All posts by actionmentalhealth

Colours of Home exhibition showcases Ards area

A new exhibition based in North Down Museum features prints and photographs showcasing local landscapes. The art works were produced by Action Mental Health’s North Down and Ards New Horizons programme, which provides training, support and information to enable people to access further education, volunteering and employment opportunities.

The prints and photographs depict the local area and the memories the participants have of different locations. The work was inspired by printmaking sessions with local artist Eimear McCann’s Colour and Print programme, which explored personal associations with colour.

Pauline Matthew, Skills Coach, Action Mental Health said, “This exhibition showcases the great work and skills of our clients. The positive experience of engaging in arts activities enriches their lives and in sharing their work, they hope to inspire others to think or act more creatively.”

This project is part-funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.

The exhibition continues until Sunday 5 March.

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

The campaign runs across the UK from 27 February – 5 March.

AMH Adapt provides support and understanding to anyone affected by an eating disorder, including their family and friends.  AMH Adapt works in partnership with the Southern Health & Social Care Trust to raise greater awareness and understanding of eating disorders and encourage anyone affected by this mental health condition to come forward for support.

AMH Adapt’s services include;

  • Email/telephone support
  • One to one information sessions
  • Support programmes for people affected by an eating disorder
  • Support programmes for family members, partners or friends
  • Awareness workshops (schools, colleges & community groups)
  • Eating disorder training sessions

What our service users have said …

“Adapt gave my husband and I encouragement and strength to continue to support both our daughters at this very difficult time. We left our information session with hope for both girls and the knowledge that we are not alone. We were able to discuss freely different situations and how best to deal with them.”

“I was advised to seek help from Adapt.  This was the best thing that I have done as it is now leading me onto a road of recovery.  Vanessa at Adapt is very warm and welcoming and full of so much information on how to start feeling better and looking at ways on how to cope with the disorder.  I would highly recommend that if you are suffering, you seek help from Adapt and don’t deal with this alone.  I also attended a poetry evening at Adapt which was very good and a helpful tool.”

“I didn’t know there was support for eating disorders in my area until I called Adapt. Vanessa was able to tell me about the Eating Disorder team and how to access their support. Knowing she was there for guidance and assurance was a great help to me at a very difficult time.”

Read more about AMH Adapt.

For more information or to get support please contact AMH Adapt on 07790885438 or email [email protected].

You can also get more information and updates at

Embracing the spirit of EVOLVE

Action Mental Health’s EVOLVE programme, delivered in partnership with Youth Action, brings together young people aged 18 to 25 to help enhance and develop their confidence, self-esteem and social interaction, through fun activities and accredited training.

EVOLVE’s 2016 programme for young people concluded with a celebration event in AMH New Horizons Antrim. The young people were presented with a photo collage of the activities that they took part in over the last 15 months, a memento of their time on the programme.

John Davis, Service Manager said, “The EVOLVE group of 2016 have stood up to the challenges that were set for them. Each of them have grown in confidence, gained an understanding of their own value and set personal goals to work towards. They have embraced the spirit of the EVOLVE programme.”

Action Mental Health sees a ‘New Horizon’ thanks to Asda!

Action Mental Health New Horizons Antrim has received a £500 boost thanks to the Asda Foundation’s Chosen by You – Given by Us scheme.

AMH New Horizons, which helps people in Antrim overcome the effects of mental ill-health through a series of health and well-being programmes – as well as providing vocational and employability training – will use the money to purchase musical instruments for its new group music sessions.

Chosen by You – Given by Us allows shoppers to vote instore for a local organisation to receive a donation”, explained Asda Antrim Community Champion, Barbara Logan. “Our customers love getting involved with the voting as it gives them an opportunity to make a real difference to an organisation, which directly benefits the local community they live in. The work AMH New Horizons does is incredibly important and it’s a real pleasure to be able to give them this donation from the Asda Foundation.”

John Davis, Service Manager, Action Mental Health said, “We are very proud of the work we do in breaking down the stigma associated with mental ill health and remain committed to ensuring that our service users are provided with the best possible support. The donation from the Asda Foundation will enable us to continue this work – in particular our new recreational group music sessions. A big thank you to Asda and Barbara for supporting us and championing the work we do!”


Wilson Nesbitt supports Action Mental Health

Wilson Nesbitt Solicitors in Bangor have raised £1,500 for Action Mental Health.

The money was raised via a charity competition run with conveyancing clients. Explaining why he chose AMH to receive this donation Gary Adair, Wilson Nesbitt said, “Through my work in mental health law I regularly get to see first-hand the great work carried out by Action Mental Health. I am delighted to be able to make this donation to help Action Mental Health continue their work to improve the quality of life and the employability of people with mental health needs or a learning disability in Northern Ireland.”

Accepting the cheque for £1,500, Callum Clark, Fundraising & Events Officer, AMH said, “We are very appreciative of this donation from Wilson Nesbitt, the money raised will go towards improving the lives of people with mental ill-health across Northern Ireland.”

New Horizons by C Doherty

So the time has come

A sense of achievement

The progress I’ve made

How far I have come

A new beginning

A new chapter to my story


Too comes fear

The unknown

Building new relationships

Wavering thoughts of self-doubt

I am ready….

But….am I ready?


Heart in my mouth

The elevator climbs

Deep breaths in and out, and in and out

As my emotional state declines

A glance in the mirror before the doors open

Be strong

Be you

Be all you can be


Friendly staff, welcome and soothe

Build you up….

Make you believe you can achieve

Help you to reach new goals

To strive

To succeed

This is exactly what I need


Friendly smiles being given and received

Members so different

Yet, all the same in one important way

The want to better themselves

The want to work hard

To work toward a better life

A life both healthy in body and mind


A jam-packed full timetable

The variety

So much on offer

Yes, maybe I’m too unwell

To unwell to tie down a job

Today….and maybe even tomorrow

However, how impressive will it be

When that day comes

The day I can show my experience

My knowledge

My newly achieved qualifications

The day when I can recognise my worth….my purpose in this life that has thrown me so many obstacles


For now

I will use my time

Continue to work with this service

This organization that can set souls free

A place where I am who I am

A place where I am me

Without unrealistic expectations people expect of me

And me, I can be



Even down to the, more hard for me, but simpler of tasks for some

Challenging anxieties, social phobias and things

The ability to step onto a bus

To sit beside people you do not know

To hold a conversation, as the bus slowly makes its way, stop by stop

Until it reaches its destination

Until I successfully reach New Horizons

My destination

Along with the inside, I did it! Celebration


Classes were one can excel

Use their gifts

Their talents

Sharing different aspects of their crafts

For me, the love of creative writing

Something that can instantly transport me into different worlds



Anything my imagination can see


The sporting activities

Filled with fun

Laughter of the competitiveness between members, but mostly staff

Smashing winning shots in badminton

Fancy footwork in boxing

To the stinging of your hands as you save penalty shoot-outs or score the winning goals in a newly experienced activity

Running free

The refreshing cold on your cheeks, fresh air in your lungs

Healthy body, healthy mind

Healthy mind, healthy body


All of these open possibilities and opportunities

In a place where you can broaden Your Horizons!


By C Doherty



New Action Mental Health Promote service launched in Bangor

L-R back row – Colm McKenna, Chairman SEHSCT; Karen Hillis, Service Manager AMH Promote; David Babington, Chief Executive AMH; Bria Mongan, Director of Adult Services & Prisons, SEHSCT; Peter Fitzsimmons, Chairman AMH.
L-R front row – Adam Maul, AMH Promote client; Ellen Savage, parent of AMH Promote client; Kim Atcheson, AMH Promote client.

Action Mental Health (AMH) has re-launched its Promote service in Bangor, following a change in focus for the organisation.

AMH Promote, which is funded by the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT), will focus on providing opportunities for adults with a learning disability to be socially active and develop new skills in a supportive and engaging environment. Following the review of service provision and the introduction of new service providers in the area, AMH Promote has been commissioned to deliver a day opportunities service, which will focus on the personal development of clients.

During the launch event AMH Promote celebrated the achievements of their clients with a certificate presentation ceremony. Colm McKenna, Chairman, SEHSCT presented 40 clients with a range of ASDAN and OCN NI certificates covering topics such as Self Advocacy, Meal Preparation, Independent Living skills, Sports Studies, Personal & Social Development (PSD), computer skills, digital photography, baking skills, horticulture, communication skills, and crafts.

Karen Hillis, Service Manager, AMH Promote said,

“Our vision is to provide a service where we can offer a range of client focused training and social activities to develop individual’s skills and self-confidence as well as encourage engagement with our local community.”

Congratulating everyone who received a certificate at the event, Karen said

“We are delighted to have supported so many of our clients to successfully complete such a broad range of qualifications and to see the pride they take in their well-earned achievements.”

Ellen Savage, whose daughter attends AMH Promote said,

“Since starting at AMH Promote, my daughter has grown into a confident and sociable young lady having made many new friends and has gained more independence that I ever thought would be possible. Staff are always there to offer support and reassurance to both myself and my daughter which is invaluable – I would highly recommend AMH Promote to everyone.”

For more information on AMH Promote call 028 9127 5953.

L-R back row – Colm McKenna, Chairman SEHSCT; David Babington, Chief Executive AMH; Bria Mongan, Director of Adult Services & Prisons, SEHSCT; Karen Hillis, Service Manager AMH Promote; Peter Fitzsimmons, Chairman AMH. L-R front row – AMH Promote clients Catherine Wren, Antonia Bolton and Jonathan Sloan.
L-R back row – Colm McKenna, Chairman SEHSCT; Karen Hillis, Service Manager AMH Promote; Peter Fitzsimmons, Chairman AMH.
L-R front row – AMH clients Maureen Kisby, Kim Atcheson, Jonathan Edge.

Donaghmore Construction Ltd raises over £2,000

In 2016 Donaghmore Construction established a fundraising committee which raised funds throughout the year for two charities, one of which was Action Mental Health. Various charitable events were organised including a car wash on site at Banbridge, Giant’s Causeway Coast Sportive, an abseil down the Europa Hotel and a Christmas jumper day.  Supply chain partners also gave generously in lieu of Christmas gifts.

Claire Douglas, Donaghmore Construction said, “We would like to thank all who contributed throughout the year and are hopeful that the money raised will help both worthwhile causes to continue their good work throughout Northern Ireland.”

Accepting the cheque for £2,112.50, Callum Clark, Fundraising & Events Officer, AMH said, “We are incredibly grateful to Donaghmore Construction for their kind donation and for choosing Action Mental Health as one of their designated charities last year. We appreciate the time and effort it takes to organise fundraising events and are thrilled to receive over £2,000. This money will go towards improving the lives of people living with mental ill-health across Northern Ireland.”