All posts by actionmentalhealth

James Goligher takes Action on Mental Health












Local Derry Man, James Goligher took on the challenge of an Ironman and raised a staggering £3,000 for Action Mental Health.

The Ironman consisted of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bicycle ride and a 26.2 mile marathon. James raised the fantastic amount through sponsorship and a fundraising event.

Well done James and thank you for helping us to Take Action on Mental Health!

AMH Works round up their series of conferences examining Mental Health in the Workplace

The topic this time was Individual Well-being. Wendy Shooter, Unicorn Consulting, creator of the My Power Bar App took delegates through the best ways to support their own mental health and wellbeing using the My PowerBar® App as a tool for wellness. AMH Works, Head Trainer, Gary Kane promoted individual health and wellbeing at work and discussed the tools available to support healthy, resilient workplaces.

Delivered in partnership with The Big Lottery Awards for All fund.


To keep up to date, follow AMH Works on Twitter: @AMHWorks

Our brochures from all conferences can be downloaded here:

Individual Well-being-Brochure

Stress in the Workplace-Brochure

Managing Mental Health in the Workplace-Brochure

Mental Health in the Workplace-Brochure

NHCP9538 NHCP9505 NHCP9484 NHCP9365

AMH & PIPS– pitching in at Jenning Park



















We have teamed up with PIPS to host a free to attend football tournament taking place on 20th July 2015 in Jennings Park, Newry.

Eight leading teams from the South Down and South Armagh area will compete in a knock out competition that will see clubs from different leagues play each other. The quality of the teams taking part is excellent with most of the teams being major winners in their individual leagues last season. Camlough Rovers, Windmill Stars, Warrenpoint Town, Newry City, Rostrevor Rovers, Cleary Celtic, Bessbrook United and Newry Celtic will compete for the trophy.  The tournament promises entertainment and strong competition.

We hope that this tournament will raise awareness of mental health, especially with young men who find it difficult to talk about their mental health. Sport, either played or watched, can have a positive effect in helping people with poor mental health and also breaking down barriers to mental ill health, suicide and self-harm in the community.

During the course of a year one in four people will experience some type of mental health issue. Anyone may be affected, regardless of age, gender, social class or lifestyle.

Impact of Alcohol

all the partners involved in the delivery of the Impact of Alcohol programme
all the partners involved in the delivery of the Impact of Alcohol programme


An Impact of Alcohol Shared Learning Event took place recently in the Northern Trust area and was attended by 130 delegates with representatives from voluntary, community and statutory agencies.

Commenting on the Impact of Alcohol programme, Tony Stevens, Chief Executive of the Northern Trust said:

“this event was subtitled “Partnership in Practice” to reflect the fact that working together can be challenging, however where it results in the delivery of better services and improved for our populations, then we need to continue to develop our understanding and take on board the learning of how to do it better.”


Partners involved in the delivery of the Healthy Body Healthy Mind component, AMH New Horizons Antrim, Contact NI and FASA
Partners involved in the delivery of the Healthy Body Healthy Mind component, AMH New Horizons Antrim, Contact NI and FASA










A number of free programmes are taking place across the Northern Trust area in 2015.

You can download more information here.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Personal Development

Healthy Body Health Mind Personal Development Programme






Health & Safety success for Antrim New Horizons Client

Anthony Frazer, AMH New Horizons Client, has been employed by Training Solutions NI as an Administration Assistant since September 2014.              

During this time Anthony completed NEBOSH General Certificate and achieved a distinction. Anthony came top of this class and his score was one of the highest marks that anyone has achieved in Training Solutions NI within the last 10 years.


Pictured L-R: Nicola Penman Director of Health and Safety Training Solutions NI, Jim Stewart CBE, Managing Director of Training Solutions NI, Anthony Frazer, John Davis Service Manager AMH Antrim New Horizons, Anne McKernan Employment Office AMH New Horizons Antrim.


Together For You reaches 24,000 individuals in NI

David Babington, Spokesperson for Together For Your and Chief Executive of Action Mental Health (Centre) celebrates the amazing achievement of reaching over 24,000 individuals with mental health services with Minister for Health Simon Hamilton MLA and Alison Fraser, Head of Funding at the Big Lottery Fund at an event in the Park Avenue Hotel today (17 June). Photography by Andrew Towe, Parkway Photography.
David Babington, Spokesperson for Together For Your and Chief Executive of Action Mental Health (Centre) celebrates the amazing achievement of reaching over 24,000 individuals with mental health services with Minister for Health Simon Hamilton MLA and Alison Fraser, Head of Funding at the Big Lottery Fund at an event in the Park Avenue Hotel today (17 June).
Photography by Andrew Towe, Parkway Photography.

Since its launch in October 2013, Together For You, a partnership project funded by the Big Lottery Fund, has reached over 24,000 individuals in Northern Ireland with their mental health services.  Led by Action Mental Health (AMH), services are delivered in partnership with Aware Defeat Depression, CAUSE, CRUSE, MindWise, Nexus, PraxisCare, Relate NI and The Rainbow Project.

To celebrate this amazing achievement, and to share the learning gained from delivering the wide range of mental health services delivered across the Together For You partnership, a Shared Learning Event was held today (17th June) in the Park Avenue Hotel, Belfast.

The event was opened by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Simon Hamilton MLA and was attended by over 120 representatives from the public, private and voluntary and community sectors.

Health Minister, Simon Hamilton, has praised the voluntary sector for its contribution to improving services and support for people with mental health problems. “I have long recognised the value of our local voluntary sector. Staff and volunteers have a personal insight into the needs of those they are helping. With this unique perspective they can often devise new, innovative and more person-centred services from those traditionally provided by the statutory sector.

The ‘Together For You’ services complement those delivered by the five Trusts.  Indeed, it is as a result of the voluntary and statutory sectors working together that we have been able to significantly improve the lives of those living with mental health problems and progress toward the modern and diverse mental health services envisaged by Bamford.”

David Babington, Chief Executive for Action Mental Health said

It is fantastic to see so many individuals benefiting from the mental health services available under Together For You. The success of this partnership is detriment to the hard work of all the Partners delivering services to the highest standards. It is also important to acknowledge the wider impact of services on the community, family members and carers who also indirectly benefit from the positive impact of services on their loved ones mental health and from the efforts to reduce stigma surrounding mental ill-health. The event today will allow us to share our learning and experiences so far with each other and with other voluntary, community and statutory organisations, helping to further discussion on mental health interventions and service delivery.” 

It’s no coincidence the event was held during Men’s Health Week (15th – 21st June).

Amanda Jones, Project Manager for Together For You explains

Our services can help young and old, men and women, but during this week we do want to use the event to encourage men to ask for help and seek support.  It’s ok to NOT be ok! Services like befriending, bereavement support, specially tailored counselling, support for carers, mental health awareness programmes, peer group support and volunteering opportunities are all available through Together For You. We were delighted to welcome Dr Ian Banks to speak at the event today specifically on men’s mental health issues”.

Joanne McDowell, Big Lottery Fund NI Director, said:

“The Big Lottery Fund is delighted to be supporting the Together For You partnership, which is promoting mental health and wellbeing across Northern Ireland. It is encouraging to see that this contract is providing important services in collaboration, and that these are focused on the needs of users.”

Services under Together For You are available to everyone in Northern Ireland.  To find out more contact the Together For You team on 028 9032 9150; email [email protected] or visit for more information.

PIPS and AMH – pitching in at Jenning Park

A football tournament to benefit AMH and PIPS will take place week commencing July 20th in Jennings Park, Newry.

DSC_0001 (2)Eight leading teams from the South Down and South Armagh area will compete in a knock out competition that will see clubs from different leagues play each other. The quality of the teams taking part is excellent with most of the teams being major winners in their individual leagues last season. Camlough Rovers, Windmill Stars, Warrenpoint Town, Newry City, Newry Celtic, Rostrevor Rovers and Cleary Celtic have confirmed that they will play. Action Mental Health & PIPS are looking forward to at tournament that promises entertainment and strong competition. Hopefully the tournament will be well supported by the local community and football supporters.

Sport, either played or watched, can have a positive effect in helping people with poor mental health and also breaking down barriers to mental ill health and suicide and self harm in the community. We hope that this tournament will raise awareness of issues, especially with young men who find it difficult to talk about their condition.

During the course of a year one in four people will experience some type of mental health issue. Anyone may be affected, regardless of age, gender, social class or lifestyle.

For further information please contact:

[email protected]