Charity is good for you – and your community

The saying goes, ‘charity begins at home’ but when that sentiment is extended out into the wider community we all benefit.

Today, we wind up Mental Health Awareness Week – in a week which has seen considerable charity towards Action Mental Health. Individuals, families and businesses have found it in their hearts to give, even during the lockdown, through fundraising events and participating in the Great Big Purple Picnic. This was also the week that we were delighted to formally announce a new corporate partnership, with Mash Direct, based in Comber, Co Down, for which we are extremely grateful.

Giving is one of The Five Ways to Well-Being – five tried and tested steps devised to promote better mental health. According to the Public Health Agency, giving to others stimulates the reward areas in the brain, creating positive feelings. Read for yourself how it can benefit you here:

Giving, in all its forms, not only benefits those you help, but also instils feelings of improved well-being. Studies have shown that giving is beneficial for combating stress, depression and anxiety and also serves to keep you mentally stimulated, improve your self-confidence and provide you with a sense of purpose.

Being charitable will help teach your children about the impact of giving back to the community. Children watch everything you do, so, by following your example, it will give them first-hand experience of the benefits of being charitable.

For charities like Action Mental Health, the act of giving can be done through the likes of donations, fundraising and volunteering. No matter what your situation, there are myriad ways you can volunteer your time and efforts towards volunteering.

By volunteering with Action Mental Health you’ll be helping to raise money and awareness to help change the lives of those living with mental ill-health and promoting resilience and well-being to future generations. 

For more information on volunteering with Action Mental Health email [email protected]

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