Health Minister Simon Hamilton, with Summit Chair Barry Turley and AMH’s Chief Executive David Babington
Let’s Resolve Mental Health Services … Together
Over 250 people from all Northern Ireland, with an interest in Mental Health packed the Stormont Hotel Ballroom on 24th February for NI’s first Mental Health Summit, organised by AMH. There were representatives from across the voluntary and statutory sector, as well as political representatives, carers and service users, all hoping to participate in the discussion and make a difference.
The event focuses on the future of our mental health services and provided delegates the opportunity to influence the Departmental Mental Health Strategy in NI.
Special guest speakers included Health Minister Simon Hamilton; Natasha Devon MBE, Mental Health Champion for Schools in England; and local business woman and mindfulness coach, Brenda Shankey. Dr Lorna Montgomery from Queen’s University along with ten AMH clients presented the main findings and recommendations from AMH’s recent research project – Regress? React? Resolve?
Natasha Devon MBE & David Babington
Brenda Shankey; Professor Deirdre Heenan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Ulster University and Professor Siobhan O’Neill, Professor of Mental Health Sciences at Ulster University
There were also a number of panel discussions.
1st Panel Discussion : Dr Lorna Montgomery, Queen’s university; Natasha Devon MBE; Paul Green AMH; Andrew Dawson, Head of Mental Health Policy Unit & Mental Capacity Bill Project, DHSSPS and David Babington AMHThe 2nd panel included Kieran McCarthy MLA, Alliance Party; Mike Nesbitt MLA, UUP; Clare Hanna MLA, SDLP; Alastair Ross MLA, DUP and Maeve McLoughlin MLA, Sinn Fein.
Following lunch the afternoon session was kicked off by a special video message from Alastair Campbell, best known as Tony Blair’s Spokesman & Press secretary.
Attendees then participated in 1 of 5 workshops to voice opinions, raise hard questions and contribute to a working document, which will now be submitted to the DHSSPS and the Health Minister. We aim to prioritise mental health in the next Programme for Government and gain a commitment to resolving mental health service provision during the life of the new Assembly.
L to R Maire Grattan, Cause; Edward Gorringe, MindWise; Irene Knox, Libraries NI, Siobhan Doherty, Aware and Gavin McConvey, AMH
Nearly 200,000 people across Northern Ireland have been reached with positive mental health and wellbeing information through the Health in Mind project.
This statistic was one of the positive messages arising from the Celebration of Health in Mind event, held recently at Ormeau Road Library.
Libraries NI, working along with Action Mental Health, Aware, CAUSE and MindWise, was able to deliver a wide range of events and workshops in public libraries over a six year period. The celebration event marked the end of the project, with partners, key stakeholders and participants coming together to reflect on the achievements.
During the project, many people received valuable knowledge, advice and information, by attending events in libraries and in other community venues.
The Health in Mind Partnership was funded under the Big Lottery Fund’s Live and Learn programme, working together to improve the understanding of mental health in the wider community and to provide opportunities to join in wellbeing activities and events.
Commenting on Health in Mind, Libraries NI Chief Executive Irene Knox said:
“The Health in Mind project has positively impacted and changed the lives of almost 200,000 people across Northern Ireland and was a leading example of effective, collaborative working with the four partner organisations involved.
“Evidence from those who took part showed clearly that people valued the opportunity to avail of Health in Mind services and resources in their own local community, with like-minded people and in the safe and neutral environment of a library. The partner organisations’ expertise and knowledge was supported by Libraries NI’s increased investment in resources, including books, and information relevant to subject matters such as anxiety, wellbeing and depression.”
Siobhan Doherty, Chief Executive of Aware said:
“Aware have been really overwhelmed by the success of this project. Working in partnership with Libraries NI and the other mental health charities has been such a positive experience for us in delivering services in a non-stigmatised way to people in their own communities. People felt empowered to access support through this project and it opened up a whole new way of working for us. Those we supported through this project have been delighted to have programmes delivered to them this way and it has been of such huge benefit to their mental wellbeing.”
Commenting on Health in Mind, Marie Grattan, Chief Executive of CAUSE added:
“Health in Mind has succeeded in raising awareness of mental health, caring for mental health and reducing stigma by offering a vibrant programme through local libraries at the heart of communities. From accessing information on mental wellbeing in dedicated reading collections through to fun social activities, Libraries NI and the partnership of mental health charities has brought a real focus on mental health to a wider audience across all parts of Northern Ireland.”
Gavin McConvey from Action Mental Health said:
“Health in Mind unlocked the potential for libraries in Northern Ireland to be central to local communities not only for learning but for life. Health in Mind paved the way and demonstrated that healthy resilient communities are a result of challenging the barriers to participation and reducing the stigma of mental ill health.
Edward Gorringe, Chief Executive of MindWise added:
“The Health in Mind project was a great opportunity to put mental health right in the centre of local communities across Northern Ireland via local libraries. Working in partnership we have raised awareness and promoted our message of mental health recovery. The project has encouraged people to take care of their mental health and wellbeing and build resilience. The benefits of the Health in Mind project will continue to be felt through the ongoing community involvement of participants.”
As well as helping almost 200,000 people, strong working relationships have developed between the partners over the six years of the Health in Mind project and many other more local partnerships have also been developed which has proved to be successful in improving lives. This provides a sound foundation for any future initiatives in this area.
The appealing and user-friendly Health in Mind website will continue to provide an invaluable, freely available resource for members of the public and anyone interested in positive mental health and wellbeing information. Find out more about the project by having a look at these short films :-
On 24th February 2016, Action Mental Health will be hosting Northern Ireland’s first Mental Health Summit. The event will focus on the future of our mental health services and provide delegates the opportunity to influence the future of Departmental Mental Health Strategy in NI.
Through this process we aim to prioritise Mental Health in the next Programme for Government and gain a commitment to resolving mental health service provision during the life of the new Assembly.
“Let’s resolve Mental Health ……. together”
The Mental Health Summit is Northern Ireland’s most senior-level, private networking debate forum focusing exclusively on improving our Mental Health Services.
This invitation-only, one day summit will bring together representatives from the Department of Health, Department of Justice, Mental Health Professionals, MLAs, Commissioners, Voluntary and Community Sector reps and service users. The summit will focus on key themes resulting from AMH’s Recent research Project – Regress? React? Resolve? – An evaluation of mental health service provision, published in October 2015.
We are now in the ‘Resolve’ phase of our project. Having launched the Queens University report in October, we have briefed departmental officials, and widely publicized our findings.
Now it is time to move on and take the findings of the report, and drive forward into the process of influencing the next Programme for Government.
The summit will enable us to demonstrate what needs to be done, how it can be achieved and the impact of concerted action on resolving the deficiencies in mental health policy in Northern Ireland.
The DHSSPSNI has committed to considering all of our proposals in advance of the forthcoming programme for government.
All attendees will hear a presentation on the detail of the report, hear the Minister for Health, Simon Hamilton’s response and hear from Natasha Devon, MBE, mental health champion for Schools across England. Attendees will be participants in a workshop-style, interactive, well-moderated group discussion. We are looking for participants who will voice opinions, raise hard questions, and contribute to a working document which we will be submitting to the Department of Health and Health Minister.
It’s time to stop the drift in mental health services, to tackle under investment, fragmentation and lack of direction. Come to the Mental Health Summit for Northern Ireland and be part of the drive to Resolve mental health service provision.
Making the big push to resolve Mental Health Service Provision – Chair of the Health Committee Maeve McLaughlin MLA, AMH Chief Executive David Babington and AMH Communications Officer Amy Black.
Craig Connor completed his mini triathlon event; ‘EDYTATHLON’ honoring his late wife, Edyta, raising a staggering £352.42. The mini triathlon which consisted of a 5K treadmill, 5K bike and 5K on the rower, took place in the Manor House Hotel and Killyhevlin Hotel, Fermanagh. Craig also ran a raffle, well done to the winners: 1st Sally Rees & 2nd Nigel Glover. Craig would like to thank everyone who took part & helped him to raise awareness of mental health!!!
Thank you very much Craig!!! We deeply appreciate your donation & support! #TakingActionOnMentalHealth
Read Craig’s story below:
“In memory of my beautiful wife Edyta, I have organised a fundraising event to raise awareness of Mental Health Illness and hopefully reduce the stigma associated with it.
With physical activity being one of the best ways to combat the symptoms of many mental health illnesses, I wanted to arrange an event that would encourage this. The EDYTATHLON consists of three CV exercises (Treadmill, Bike & Rower), with each participant trying to complete a total of 15k (Ideally 5k on each). However, as the primary goal of the EDYTATHLON is to increase physical activity and improve the self-esteem / motivation levels of people who don’t get regular exercise, I want to include as many people as possible. Therefore, this 15k can be completed in a single day or accumulated throughout the week, and may also be completed on one, two or three CV exercises”
AMH’s Boost Programme in Fermanagh launches “On the Rip”, a unique community arts project aimed at young people.
By exploring the medium of art, a group of young people will transform a scrap car by ripping it apart and creating a dramatic, show stopping art installation.
Caroline Ferguson, AMH Service Manager explained:
“Over the next few months this programme, funded by the Public Health Agency, will take a creative approach to tackling the local lad and ladette culture of going “on the rip” which is a growing concern amongst locals in the Fermanagh area.
“On the Rip will address alcohol and recreational drug use, physical fitness, road safety and drink driving, and the resultant legacy of lives being ripped apart.
“Although we are going to be tackling some very serious subjects, we fully intend to have a lot of fun with this programme and I can’t wait to see the final art piece.”
On the Rip will also incorporate the “5 ways to wellbeing model” which encourages young people to stay connected, be active, continue learning, be kind and stop and take notice.
If you would like to be involved in the programme, and are aged 18 – 30, or of you have a car which you would like to donate to the charity give Rosemary Cupples, AMH skills coach, a call on T028 6632 3630, or email [email protected].
Action Mental Health has joined the global campaign #GivingTuesday.
Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back; taking place on Tuesday 1st December 2015. The Tuesday after #BlackFriday & #CyberMonday we are asking individuals, families, businesses, community centers, and students to give something back.
You can simply make an online secure donation by clicking here or if you’re doing something sponsored you can create your own fundraising page through JustGiving.
Here are some fundraising ideas to get you started:
Have a dress down in work or a Christmas Jumper day
Organise a quiz night
Wear fancy dress on the commute to work
Ask you friends or family to guess how many jelly beans in a jar
Start some healthy competition with a football match: HR vs PR
Hold a coffee morning
Organise a sponsored walk
Nominate your teacher or boss to get their legs waxed
Organise a spelling bee
We know funds can be tight at this time of year so why not simply raise awareness of mental health through social media.
Your generosity will help Action Mental Health to support the resilience and recovery of 1 in 4 people in Northern Ireland who are affected by mental ill health. We deeply appreciate your support!!
Don’t forget to let our Events & Fundraising Officer, Callum know what you are up [email protected] 02891828494 and if you’re doing any social media tag us @amhNI and use the hashtag #GivingTuesday
The healthcare division of Wilson Group has presented Action Mental Health with a cheque for an incredible £11,634.04.
Employees from the nursing homes located in Belfast, Bangor, Whitehead and Larne collectively raised the substantial sum of money from a catalogue of fun-filled fundraisers including a corporate clay shooting day with local celebrity Pamela Ballantine.
The proceeds will go towards teaching members of the community in Northern Ireland about the importance of mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Celebrating the success of the charity partnership, Chief Executive of Wilson Group, Desmond Wilson said:
“It is a great pleasure to present this cheque to AMH who do an amazing job supporting individuals living with mental ill-health by giving them the tools needed to get back onto the career ladder and realise their ambitions.
“In our profession, mental ill-health is something we come across every day, which is why we are extremely passionate about promoting positive wellbeing and breaking down the barriers of social stigmatisation that people with a condition can unfortunately experience.
“For this reason, we are delighted to have played a part in not only helping to raise funds for Action Mental Health, but also bring awareness to the mental health issues that thousands of people across Northern Ireland face and open it up for discussion.”
Research has shown that one in five adults in Northern Ireland will show signs of mental ill-health at some stage in their lives and is 25% more prevalent here than in England.
Chief Executive of Action Mental Health, David Babington said:
“We cannot thank Wilson Group enough for being such a fantastic support in the last year and for being so creative in all their fundraising efforts.
“There has been a tremendous amount of camaraderie amongst Wilson Group staff and we have had so much fun working closely alongside them in what has been a hugely successful charity partnership.
“Everyone who took part in this year’s fundraising events deserves credit for their achievements and it has been a privilege to share the adventure with them.
“The money raised will enable us to continue our hard work in providing life-changing services from 12 locations in Northern Ireland and teach members of our society about the importance of mental health.”
Former AMH Client, Aidan was invited back to AMH New Horizons in Foyle to share his experiences and journey of engaging with the service. Aidan talked openly to clients about how he came to need the service, his first day, his feelings, the thoughts that were running through his mind, the settling in process, building trust and undertaking accredited training. Aidan gave an insight to his previous career as a painter and decorator and then went on to explain how by attending Foyle and developing new skills, undertaking personal development courses and engaging with the employment officer he slowly began to turn his life around again.
He explained how Valerie the employment officer discussed several potential options before he finally settled on the self employment route. Aidan explained that the crafts area and skills he developed within Foyle got him hooked on the possibility of creating his own niche products.
In Aidan’s words the rest is history –
“I set up Mindcrafts, named in direct reference to the importance of keeping the mind occupied and acknowledging my time in New Horizons”.
Aidan not only produces pieces of saleable art and crafts but has also become a tutor with “Time 2 Choose”, a project that aims to address risk in the lives of young people, their families and the wider community through support, education, mediation, prevention and early intervention .
Aidan’s message is,
“believe in yourself, the staff here are here to help, take it, take it all. It was tough leaving here but I’m glad I did. Don’t get me wrong, recovery won’t just happen overnight, I, along with all the help, support and guidance, had to work hard to recover but believe me it’s not impossible”.