2. You will discover new places There are plenty of beautiful cycling routes to try across the country or explore your local area. You may even discover somewhere new you did not even realise was there.
3. Cycling helps to reduce stress and improves your mental health The exercise-induced endorphins released will leave you feeling better than ever, cycling is a great form of exercise as it can reduce pressure on your knees and back and you have the option of doing the event at your own pace.
4. It’s a perfect opportunity to get your friends together Make a day of it at the weekend, head somewhere new, and take breaks along the way to make it an enjoyable experience.
5. It will improve your sleep Adding more activity to your daily routine can help improve the quality of your sleep, meaning you feel more rested in the morning.
6. The Granite Challenge supports Action Mental Health’s services The money you raise from taking part in the challenge will support our mental health services across Northern Ireland, and the plans we have for the future.
7. Saves the planet
You can do your bit for climate change by choosing to ditch the car or train for your bike instead and avoid carbon emissions.