My Journey with AMH New Horizons, Derriaghy

Action Mental Health has been a lifeline for me as I was a recluse and never socialised with the outside world.  My mental health was deteriorating rapidly until I started coming to AMH New Horizons in Derriaghy.  It is a fantastic service which helps improve your mental health and helps you to achieve goals in bettering yourself and preparing to get back into the world of work.

The staff at AMH New Horizons are always there if you need to chat or need any information and they are a great support to all their clients.  AMH has helped me make new friends and create a closer “family” circle who are understanding and know what each other are going through.

I cannot praise and thank Action Mental Health enough for everything they have done for me and my recovery.

Many thanks to KB for sharing her story.  KB is taking part in the “Working It Out” project which is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the five NI Health & Social Care Trusts. To find out more please click here.



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