“I now have a much better understanding of mental health and mental illness and now have resources for support” Queen’s University
“Excellent course with excellent information provided. It will give me more of an understanding of mental health” Translink
“A great course which will help with my understanding of how to deal with different staff and spot the signs of mental health problems” National Museums Northern Ireland
“Trainer was excellent and this course will help me keep my mind open to alternatives and other people’s mental wellbeing” George Best Belfast City Airport
“Great! Delivered a course that might have been a little bit awkward really well” Ulster Wildlife Trust
“The programme was excellent and the trainer was very passionate about the subject” Schrader Electronics
“Good content and examples and the trainer was very good and held your attention” Labour Relations Agency
“Very good. Has given me a better understanding how to deal with stress and I can use this both at home and at work” Now Project
“Course will help me to manage myself in work and also support the staff in my team” Voypic
“Working with teenagers this course will help me aware of their problems and the course was very clearly explained and very interesting” Ballymena Inter Ethnic Forum
“Lots of information on symptoms, easy to understand information and was very clearly explained” Antrim Borough Council
“Great information on signs and symptoms which made it easier to understand and give me great ways to cope and deal with mental health problems” Northern Health and Social Care Trust
“Course gave me a good insight into dealing with and watching for signs of mental illness and stress” Schrader Electronics
“The course has reinforced my instincts that good management can help to support the well being of employees in every aspect” Schrader Electronics
“Very good programme which I think would be beneficial for everyone” Princes Trust
“Excellent training! Very useful and will have a big impact on looking at situations in my work place” Antrim Borough Council
“Well prepared, great interaction with trainer. Trainer very respectful to participants” University of Ulster