the pillars of emotional well-being namely; be active, stop and notice the world around you, challenge yourself, do things for others and stay connected.

Bnqr-GlCMAAYtqeThe artwork created took the form of sculpture, video, canvasses and even a piece of high fashion and was supported by Omagh artist Geraldine O’Reilly. Siobhan Wallace, Salus Co-ordinator, explained;

“It was a very interesting process for us to explore with young people, through a variety of mediums, the ways to maintain good mental health. Creating the artwork enabled young people to talk freely and openly about mental health issues as well as learning that mental health isn’t outside your control but something you can influence by the way you live. The art project fits very much with the ethos of Salus which is about positive mental health.”

Over 120 people attended the event. The keynote speaker, Psychologist Shane Martin from Monaghan, kept the audience entertained and interested with his wide range of stories and anecdotes on how to stay positive. Laughter Yoga with Michelle Major ensured the audience were all in a relaxed and positive mood.

BIBR – The Movie!

You’ve seen the photographs, you’ve heard the participants’ reaction on Twitter and Facebook – now watch the video – which gives you a taster of the Chain Reaction Cycles Big Italian Bike Ride! Unless you’ve been out of the country for the past month, you will know that AMH were the Charity Partner for this fabulous event! Thanks again to all our volunteers and cyclists – Go Team AMH!!


Mental Health Awareness Week 2014

mhaw-compAnxiety disorders are among the most common mental health problems experienced by people living in the UK. Although it is normal for everyone to experience anxiety at times in response to stressful or dangerous situations, persistent and excessive anxiety can have serious negative effects on health, impacting the way we lead our daily lives.

Conditions like panic, anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are more common than people think – 1 in 5 people experience anxiety on a daily basis (ONS report, 2013) – and can be managed if treatment is sought early. According to the Centre for Mental Health, problems like anxiety and depression cost the economy around £105 billion a year.

Spread awareness and reduce stigma

This condition is the focus of Mental Health Awareness Week 2014, which takes place from 12th to 18th May. The week is hosted annually by the Mental Health Foundation, aiming to spread awareness and reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.

As always, the week is marked by the many events held by supporters with people throughout the UK getting involved. If you are planning an event during Mental Health Awareness Week, click here to download a supporter kit from the Mental Health Foundation.

There are also easy ways to show your support online and on social media with these handy hints.

Spring Is In The Air…

…in Fermanagh!


AMH New Horizons Fermanagh photography club took advantage of our wonderful Spring weather with a boat trip along Lough Erne and a magical stop off at Inish Davar, known locally as ‘Bluebell Island’.

One of the lesser-visited islands on the lake, Bluebell Island is a haven of peace and tranquillity, and for just a couple of weeks each May it is carpeted in acres of bluebells.


Capturing breathtaking images of the island at its most beautiful, clients also had a chance to relax, chill out and experience their own moments of mindfulness.


Newry Golf Classic 2014

AMH Golf-Press Shot 1
Oisin McConville, ex-Armagh all-star Gaelic footballer is entering a team in the fundraising event, with Greg Smyth from McKeown’s Solicitors who sponsor the annual Golf Classic

Our Golf Classic event returns this year in aid of Action Mental Health, sponsored yet again by McKeown’s Solicitors and hosted by AMH New Horizons Newry:

Friday 6th June


Warrenpoint Golf Club

We invite you to play in a Four Person Charity Team Classic

(Ladies, Gents or Mixed Teams)


Prize giving and entertainment from 9pm to include:

  • Overall Winning Team Prize (4 Ball at Lough Erne Golf Resort)

Additional prizes awarded for:

  • Team prize 2nd, 3rd and 4th
  • 1st Prize Ladies Team
  • Nearest the pin on the 6th hole
  • Longest Drive on the 4th hole (Ladies & Gents)


Team Entry Costs £120 (meal included)


To reserve Tee Times contact:

Nigel Shaw, Warrenpoint Golf Club: (028) 4175 3695 or

Brian Hughes, AMH Newry: (028) 3026 6117 / 07841 103 267

Big Italian Bike Ride!

This weekend saw the Chain Reaction Cycles Big Italian Bike Ride take place, a cycling sportive in celebration of the Giro d’Italia coming to Northern Ireland, and Action Mental Health played a big role as one of the chosen charities for the event.



The race took in some parts of the Grand Depart route, as well as some of the most iconic landscapes in Northern Ireland and some 1,400 cyclists took part!






AMH staff, clients and volunteers worked their socks off in preparation for the event, packing goodie bags, sorting registration packs and working at the Pizza Party in the Odyssey Belfast on Saturday evening, where riders came to register and avail of Q&A sessions with event nutrition and performance partners.


It was an early start on Sunday morning (pre-6am!) for route marshals, feed station operators and organisers, as cyclists prepared to take on the 3 challenges on offer –

Corto (87km) including a section of coast road and coast road run in through Blah Hole and Carrickfergus.

Medio (135km,) including the descent of Munie Road down into Glenarm and the coast road, plus Blah Hole and Carrick.

Gran Fondo (225km) taking in all the highlights of the North Coast including Giant’s Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge, Dunluce Castle, then the climb from Ballycastle (this will be the first Gran Premio della Montagna (GPM) point of the Giro – (Giro King of the Mountains equivalent). Cushendall and then all the length of the coast road through Glenarm, Blah Hole climb at Whitehead (second GPM point), Carrickfergus Castle and back to Belfast.


Team AMH cycled the route too, including our very own CEO David Babington, Joanna Miskelly and Gavin McConvey, joined by, among others, cycling legend Sean Kelly –  a former professional road bicycle racer and one of the most successful road cyclists of the 1980s.




After the challenge, North Down Physios and Active Health Solutions donated proceeds from the post-event sports massages, raising £782 for the nominated charities!


More images are available on our Facebook page here and race photos are now online at

Photographs are being uploaded by Warren McConnaghie and split into folders for each of the three routes. A percentage from the sale of photographs is kindly being donated by Warren and split between AMH and the other charity partner Marie Curie.

The event also got great feedback from participants on social media:


Peter Disney
“Just like to thank @Chain__Reaction PIONEER GROUP and @amhNI for today. Had a great at the Big Italian bike ride today. #BIBR

James Calwell
#BIBR fantastically organised event. Wouldn’t it be brilliant if this sportive could be organised every year. Creating a N.I. @Giro legacy!”


·         Willy Sharpe

Great event yesterday folks. Did the corto and thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done all round. Made a few quid for AMH in the process.

·         Peter Kennedy

Massive thanks to Chain Reaction Cycles for an awesome day yesterday and to everyone who worked along with them to make it possible, the day was expertly organised from start to finish. Special thanks to all those who manned the feed stations and those who helped out along the roads. Thanks again for a brilliant day.

·         Andrew Evans

Thanks to all the marshals volunteers and everyone who played a part in the day running so smoothly very well organized event

·         Kay Hack

Thanks to all of the team who put this together. Very slick operation, registration, food stops, marshals. All good, no mean feat dealing with1500 riders.

Huge thanks go to everyone who helped out before and during the 2 days to make the event such a success!


Foyle Bikes

Cycling in Foyle

Foyle Bikes

Northern Ireland is gearing up to host the Giro d’Italia this weekend.

Of course the race will be filled with top professional cyclists from across the world, but many more people will take part in volunteering and support events, such as the Chain Reaction Big Italian Bike Ride. Action Mental Health (AMH) are one of the official charity partners of this event which will allow over 1,000 local cyclists to take in parts of the Grand Depart route the week before the big race.

Clients of our QUEST project on Foyle have just completed a 6 week hiking and cycling course with Far and Wild ( which took place on Sunday mornings and challenged them both physically and mentally.

Local man Damian Bonner has qualified as an instructor and clients are completing Level 1 and Level 2 Cycling Proficiency.  They will also be starting Bike Maintenance shortly.  Clients are able to borrow 2 bikes from the service to use in their own free time. Three clients have bought their own bikes.

The cycling was based in the City and routes were focused on the banks of the Foyle taking in both the East and West banks of the river and the beautiful Peace Bridge. Initially clients seemed apprehensive as some of them had not been on a bike in years. One client quipped “there is no chance I am getting on this thing, it has been 30 years since I was on a bike and I am over 18 stone!” The same client cycled 9 miles on day one and said he felt great afterwards.

Physical health and mental health are inextricably linked. People affected by mental illness experience much poorer physical health than the general population. Likewise, poor mental health is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Research tells us that physical activity is effective in the treatment of clinical depression and can be as successful as psychotherapy or medication, particularly in the longer term. It may also help people living with anxiety and stress disorders and can have a positive effect on psychological wellbeing in people with schizophrenia.

Rhythmic aerobic forms of exercise – such as cycling – appear to be the most effective in achieving mental health benefits. Physical activity is increasingly being used in rehabilitation programmes for people with specific conditions, or in programmes to help people recover from substance abuse. This is why AMH’s involvement in events such as the Bike Italian Bike Ride and our own Granite Challenge each October, are obvious partnerships for us.

Action Mental Health has a long history of physical activity for mental health recovery and this special year of cycling is no exception.