Healthy Me

“Healthy Me” is a vibrant and engaging mental health promotion programme aimed at children which explores emotional/mental health, healthy lifestyle choices and pathways to effective support through imaginative and interactive play and song.

Healthy Me positively promotes mental health and social and emotional well-being in children and has a strong focus on prevention and self-help.

Healthy Me aims to:

  • Promote social and emotional well-being through problem-solving, coping skills, conflict management and managing feelings,
  • Improve the emotional and social well-being and resilience of children.
  • Encourage help-seeking behaviour in children and help them identify sources of support
  • Improve children’s emotional literacy,
  • Challenge stigma and discrimination in relation to mental health and social and emotional difficulties
  • Promote the equality of mental health with physical health
  • Encourage joined up, multi-agency working in relation to the support of children with mental health needs,
  • Improve knowledge of sources of advice and support for children regarding mental health.
  • Enable early identification of children experiencing mental distress.
  • Support the transition from primary to secondary school.
  • To encourage adults to think about their own mental health needs.

Healthy Me is refreshing and fun.

Target age group 8-11 year olds
Training necessary? To be delivered by AMH MensSana
Session time 3hrs, minimum
Teaching notes available? Yes
Information on sources of support? Yes
Interactive? Yes
Supplementary materials available? Yes


Download AMH Healthy Me leaflet

Healthy Me – Copyright © 2016 Action Mental Health.  All rights reserved.

Using the Take 5 Ways to wellbeing you can put simple measures in place to take steps to improve and maintain positive wellbeing.  You can download the activity sheet or if you haven’t got a printer you can easily make your own.

How do we CONNECT and TAKE NOTICE of ourselves, others and the world around us?

  • How are you feeling today, just ok – Well that is good enough
  • Not so good – that’s ok too, but what can you do to help your mood and take control of how you are feeling. Sometimes it is the simple things that are the most effective
  • Connect and take notice of those around you.  Check in with them and offer a friendly ear or hug.  Let them know they are not alone
  • Look up and look out at the world around you.  Get up, get out and get into it. Pause and take in the beauty, sounds and smells of where you live

There are lots of ways to BE ACTIVE:

  • Physical – get up and get moving, doing exercises, walking, running, playing with children or the dog, doing housework etc
  • Mental – exercise the muscle in your head, reading, puzzles, quizzes
  • Emotional – have a laugh, it’s nature’s way to release those feel good endorphins in your body.  Have a cry, sometimes we just need to let it all out, it can be very therapeutic and healing.  Dance and sing around the kitchen
  • Social – reach out and connect with your family, friends, colleagues and community
  • Spiritual – for some this is faith based, for others it is meditation, art, music, nature. Find out what moves your spirit


  • Learn a new skill or try something new
  • Learn to love something you used to do all over again
  • Learn something about the people you share your life with
  • Learn what challenges or stresses you and put steps in place to manage them in a helpful and positive way
  • What have you learned about yourself? Learn some useful self-care strategies


  • Give back to your local community by volunteering or taking part in community activities.  By helping others we feel good about ourselves
  • Give yourself a break, give yourself a well done, give yourself a treat, give yourself some time out. How about give yourself some kindness especially now

Take 5 Ways take home diary for adults & young people

Take 5 Ways Leaflet

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