What we offer:
Who can access the programme:
Any service user that wishes to work and has an employment specialist in their community team.
Ask you Keyworker or Consultant today for a referral.
Information Leaflet for Clinicians
Information Leaflet for Employers
Information Leaflet for Service Users
Poster for advertising to Service Users
Find out more about IPS by reading our latest evaluation report
IPS Evaluation Report May 2017
This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy and the Belfast HSC Trust.
Would you like support to get a job?
IPS Employment Specialists
AMH New Horizons
Level 2 Fisherwick Building
9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast BT1 6FB
T 028 9027 8283
Individual Placement & Support
Service Users with an employment specialist in their community team
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust Area (BHSCT)
To Make A Positive Difference in People's Mental Health