All posts by actionmentalhealth

Take the challenge

I have attended AMH New Horizons Foyle for nearly two years now.

I was so nervous when I started because I didn’t know anyone but after a few weeks that soon changed, I was introduced to everyone and soon realised that we were all in the one boat with our mental health which made me feel more comfortable.  Since I have been here I have gained qualifications in Stress Management, Money Management, Photography, Woodwork, Cycling and Confidence Building.  Achieving these has made me feel really good about myself, helped to build my confidence and self-esteem, but more importantly I feel I can now tackle most jobs around the house which in the long run saves me some money!

What I especially love about AMH New Horizons Foyle is the Theme days with special lunches and also the events and fun days which happen within and outside the Service, the next one being a day trip to the Balmoral Show which I am really looking forward to.

As my confidence grew I spoke with the Employment Officer, Valerie to discuss options regarding doing some voluntary work, she made me feel at ease and I felt comfortable to discuss areas of voluntary work available as she assured me of her full support in moving into volunteering.

Since then I have started a placement at Altnagelvin Hospital as a Meet & Greet person where I assist patients to complete computer check in for the Out Patients Clinics,  I enjoy this very much as I get to see different faces and it’s a good feeling knowing that I am helping others.  This is something that I never thought I could achieve and I feel that this will be an advantage in the near future if I’m looking for a job!

I am also a member of the Client Local Advisory Group (CLAG). This enables us as a group to take the Clients’ ideas forward to improve the Service whilst also insuring that Clients are aware that we are available for support and guidance when required.

I have a wee niece with Autism who is very close to my heart, I would love to learn more about ways of helping her.   I had always thought that I would like to be involved with helping and supporting young people with disabilities so with the help of the Employment Officer, Valerie, I now have an interview for another possible placement at Little Orchid’s Nursery which is for children with learning disabilities.

I have to say I could never have achieved any of this had I not come to Foyle AMH New Horizons Foyle.  The support and guidance I have received from all the staff and clients at New Horizons is second to none and brought me a long way forward from where I was at.  My time on the programme will soon come to an end, at which I feel very saddened as I have met so many good people and found great friends. I highly recommend the Service to everyone who needs the help, and take the challenge of moving forward with your life.

Elaine Mooney

AMH in safe hands with Danske Bank Premiership

Cliftonville Women’s goalkeeper, Nikita O’Neill and Glentoran goalkeeper, Elliott Morris joined Callum Clark, Action Mental Health and Nicola McCleery, Danske Bank to launch a new charity initiative at the National Stadium at Windsor Park.

Our charity partner Danske Bank will donate £10 for every clean sheet in the Danske Bank Premiership and Women’s Premiership in 2017.

The announcement coincided with the Danske Bank Women’s Premiership season launch last week and should see teams in both the Danske Bank Premiership and Women’s Premiership determined to record as many clean sheets as possible in 2017.

Artistic talent on display

Louise with her dad at the exhibition

Action Mental Health New Horizons client Louise O’Donnell is showcasing her talent this month at the Leaves Across a Landscape art exhibition in Clotworthy House, Antrim Castle Gardens.

This is a creative collaboration between Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and the Northern Health and Social Care Trust.

Louise is a very talented artist and has two paintings on display at the exhibition in the Oriel Gallery. The exhibition runs until Saturday 29 April and is open to the public.

Very well done to Louise on this fantastic achievement!

Rowing and racing for AMH!

It has been a busy period recently with a number of fundraising events being held and raising vital funds for Action Mental Health.

On Saturday 11 March a dragon boat race was organised with our charity partner Danske Bank and held at Bryson LaganSports. 120 participants competed, in eight teams of 15, with the Corporate Banking team being named the winner.



On Sunday 12 March Jimmy’s 10K was held in Downpatrick. Organised by East Down Athletic Club in memory of one of their founding members Jimmy Murray, the event hosted record numbers. Action Mental Health was selected as the beneficiary charity.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped in organising the events, who competed, volunteered and donated money. Amounts raised coming soon!






Fane Valley Announce Action Mental Health As Group Charity of The Year

Fane Valley Group has named Action Mental Health as their new designated charity partner. Northern Ireland’s largest farming co-operative have a long established pedigree of charitable involvement across their range of agri businesses, including award winning producers Linden Foods and White’s Oats.

Amanda McCrea and Oonagh Chesney, Fane Valley with Callum Clark, AMH

With over 2000 employees across the group and operating multiple sites province-wide Fane Valley is recognised as a market leader within the agri sector and now plan to engage with their largely farming customers base to support the charity while educating and highlighting the sensitivities surrounding mental health.

Trevor Lockhart – Fane Valley Chief Executive commented, “We are excited to announce Action Mental Health as our charity partner.  This will be the first wider group charity effort for Fane Valley and we are delighted to be able to assist with the delivery of the AMH MensSana programme ‘Provoking Thought’, an exciting mental health awareness project designed to communicate about emotional wellbeing.

“We feel that the time is right for Fane Valley and our group of companies to support and highlight mental illness in all its forms, both within the co-op and especially to our customers and their families.  Mental illness comes in all shapes and sizes and we feel that we can practically assist in preventative signposting and educational advice to both staff and their family and our farmer audience at school, work and on the farm.  We look forward to interacting with the Action Mental Health team over the coming months through a series of fundraising initiatives and tailored group discussions.”

David Babington, Chief Executive, Action Mental Health remarked, “We’re delighted to have been chosen by Fane Valley as their charity partner and are enthusiastic to deliver a programme of exciting fundraising events for both group staff and the wider farmer network.  Fane Valley’s support will mean that Action Mental Health can equip 11-25 year old students throughout Northern Ireland with the knowledge and skills needed to nurture their mental wellbeing by investing in their emotional education through our ‘Provoking Thought’ programme and series of workshops delivered under our MensSana project.”

Mr Babington continued, “We know that one in four people will experience mental ill-health at some point in their life with countless more being affected through friends, family and work colleagues, so this partnership will prove vital in raising funds and awareness both inside and outside of the workplace. We are hugely grateful to Fane Valley for this opportunity and look forward to working closely with them in the future.”

To kick-off the new partnership, Fane Valley have helped raise £1,225 from visitor donations across a variety of trade shows during the summer, including Balmoral, Armagh & Clogher Valley Shows.

Congratulations to AMH Chief Executive David Babington

David was presented with the Leading Forward on Health & Social Care Reform award at CO3’s recent Leadership Awards.

Sponsored by the Department of Health, this award is in recognition of David’s tireless work to ensure mental health remains a key priority in Health and Social Care reform. It acknowledges the personal and professional commitment and leadership he has provided both for AMH and for the Mental Health sector in NI and for the achievements he has made in driving forward change.

Many congratulations David!

Feeling at home on the Range

Christopher Moore is feeling right at home in the Range, having returned to work through the Work Connect programme, which gave him 1:1 support from an employment officer, offering a personalised approach to sourcing  suitable employment opportunities.

Ashley Rodgers (Deputy Manager), Christopher Moore (Replenishment Supervisor) and Barry Simpson (Sales Manager)

“Work Connect has been very useful in helping me remain focused on making a return to work and supporting me in the workplace, as from time to time I still find things hard sometimes. Work Connect does work and is working for me, so thanks to Robert, my Employment Officer, for helping me back into work and more.

I have been working in the Range for the past four months now, in the position of Supervisor for the Replenishment team, where we break down deliveries for all departments throughout the store. The support and encouragement I have received from my managers has been fantastic. My managers and other staff are very friendly, making the Range a great place to work. I am currently training to operate the forklift and hope to continue to develop my skills and experience during my time here.”