Holding onto Hope in a Changing World

 ‘Holding On To Hope in a Changing World’ is a five week social media campaign launching on 6 September which links World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September to World

Secret hearts and sleeping well: sound strategies for back-to-school stress

Most children have been back at school by now and are getting used to the routine of the school day. But for those who have found it difficult, Action Mental

Join AMH’s Mission for Mental Health and Go Purple for Parity

For too long, the mental health of Northern Ireland has been underfunded and undervalued. As a neglected ‘Cinderella service’, it has been in the shadows and overlooked for too long.

Finding me again …..

Not only have I found myself again, I have become the person I want to be. I was referred to AMH New Horizons Downpatrick in January 2020 after speaking to

AMH BOOST clients enjoy the great outdoors this summer!

AMH BOOST clients focussed on their well-being over the summer months by embracing the great outdoors in Fermanagh; activities ranged from – Hydro Bikes on Lough Erne, Archery at Corralea

Help your child sail back to school with the 7 Cs – from calmness to coping skills

There is a saying that tells us ‘we can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails’. And as our children and young people return to school, college and

I feel really lucky to have so much support!

I have found Volunteering has helped so much with my mental health. I absolutely love the shop that I am working in and my manager is brilliant. I love to

No qualifications to many!

“Hi my name is  Kathryn I’ve been attending AMH New Horizons in Fermanagh for 1 year and 7 months When I started AMH I was very anxious suffering from PTSD,