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AMH everyBODY helps clients cope when they need it most
AMH everyBODY’s Client Coping Plan aims to help people on the journey through their eating disorder, offering practical tips and ultimately hope, to ensure people know they can and will get better.
My coping strategies
Limit exposure to triggering news or social media – If you have to check in on the news, once in the morning and once at night is more than enough.
Implement a flexible routine, structure can help to reduce anxiety.
Ensure you have emergency contacts written out somewhere you can easily access them – ED team, Lifeline, Out of hours GP – Southern Trust wallet card have lots of key contacts.
Set a daily intention – One thing daily you would like to focus on – It could be an activity, organising, learning, connecting, etc
Connect – Check in daily with family and loved ones. Just because social distancing is in place doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to connect – Text, WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, phone call, write a letter. Know I can also connect with professional support, Helplines and telephone support.
Give – Myself kindness, comfort and compassion – pick one thing daily to use off your comfort list. Use affirmations of kindness.
Take Notice – Practice grounding tools to bring you out of your head and into the present. Tapping, Deep Breathing, 5,4,3,2,1, muscle relaxation. Stop.Think.Breathe App, Headspace or Calm app.
Learn – Read, Listen to podcasts, online virtual courses or training, perhaps use the time to explore a new interest without any expectations.
Be Active – Allow time for movement in a way that focuses on the body feeling good, not for punishment. A walk outside where you can safely distance, online yoga classes.
Coping Statements to deal with heightened Anxiety
This is an opportunity to get to know, and accept your body at rest.
It’s okay if eating and moving is different right now, because life and routine is different right now. What’s the same? You still need to eat regular meals and snacks, movement is meant to feel good, you’re allowed rest and food does not have moral value.
Now is a good time to practice self-compassion as it is normal to have heightened emotions.
You need adequate food throughout the day even if you do not leave the house.
Eating and exercise do not require compensation, they are two separate things that we do for our body, not against our bodies.
Resting is healthy, an act of self-care, healing and relaxing is needed for all of us. You can choose to rest without explanation.
We may be in a time of uncertainty, but the one thing we have in common is that we are all in the same boat together.
Like any situation in life, whilst it may feel difficult now it will pass. We will heal and we will come through this.
I have survived all of my toughest days so far, I can get through this too.
We always have choice no matter what the situation is, sometimes new choices lead us to new opportunities and strengths we didn’t know we had.
Eating is an essential need to keep me alive and well, it will help support my immune system and give me the energy to recover if I was to be unwell.
Undereating increases anxiety and lowers your ability to think clearly.
I have permission to rest. Health is multifaceted, the ability to slow down and rest is not lazy, it gives us time to heal and grow and recover.
Nourishment and rest will keep my immune system strong.
All my feelings are valid right now, my feelings matter. “I accept that I am feeling anxious right now and that is ok”
Health is not just what you’re eating and how you move your body. It’s also about what you’re thinking and saying.
I still need to eat even if I’m not leaving the house, my body is still working hard for me when I’m sitting still. My heart is still beating, my brain and body need still need glucose and energy.
Some strengths are only realised in times of uncertainty.
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